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Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 8:20 am, February 7th, 2025
A couple of days ago Nicola Willis, under questioning on Morning Report, made the glib unsubstantiated claim that most public servants sacked under his government's restructuring had found new jobs. When pressed, she admitted she had no figures to prove it ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 3:11 pm, February 6th, 2025
A breach of international law???? Like those cretins care a flying..... Who is going to smack their fingers? International law counts for little because only those nations who are least likely to break it actually respect it. We have all these ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 2:11 pm, February 6th, 2025
There's gold in them thar hills is literally true in this case. But unless you have some device that can concentrate it in a smaller area its difficult and bloody expensive to extract. Jones waving his magic wand and saying abracada will not help.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 10:57 am, February 6th, 2025
I wonder if Trump's supporters have figured out by now that their messiah has both ADHD and Tourets. The land of opportunity where an unstable personality has a nuclear arsenal at his elbow ready to use at will, all he needs is someone to dare him to do it ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 10:47 am, February 6th, 2025
Broadly agree but in 3. would only make it for second or more homes because putting it on all existing homes would hurt the unwealthy.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 1:22 pm, February 2nd, 2025
The sad truth is that the wealthy and those with friends in high places have always been advantaged in our legal system. The modern legal aid system is supposed to fix this, but doesn't. At least we don't get the open and blatant political interference in ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:22 pm, February 2nd, 2025
There is a curious irony here that the ravings of Cruze represents what SHOULD be the case. Why the hell should a country at war be entitled to visa free access to NZ? They should have to apply for a visa and answer questions about their military service. ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 6:50 pm, February 1st, 2025
We need our own Dennis Skinner to stand up in Parliament and call Seymour out for what he is - "Dodgy Dave".Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 6:41 pm, February 1st, 2025
He probably has a two-minute hate session scheduled every day, like in George Orwell's 1984, but instead of Goldstein on the Televiewer it is Biden, or Harris or some Latin American looking person. Imagine them chanting "DT DT DT......"Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 8:24 pm, January 31st, 2025
National can't sit back and watch their Ford Ranger driving supporters actually having to do the unthinkable and drive their diesel guzzling tanks at less than their maximum speed, hence the new higher speed limits. What that means is that if you drive at ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 3:48 pm, January 31st, 2025
It is obviously not understood by these self styled economic geniuses that banks usually only lend to ventures that have a fair chance of success. If the numbers and projections don't add up then they won't do it. It's always someone else's fault isn't it?Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 3:42 pm, January 31st, 2025
To put it all in a few words: This is a government that specializes in spin.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 5:31 pm, January 30th, 2025
The speed reduction on that particular piece of road was truthfully rather stupid because there is only one proper bend on it (at the Tauherenikau Race Course) and it wasn't a particularly dangerous stretch of road as far as accidents go. What was needed ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 5:20 pm, January 30th, 2025
I guess that NZ First must see the election of Trump as a divine sign that the bigger an asshole you are, the more people love you.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 1:32 pm, January 30th, 2025
"A great day for New Zealand", said the National MP, Chris Bishop. Was he describing National's pledges to lower the cost of living, reduce child poverty, increase access to public health or reduce the crime rate? No he was referring to increasing the ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 6:53 pm, January 29th, 2025
I've said it before. Nash got re-elected regularly because he was so centrist that even a lot of National voters in Napier were comfortable with him as their MP and probably many of them wished he was standing for National instead of Labour.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:47 pm, January 29th, 2025
Not allowing Russian soldiers to visit NZ is easy, Putin can't easily wage war on us or threaten trade because Russia and NZ trade isn't particularly important in our economic plans. (The Russians are unreliable payers anyway, as Fonterra found out some ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 10:57 am, January 29th, 2025
"Unconscionable" was how the leader of the NZ Jewish Council described John Minto's campaign against Israeli soldiers getting their R and R in NZ. Not half as unconscionable as the killing and maiming of tens of thousands of innocent civilians that these ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:52 pm, January 28th, 2025
Trump's "suggestion" that Jordan and Egypt should take displaced Palestinians is laughable because neither wants to take them, for various reasons. Trump would have to make a serious offer for them to change their minds, he wouldn't be able to bully them ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 6:43 pm, January 27th, 2025
Willis cheerfully evaded the questions put to her on this matter on Morning Report this morning. Seems to me the government is going to have to uncharacteristically put its hand in its pocket if it wants to see the kind of infrastructure to support this ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 5:40 pm, January 25th, 2025
The way he suavely promised to lower the cost of living for everyone at the last election, something he knew he couldn't (and didn't want to..) deliver and has still not been seriously challenged about it makes me feel that our media has the memory of a ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 5:35 pm, January 25th, 2025
Everything you need to be the leader of USA.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 5:14 pm, January 24th, 2025
Education and health vouchers were an early ACT policy when the party was founded. Given his intoxication with power it wouldn't be surprising if Seymour tries again to do this. Douglas wanted to do it earlier but he got overruled. Health vouchers would be ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 10:58 am, January 24th, 2025
All these new bodies and innovations that Luxon is so excited about are simply rebranding exercises designed to fool the masses into thinking that this government is progressive when it comes to science, research and development. The truth is that funding ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:37 pm, January 23rd, 2025
Yeah, they will lose the cheap labour they have relied upon for many years and then the grumbling will start. Be careful what you wish for, I reckon.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 7:01 pm, January 22nd, 2025
There was plenty of creative editing going on in the "news" reports about it to make it look like it was new. I know how its done, I was a journalist myself many years ago and I can spot a work like this a mile off. I hope the NZME creative writers ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 1:17 pm, January 22nd, 2025
The comparisons make it obvious that both Trump and Luxon adhere to the Atlas Institute of Greed and Public Misinformation, almost word for word. Trump can openly defy conventional law and wisdom, whilst in NZ the CoC has to do it with a lot more stealth ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:35 pm, January 22nd, 2025
As I expected The Onion has had a field day with Trump's inauguration extravaganza.Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 12:25 pm, January 22nd, 2025
I would point out that the US is not alone in allowing presidential pardons. The practice also occurs in some European countries, notably France. However, Trump has certainly taken it to the limit by mass pardoning a bunch of crazed hoons and his contempt ...Written By: Mike the Lefty - Date published: 10:46 am, January 22nd, 2025
A rebranding exercise necessary because of pitiful previous performance. Good way to distract the sheeple from their failures to rebuild the economy after all the promises have fallen flat.
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