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Written By: pb - Date published: 9:37 am, September 3rd, 2024
In the end, the doctor shortage, the teacher shortage, the police shortage, the nursing shortage, the lack of public services, they are all down to us not paying enough tax. It’s kind of simple really that if you want stuff it has to be paid for and for ...Written By: PB - Date published: 12:48 pm, August 15th, 2024
Actually that’s not correct. One of the more scary things of the charter school system this time around is that the Minister can direct a state school to become a charter school. So no, it’s not just as simple as you suggest.Written By: PB - Date published: 7:55 pm, August 12th, 2024
But Hipkins and Tinetti have spent a fair bit of time saying that they agree with many other of the governments education 'policies'.Written By: PB - Date published: 10:34 pm, May 6th, 2024
It will be interesting to see if after that balls-up if Mitchell suffers the same fate as his female colleagues that were also exposed as flakes.Written By: PB - Date published: 10:31 am, February 29th, 2024
First they came for the workers, then they came for the professionals. I could care less about the idea that we need people like this to hold the government to account. Where have they been for the last forty years as our country has gone backwards? Where ...Written By: pb - Date published: 8:50 am, January 22nd, 2024
This idea that keeps being trotted out that ‘no one knows what it means’ is simply untrue. It’s just a tactic to reexamine the Treaty to get to the space that each person or group using it wants to get to.Written By: PB - Date published: 9:21 am, March 16th, 2023
And don't forget the Primary School Principals - often overlooked and forgotten but doing a job that most would run from at some speed.Written By: PB - Date published: 9:58 pm, August 25th, 2022
I mean like Kerikeri or Kawakawa or Kaikohe or even Kaeo. Where housing is substandard by any measure and the state sees no obligation to improve the lot of people living 14 to an old state house because there are no other options.Written By: PB - Date published: 5:29 pm, August 25th, 2022
New Zealand includes the smaller centres, cities and towns. These areas have not been addressed. They are invisible to all governments.Written By: PB - Date published: 1:37 pm, June 9th, 2022
Is everyone comfortable that around 20 people are dieing from Covid 19 related illness each day? That' over 100 deaths per week and the way its going looks odds for over 5,000 by years end. The business lobby won and the old, infirm and (probably) poor ...Written By: PB - Date published: 1:29 pm, December 20th, 2021
I had the misfortune to live in Hawera for a while. In my experience the most insular, most racist, town in New Zealand. And, to boot, the farmers I dealt with had the shortest memories or possibly the most active wilful disregard for colonisation in our ...Written By: PB - Date published: 2:13 pm, August 30th, 2020
Well for one thing that was capped at $400k. For another it was roll based and so for a school like mine where it has been identified that we need just over $2m of replacement and new buildings, a sewage upgrade, the pool fixed and a toilet block and ...Written By: PB - Date published: 10:42 am, August 28th, 2020
It's not that its more important than a school its that state schools have concurrently been told that they will have to struggle on without the required property money. In some cases this means cold, damp, leaky classrooms, old toilet blocks and the like ...Written By: PB - Date published: 6:49 pm, August 27th, 2020
Re the Green School. State schools all over the country are getting told to tighten their belts property funding wise because of the affect of Covid spending which I guess includes on the Green School. Schools that are overcrowded, leaky etc could use some ...Written By: PB - Date published: 2:28 pm, November 17th, 2019
It's people like you that are hypocrites - you say individual impact on the climate is minimal, yet then decry Green MPs for their individual efforts (without having a single clue how they balance their lives.) Bu what environmentalists know is that it is ...Written By: PB - Date published: 10:43 am, September 2nd, 2019
And still the good folk of Northland pay a toll for the road south. Are we the only ones who pay for our road?Written By: PB - Date published: 2:10 am, June 7th, 2019
A big part of the workload problem is to do with school leadership. But it is not so easy to say that school leadership is poor but rather that what happens in schools is often driven buy ERO who visit schools in a high stakes manner and depending on a ...Written By: PB - Date published: 6:11 pm, January 20th, 2019
Artificially low interest rates (land value being removed from CPI in 1999) has allowed banks to repeatedly lend at low rates to a small class of investors with a suitable lending profile, buying up multiple properties, drying up supply at the same time as ...Written By: PB - Date published: 8:39 pm, August 27th, 2017
For those of us working in schools the idea that there are teachers available out there ready to teach spanish/french/mandarin or even Te Reo Maori in every school in NZ in about what Nikki Kaye says is two years is simply laughable. Does anyone really ...Written By: PB - Date published: 3:43 pm, August 11th, 2017
How come we could afford to build dams/roads/schools/hospitals etc and have a social welfare system that was the envy of the world and now we can't afford to much at all?Written By: PB - Date published: 3:41 pm, August 5th, 2017
I'm cool with her taking the Metiria defence - breaking an unjust regulation to feed her family is fine, But she better get on with it if she is going to.Written By: PB - Date published: 10:28 am, August 1st, 2017
So they had no confidence that Little, on the campaign trail, could out perform English, at least to the extent that voters would take Labour back to the mid thirties. This could be a fair assumption I suppose. There hasn't been too many signs that ...Written By: PB - Date published: 9:17 am, August 1st, 2017
Davis? Oh my god.Written By: PB - Date published: 2:11 pm, March 30th, 2017
Our small town community policeman passes me each day on the way to work leaving the small town in which he is stationed, to work in a larger, whiter, community. Both towns are remarkably under served in a policing sense but I don't blame the police it is ...Written By: pb is a class traitor - Date published: 11:50 am, January 3rd, 2017
... leaving your comments on probation.]. pb is a nasty piece of ...Written By: PB - Date published: 9:05 pm, April 22nd, 2013
Lame? You say? From a private citizen expressing their politics and pov? Dude, in a country where the professional free-market press destroys a leadership challenge with "cats that look like Cunliffe" all over the tv (where were you decrying them for that ...
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