Daily Review 04/04/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 4th, 2017 - 45 comments
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45 comments on “Daily Review 04/04/2017 ”

  1. Carolyn_nth 1

    OK. Checkpoint’s report tonight of the Little-Hagaman defamation case, featured an interview with Mrs Hagaman.

    It maybe a clever strategy for Little to keep a low profile. Mrs Hagaman is in danger of looking like she’s out to get Little – she dismissed any suggestion that maybe she should also sue the media that repeated Little’s original statements. Her tone of anger against Little sounded close to being politically-motivated.

    • Muttonbird 1.1

      Andrew Little is certainly getting some air time. He’s also now the victim which could backfire against the Nats who are surely backing this court action.

      • Carolyn_nth 1.1.1

        Yes. Mrs Hagaman was defending the amount they are asking from Little, saying she wasn’t trying to bankrupt him. He had offered to settle for a lot less, to cover the Hagaman’s court and legal costs, pretty much.

        There is the “give a person enough rope” saying.

      • inspider 1.1.2

        Yes he’s such a victim. So much so he apologised and offered $100k to settle. Real victim behaviour that.

    • inspider 1.2

      Of course she’s out to get him. That’s why they’re in court.

      Are you saying Little’s comments weren’t politically motivated?

      • Carolyn_nth 1.2.1

        No. But Mrs Hagaman is claiming their behaviour is not politically-motivated.

      • Ad 1.2.2

        Sure ain’t no upside for Little in it.

        Not the least of which, anything over $100k will be a massive hit to the Labour Party in election year.

        • bwaghorn

          steep learning curve this leadership game, still i’ll chip in if he gets ordered to pay

          • Muttonbird

            Me too, even if that means it goes to a gold-digger like Lani Hagaman or worse, the National Party.

            • Ad

              Robertson should pay it out of his salary, for egging LIttle on.

            • Anne

              Lani Hagaman wants $1 million from Andrew Little but nah… she’s not trying to bankrupt him.


              He was doing his duty as Opposition Leader and questioning a highly suspect time lag between a $101,000 donation to the Nats and their success in winning a major government contract. By rights Little shouldn’t have to pay them a cent but you can never tell with juries. They don’t always get it right.

              • Incognito

                I’m a little surprised that the litigant went so public while it is still before the courts. Still, it might be a cunning PR or ‘legal’ move, who knows.

                Obviously, the jury does not decide/award damages.

                • inspider

                  yes they do. How did Jordan Williams get his money out of Colin Craig?

                  • Incognito

                    Obviously, I was wrong.

                    My apologies.

                  • lprent

                    Sigh – Jordan Williams hasn’t gotten any money as far as I am aware. Last I heard it was going to appeal. Now for a legal idiot like yourself, I will explain. That means that Jordan Williams can claim costs but doesn’t get a shekel until the trial process is concluded. Moreover about costs when it was a jury who awarded the costs are usually trimmed drastically by a higher court.

                    If you are going to try to lie, then be a good troll – weasel word it like Farrar or Hooton does. This bold assertion of completely false facts just pisses me off.

                    Instead express it as an opinion and include at least have some accuracy about facts rather than this alt-facts and false news moronic troll behaviour. Then it is may be worth discussing. More importantly I don’t start giving you a 3 month ban for lying and opening the site up for defamation suits.

                    Consider this to be a warning.

                • Anne

                  … the jury does not decide/award damages.

                  Wasn’t meaning to suggest they do.
                  But they are responsible for the verdicts which might lead to costs being awarded.

              • DoublePlusGood

                How can Little possibly do a million dollars of damage to Lani Hagaman’s reputation when her character is instantly obvious from her actions?

              • Tuppence Shrewsbury

                There’s nothing questionable about it, and if Little had just questioned it instead of going off in high dudgeon he wouldn’t be where he is now.

                Pretty naive of little and anyone who thinks he is in the right of this to think it’s about him questioning the deal. It’s about little pronouncing the deal and anyone involved with it as basically dirty and corrupt. Which has been proving wrong. Which he never apologised for until too late.

                Jacinda wouldn’t have made such a rookie error

            • DoublePlusGood

              Surely it would be better spent taking out a full page ad in the Herald defaming the Hagamans in the strongest language that the Herald will print, for being slimy weasels?

      • Hanswurst 1.2.3

        I think they were politically motivated, and that’s part of why I can’t see any slur against the Hagamans. It’s about the culture of how he sees the National-led government conducting its business. He said the deal looked bad and should be looked at by the Auditor General. That your business dealings might be publicly called into question is a fact of life when they involve politically sensitive capital, the more so when you happen to be donating to the governing party during the same period.

        I’d be honestly surprised if the Hagamans had suffered any damage to their reputation worth mentioning over what seems to be a rather run-of-the-mill clash between the government and the opposition about how the former handles its tendering processes. That and the exorbitant quantities being claimed make me highly suspicious that the action is politically motivated.

        • inspider

          did anyone here think that Jordan Williams suffered any reputation loss as a result of Colin Craig’s action? I know I didn’t but I don’t rate him highly at all so there was nowehre to fall.

          A jury might ask, What have the Haggemans done wrong to deserve the attack they suffered? Seems like they are reasonably decent members of the community.

          • the Joneses

            The way I see it, the slur was against the government, not the hotel owners. Business trying it on with the government is to be expected, business is about making money. The corruption happens when the government accepts the bribes. And when they do it is 100% the governments corruption, not the businesses. Little was doing his job by shining a light on this issue. I still haven’t heard a good reason why we give money away to private companies like the hotel. Couldn’t the Niue government spend the money to better help it’s people? Any time the government gives large amounts of money to individuals there should be huge scrutiny.

            • Tuppence Shrewsbury

              There are two or more parties for corruption to occur. That’s why all parties get charged and sentenced when caught.

              If you accuse one party of corruption, then you alleging a corrupt act took place. So all party are implicitly accused of corruption.

  2. weka 2

    Political parties debate. Some funny,

    “the lost opportunities party” (ref GM twitter war)

    But really good to see all the parties there and hearing a wide range of views. No idea why this can’t be done in the weeks leading up to the election.


  3. Muttonbird 3

    I looked at the 3 day forecast yesterday and thought Whanganui was in for it again. Why didn’t the warnings come out yesterday so people could prepare?


    There seems to have been a breakdown in communication from all authorities under the current National government.

    • weka 3.1

      I think they did come out yesterday. I was talking to someone yesterday afternoon who said the cyclone was going to hit the NI.

      • Muttonbird 3.1.1

        I get that, but specifically the Whanganui district I’m talking about. Particularly as the same thing happened there only a year or two ago.

        There has been general information over the last few days about rainfall in the North Island but only today has Whanganui been put on alert yet yesterday it was apparent they were going to be in for another hard time.

        • weka

          Do you mean Metservice forecast badly, or that the Council should have issued more specific warnings?

          • Muttonbird

            Not sure. I as a normal punter for work purposes, looked at the ordinary free Metservice 3 day rain forecast and it showed Whanganui getting savaged today which the pictures and the current state of emergency back up.

            The Metservice forecast was right but the warning from the authorities was pretty slow, imo. And that is my point – a cautiousness (or underfunded slackness) has crept into local emergency information and health information under this government.

            Read the Havelock North outbreak.
            Total confusion on Tsunami warnings.
            People back at work in Wellington with glass falling in the streets.
            Today, Typhoid in Auckland.

            It’s just the same old funding cuts delivering lesser services which has been the hallmark of this neolib government.

            • weka

              Can’t disagree with that. You can add Chch to the list I think. Some of the city councils seem a bit slow in it too when there are disasters in progress (South Dunedin floods a few years ago).

              I do find weather warnings pretty good in general. Overly cautious even, they got really jumpy some years ago after those people died in a river canyon when a major flood happened that hadn’t been forecasted.

            • One Anonymous Bloke

              Who is the Civil Defence Minister again?

              Looking at the news feed on Fairfax, the predicted flood level has changed dramatically three or four times since yesterday.

              I expect the culprit is computing power vs. weather modelling resolution.

    • joe90 3.2

      Some of us have spent the past two days getting ready.

      • Muttonbird 3.2.1

        Good luck.

        • joe90

          The Pipiriki peak expected at 1pm tomorrow – 17.7m, 2m higher than 2015.

          • weka

            does that affect your house?

            • joe90

              I’m out at the cliff so thankfully no but two family members are, hence the past couple of days shifting stuff. I’ve got a garage full of valuables, records, art, books, clothes, personal items, electrical gear, tools etc.

              One of the lessons from 2015 was putting stuff up high doesn’t work because floating couches knock everything over so other than a few sentimental things most of the furniture has been left behind. We did think about getting the new carpets lifted but fuck it, insurance.

              The other biggie was don’t leave cars in garages and lash down anything that might float away.

      • Anne 3.2.2

        For Northland and Auckland: moderate to heavy rain tonight with not much let-up. This is when the worst flooding should occur. My garage looks like its going to be flooded – first time in 30 years. Tomorrow it should be intermittent but some areas could get heavy downbursts – just to make sure no-one misses out on the flooding. By tomorrow night the wind will be around to the westerly quarter and the rain will subside. Some people are not going to get much sleep tonight.

        So sayeth the soothsayer who is known to sometimes be wrong so don’t get too bothered – yet.

        • Carolyn_nth

          Hope you aren’t too badly affected. It’s been pretty heavy rain in Auckland for a few hours.

          A cliff has collapsed on a flat in Kohimarama Rd – people unaccounted for.

          Hope all are ok.

          • Anne

            Too scared to venture downstairs to check. I live in the southern end of the Shore which is one of the worst affected. There will be massive floods in the low lying parts of Devonport by the end of the night. Fortunately, I’m on higher ground.

            • Carolyn_nth

              Well, hope it’s not too bad for you.

              Waiheke also has reported flooding.

              I’m on the first floor in a block of flats. So flooding is not an issue. So long as the roof holds, a tree doesn’t fall, or a nearby hill doesn’t have slippage I’ll be OK.

  4. bwaghorn 4

    ”Apr 4, 2017 5:58 PMStuff Editors
    We know you’re human now Whanganui, but we think you can probably handle it…
    Whanganui River @WhanganuiRvr
    I’m feeling a little sensitive about these media reports talking about my ‘size’ thank you very much.
    5:48 PM – 4 Apr 2017”

    be careful not to hurt the rivers feelings’ a bit of humour to combat all the rain