17 year old kiwi sits atop the world

Written By: - Date published: 4:17 pm, February 7th, 2015 - 15 comments
Categories: art, culture, education - Tags:

The only person to receive 100% in the world for her work was a young kiwi with only two years background. Read more here.




15 comments on “17 year old kiwi sits atop the world ”

  1. adam 1

    Wow – Good on her.

    I cut and pasted the link there Tracey – is it suppose to pop?

    • tracey 1.1


      I did it from my mobile and I couldnt get it to pop. Hopefully it works now.

      I am sure the youngster will be followed as intensely as Lydia Ko and Lorde 😉

  2. McFlock 2


    Even from the photo you can tell that the portraits really have a feeling of action and personality. One to watch.

  3. freedom 3

    More detailed images are available here

    There are some very strong technical aspects to her paintings, especially considering her youth. It will be interesting to see what she produces in a few years as her knowledge of Art, of herself and of the world around her develops.

  4. kiwigunner 4

    I blame those unionised teachers and state run schools!

  5. Neil 5

    No doubt if she speaks out against this National Govt., she will get lambasted for it, just like Eleanor Catton did.

  6. music4menz 6

    Great to see this magnificent achievement. Interesting to note that this fantastic result was gained in the Cambridge examinations, an overseas exam system that the PPTA has poured scorn on for many years and which is not offered in very many of our state schools. It shows just how much success can be attained by students who are offered choice in their schooling and not restricted by what PPTA consider to be best for our NZ students.

    NZ education offers one of the most diverse range of educational choices in the world and what a great thing this young woman has shown such diversity to be!

    • tracey 6.1

      here ends a party political announcement on behalf of the NACT Party

    • Molly 6.2

      Let’s talk about Cambridge.

      An examination system that stays fairly static – year after year. I know this because home educators, who do not have affordable access to NCEA until their children are 16, often utilise this system as private candidates, for this reason and also because of cost.

      Curriculum is of the old school memory based learning, and exams in the Northern hemisphere are held in mid year, and often predicate end-of-year exams in the South. These June/July exams provide a great resource for teachers and students to work towards in exam preparation.

      Past examinations and full answers are also available.

      The artwork is impressive, and congratulations to Honor Hamlet.

      But we continue to have problems with defining true education when we do it by scores and competition.

      To my mind the indicator of her educational “success” is this quote:
      “”When I first went to high school I decided that I wanted to be practical but then I decided that art was what I actually loved,” Honor said.”

      Many adults still don’t understand this idea, and never follow through on it.

      At a time where educational choices are overwhelmingly about income generation and money, this is truly an achievement.

      • Murray Rawshark 6.2.1

        “At a time where educational choices are overwhelmingly about income generation and money, this is truly an achievement.”


  7. grumpystilskin 7

    Beautiful work,
    Great to see such talent, I for one struggle with stickmen..

  8. One Anonymous Bloke 8

    Even though they’re from photos (I think…), these are very well executed studies: bold, consistent mark-making. So long as she doesn’t fall into the (fictional) Francis Cornish trap: expertise in an outmoded style.

    Some abstract expressionism please 🙂