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Written By: nick matzke - Date published: 10:54 am, July 8th, 2023
Whaddya mean it's not the policy? It was the literal draft curriculum, vague as it was.Written By: nick matzke - Date published: 10:51 am, July 8th, 2023
Yeah most of it is either platitudes or uninterpretable. Sadly not so far from the flavour of a lot of MoE productions.Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 10:47 am, July 8th, 2023
I’ve seen it, I imagine hundreds of academics have, it was making the rounds a few weeks ago. The problem with waiting for the final version is the bureaucracy will consider it a done deal and a fait accompli, shifting the direction of the MoE’s various ...Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 10:24 am, July 8th, 2023
This passage just gradually descends into vague New-Agey thumb-twiddling. Not everything has to do everything. Basic science education is not an appropriate place to attempt to bring about a revolution in consciousness to bring about a new age of Aquarius, ...Written By: Nick matzke - Date published: 10:07 am, July 7th, 2023
The Sokal Hoax - it needs more attention in NZ for sure!Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 10:05 am, July 7th, 2023
... ever at draft stage afaik. - Nick MatzkeWritten By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 5:59 pm, July 6th, 2023
"Self-guided learning" seems to be correlated with big drops in student performance in NZ and elsewhere. What if it's just a feel-good fad that become doctrine on the Left for some silly reason?Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 5:53 pm, July 6th, 2023
Planet and atmosphere are social constructs? This is just postmodern relativist twaddle, which scientists have seen to be silly since at least the 1990s. For some reason postmodernism is still popular in NZ, it's like people never heard of the Sokal Hoax ...Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 5:39 pm, July 6th, 2023
"This is the fundamental issue with the climate and ecology crises, more fundamental even than the politics imo. The western mind is taught to see the world as parts, and this is why we treat the world like a machine instead of whole system composed of ...Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 5:25 pm, July 6th, 2023
As far as I can tell, NZ "curricula" would barely qualify as curricula in most other countries. They are short and vague. Most places, a curriculum is a long and pretty thorough document that lists all the core concepts required to ensure that a minimum ...Written By: Nick Matzke - Date published: 10:04 pm, March 13th, 2023
Hi -- sorry for slow reply. The basics were all explained back in February 2022 here -- Chemistry prof. Paul Kilmartin gave a seminar on the topic, I wrote it up: He also ...
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