While the ports of Auckland dispute has been dominating the industrial landscape, Talleys has been attempting to starve out a thousand of its AFFCO meatworkers in a lockout that has reached its fifth week.

As with PoAL (and so many other negotiations these days) the dispute isn’t about workers wanting more pay but about a major employer trying to increase its profits at the expense of its workforce. AFFCO wants “flexibility” – they’re seeking to remove security of hours and conditions from workers. While their headline offer has been 2.3% for 2012 plus 2% for 2013 the clawbacks they are asking would see workers worse off economically and losing control of their working lives.

As with PoAL’s attempts to make its workers contractors, this dispute is about an employer transferring the risk of doing business to employees while ensure the reward stays with the company.

You can help by ringing 0900 LOCKOUT and donating five dollars to the Meatworker’s lockout fund.

Update: As requested the details for an online donation are: Kiwibank: account name: NZCTU DISPUTES FUND account number: 38 9007 0894028 08

I assume “AFFCO” can be used as the reference

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