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Written By: Wei - Date published: 4:44 pm, July 21st, 2024
Not our country. Who cares. [After all those previous moderations of your comments you still continue to troll here. No point wasting our time on you; take 6 months off – Incognito]Written By: Wei - Date published: 4:43 pm, July 21st, 2024
Who cares. Not our country. Main thing is Trump is less likely to stir up trouble overseas. His recent comments in Ukraine and Taiwan are encouraging.Written By: Wei - Date published: 4:42 pm, July 21st, 2024
It's glaringly obvious that Trump's political opponents, perhaps with the connivance of the democrats tried to take him out. They failed miserably, and now the US will likely have an isolationist president, which will be good for world peace.Written By: Wei - Date published: 11:23 pm, July 14th, 2024
This was obviously a deep state hit against Trump. It spectacularly failed and now Trump's victory is assured. Trump is far from perfect and his public position on Gaza is appalling, but his heart is really not into foreign military ventures, and so is ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 1:17 pm, July 14th, 2024
Starmer is a Zionist shill who ousted Corban using smear tactics.Written By: Wei - Date published: 1:14 pm, July 14th, 2024
Say what you like about Trump, but the guy has balls of steel.Written By: Wei - Date published: 2:03 pm, May 21st, 2024
When has China carried 'regularly subjected its own citizens to ethnic cleansing'/ The PRC has been in existence 75 years, and minority groups have increased in numbers, partly assisted by being exempt from the one child policy when that policy was in ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 10:03 pm, May 3rd, 2024
Sorry. To align with the US, the chief enabler of the Gaza genocide is morally despicable. And why would China want to choke off trade routes in the South China sea, with most trade coming to and from China going through those same trade routes.Written By: Wei - Date published: 12:24 pm, February 9th, 2024
Evidence that harsh penalties work: Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore | Drug Report ( That does not mean I support the death penalty, not because it is not a deterrent, but because I would not want to like in a society that hangs people any ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 12:18 pm, February 9th, 2024
Alcohol, like smoking has always been a health problem and always will be. That's nothing new. The question is whether other people's individual choices affect others. [Silly question. Anyway, you continue ignoring moderation. Therefore, take a month off ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 10:07 pm, February 8th, 2024
What on earth has 'right wing' got to do with it? Left wing does not mean soft on crime. As for those middle class people whom you seem to detest, if they all disappeared we would have no people to run the hospitals, the schools, build infrastructure, etc. ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 9:56 pm, February 8th, 2024
My parents were dirt poor and yet they did not resort to alcoholism or gambling. In the end people are responsible for their own actions, particularly in regard to alcohol and smoking. I have just returned from a trip to mainland China where alcohol is ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 9:35 pm, February 8th, 2024
Where's your evidence for that? Singapore is one of the safest places in the world to live, and they have harsh punishments for crime. Before they implemented those harsh punishments it was not so safe. In the US crime has been in steady decline over the ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:42 pm, February 8th, 2024
BTW the previous is post is cut and paste from a Voice of America site. Of course because it is American it won't be 'disinformation', right?Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:41 pm, February 8th, 2024
Not sure if its the bit about Taiwan's claims: "As with China, Taiwan claims sovereignty over all the island groups in the South China Sea and jurisdiction over adjacent waters: Spratlys (Nansha), Paracel (Xisha), Pratas (Dongsha), Macclesfield Bank ( ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:09 pm, February 8th, 2024
Does anyone force people to smoke? Smoking is a choice, and if some people want to smoke and do it in a place that does not affect others, then why should I, a 'non-smoker' impede on their right to do so? It is also ironic that many of those same people ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:07 pm, February 8th, 2024
The priority of any criminal justice system must surely be public safety above and beyond all else. If the rehabilitation of the prisoner can be achieved at the same time, that's a good thing, but it should not be the priority. Now some will say if you ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:01 pm, February 8th, 2024
Where is the disinformation?Written By: Wei - Date published: 2:37 pm, February 8th, 2024
Excellent article Mr Smith. I think the point is not so much the capability of Australia itself to threaten China, but its moves to embolden and enable an aggressive US empire, which surely is a threat to China. Australian warships have traversed the ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 7:11 pm, January 4th, 2024
Excellent article. On another note, this conflict has proven that the right are equally capable of so called cancel culture, as are the woke left. The difference is the right do it in the interests of the oppressors, whereas the left do it on behalf of the ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 2:38 pm, November 28th, 2023
Well if the so called 'left' had not gone to war against science on behalf of woke bs, then maybe we wouldn't be facing what we are currently facing. Here is a former Green/Labour voter who voted National this time round, almost purely on the disregard of ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 4:01 am, November 22nd, 2023
Advantage is a consistent apologist for US empire. That a so called 'left' website should publish his misinformation is frankly disgraceful. [This is rich coming from a PRC shill. Everybody is free to comment here and contribute to robust debate. You ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 7:11 pm, November 21st, 2023
Many countries do not, including Russia, China, and Iran. In fact most countries do not. If Hamas is a terrorist organisation, so much more must be the US military and IDF.Written By: Wei - Date published: 6:51 pm, November 21st, 2023
In my own reading of history, it was Germany and Japan who were the aggressors in WW2 Whereas the Palestinians have not invaded anyone else, do not have a proper standing army, and are for the most part refugees having been ethnically cleansed out of their ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 6:49 pm, November 21st, 2023
What on earth does China's position on Taiwan have to do with New Zealand? The 'position' on Taiwan has not changed for many decades, and after all, all Western countries accept the one-China policy and that includes NZ. You could perhaps explicate on ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 8:02 pm, October 14th, 2023
Have always voted Labour. I am a trade unionist. So many in the union have come up to me and said they would not vote Labour. The fact is people are sick and tired and disgusted with woke virtue signalling. The Left has to get back to traditional left ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 5:35 pm, October 1st, 2023
In the end poverty is eliminated by heaving a flourishing and growing economy. Yep, change the taxation regime so that the rich pay their fair share. But in the end that constraints on national wealth is national output. Yet many on the left hate farmers, ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 10:37 pm, September 9th, 2023
"There might be other reasons why Islamic countries might not openly criticise China, which is notoriously touchy & grumpy about any form of criticism and which responds with idiosyncratic ‘diplomatic’ responses." There might be (althought doubtful), at ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 8:45 pm, September 9th, 2023
No. Not whataboutery at all. I have not tried to justify what China is accused of by saying that Israel is guilty of similar. I have simply said the Islamic world hates Israel (that is not too strong a term) in a way they do not hate China (in spite of ...Written By: Wei - Date published: 8:11 pm, September 9th, 2023
Of course, it is important to note that even if China was guilty of everything Advantage claims, it is ambitious to claim because of the way China runs China they are a threat to New Zealand's freedoms, or indeed anyone elses. That is as absurd as saying ...
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