Written By:
- Date published:
1:06 pm, September 26th, 2010 - 11 comments
Categories: humour, notices, The Standard -
Tags: comments, vanity posts
451 days after we hit 100,000 comments, we’ve hit 200,000.
Now, will we get to 300,000 before the election, which will be in late July about 300 days from now?
Maybe, here’s every 20,000 comments plotted by days since we started:
And the election itself will boost things even further.
We like to make a big deal over the comments because it is you coming on here, contributing your thoughts and ideas, that make The Standard what it is. Without all of you, it would just be a dozen or so people arguing with themselves, and if we wanted that we could hang out with the Libertarianz.
So, who was comment 200,000? Well…
lprent 26 September 2010 at 11:47 am
We have always noted in posts most of the milestones of significance in this sites history. Every 1000 posts and every 50,000 comments has been posted on.
Why should we stop now?
Yup. Comment 200,000 was Lynn, the father of the site, commenting on how we always make a mention of these milestones.
… and then The Standard exploded in a burst of pure irony.
That was rather embarrassing. Took r0b to point out that I’d done it as well.
I’d have preferred to have left to the sterling commentators rather than a comment of mine…
So who got 199,999 or 200,001 then?
captcha: seeing
199,999 was portia.
200,001 was colonial viper.
Give them a big hand everybody!
First and foremost i’d like to thank God without whom…
oh hang on… i didn’t win did i ?
GRRRRRRrrrrr…as you were
. . . imma let ya finish . . .
You are not part of the Parkistan cricket team happenings of late ??????
I was hoping my Skeptics link was it just for to increase appreciation of the video and being used in context, and to bring back a lost video of significance 😉
This is a double up so as to bring forward the 1m comment. I am sure like Telethon with an election looming the volume of comments will rise as perdicted in the graph above has predicted.
Also to use my span word in the text significance
😆 very funny
spooky antispam: reflecting
That’s just so…… meta!
And the real irony is that Lynn’s response was a result of his misunderstanding my comment.
200,000 comments is indeed worth celebrating, and congratulations.
My reference to “an orgy of attempted self-gratification” referred to the efforts of Marty et al to claim the prize with one word comments (hence the “attempted”), not to the post itself.
A bizarre confluence of events leading to an entirely unanticipated outcome… or was it… [cue spooky music] 😈
Yeah that was one of the possible explanations I thought about. But I tend to take the pessimistic view…..
spooky musak continues…