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Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 7:20 pm, September 20th, 2023
Thank you IprentWritten By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 7:19 pm, September 20th, 2023
Thank you for that correction Anne. Agreed. Further evidence that changing leader is fatal for governments in New ZealandWritten By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 9:05 pm, May 5th, 2023
I would use the examples of Germany or the Republic of Ireland. Neither are perfect, but they are functioning democracies like NZ. The cost question depends on what model you have. I always thought basically turning the current Governor General into the ...Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 11:31 am, March 25th, 2023
Let women speak. Also, if we are letting women speak, make sure we aren’t just letting women from a particular perspective speak. We also need to let trans and non binary people speak. Not all trans people were born men, so members of the trans community ...Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 8:55 pm, May 19th, 2022
Yes, sorry the para’s were there in the draft but when a published not so much. I will try another method next time 🤦♂️Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 12:00 pm, February 13th, 2018
Sobhan, I think the point re Boris is that that campaign built a level of support that meant a Tory mayor had to implement this policy to be re-elected. It’s not about getting his approval, it’s about winning pay increases for low paid despite hostile ...Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 9:16 am, February 13th, 2018
Nick K (obviously not me), people on the left have been using the word 'fair' for years. In case you also didn't notice, the left usually don't win. In the english speaking world throughout the 20th century the left lost more elections than it won. In New ...Written By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 3:08 pm, April 16th, 2013
... will raise these concerns again. Nick KellyWritten By: Nick Kelly - Date published: 3:56 pm, March 24th, 2010
Back in 2007 ACT on Campus at Victoria University stood a ticket in the VUWSA elections advocating VSM and as part of this they would no longer give support to the various campus clubs or societiies. The result was the turnout in the VUWSA elections more ...
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