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- Date published:
8:14 am, May 31st, 2010 - 20 comments
Categories: blogs, dpf, humour -
Tags: blog awards
Blogging obsessives (we know who we are) are probably aware of a harmless bit of fun, The Air New Zealand Best Blog Award. Dissatisfied with the astroturf of the Qantas Media Awards 2010 blog selection, a shadowy cabal calling themselves “The NZ Bloggers Union” set out to create their own grass-roots Air NZ awards instead. (Important legal disclaimer: “Air New Zealand are not really sponsoring the award but creative license has never stopped old media making shit up either”). Apparently a bunch of blogs have entered, apparently The Standard might even be one of them, which is – hey – pretty organised for us!
However, all is not as rosy it seems. In breaking news it seems that our blogging buddy DPF is planning not to enter!
David Farrar (Kiwiblog) has yet to enter. I have contacted David personally demanding his entry and he kindly declined to enter on the general grounds that he doesn’t believe in awards.
Doesn’t believe in awards? Doesn’t believe in awards? I know – I’m as shocked and confused as you are. Because, of course, comrade DPF has been a judge for awards:
The ASPA Awards
I was one of the judges for the Best Website section of the Aotearoa Student Press Association Awards, so went along to the awards ceremony on Thursday night. Barry Soper (left) was the Awards MC and Guest Speaker. Laura McQuillan was the Awards organiser. I knew a few of the other Judges, and got to meet some I hadn’t already met, such as the Dom’s Post Greer McDonald, and Nicky Hager. …
Was a fun night. It wound down a bit before midnight when some headed into town. Thanks to Fairfax for sponsoring it, and well done to the winners and finalists.
Comrade DPF has run his own awards:
The Kiwiblog 2007 Awards Winners
Over 600 votes cast in just 24 hours. And we have some winners. Now remember this is not a scientific poll but a survey of whom Kiwiblog readers have rated the best.
Kiwiblog will write to the winners informing them of their cyber-awards
Comrade DPF has supped with the devil of the Qantas Awards:
Qantas Awards
The lovely folks at the Herald on Sunday invited me to join them at their table for the Qantas Awards in Auckland last night (as I have done a couple of pieces for them), and it was definitely the place to be as they went on to win not just Best Weekly Newspaper but the coveted Best Newspaper.
Comrade DPF writes quite a lot about awards. I think it’s pretty fair to say that he believes in awards!
So why is DPF telling the Bloggers union that he doesn’t believe in them? What possible reason, I was asking myself, could DPF have for not wanting to enter? And then it came to me! In a flash! DPF is just too modest. The big hearted lug just doesn’t want to show the rest of us up. Or possibly there’s no more room in his trophy cabinet. Whatever. No matter the reason, this shall not stand! We can’t let DPF sacrifice himself for the common good like this!
Gentle reader, here is what we must do. If DPF is too noble to put in an entry, we must extend the big hand of Standard friendship, we must put one in on his behalf. We must choose four “defining” pieces of his work from last year, and send them in to the competition, before tomorrow Tuesday. Let’s resist the temptation to put the boot in to the sewer, and let’s focus on DPFs better work, give it an honest shot. Make your case in the comments, what four posts in 2009 best represent DPF? What is the best of Kiwiblog?
I really enjoyed the post at http://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2009/06/ird_vs_the_banks.html
It talked about the IRD case against the Banks. It said “I understand from informed sources close to one of the banks, that they have offered to settle the case for around $500 million. Informally it seems this was acceptable to Ministers, but that Crown Law was strongly against any settlement.”
Cabinet were prepared to settle a $2.5b case by payment of $500m!
This one is also top notch and the sort of insidery-number-crunching-political-operativey type of thing that he does best.
He has yet to write it
Kiwibore closed for good
Chubby Farrar is happy being paid by National. A true mercenary.
Cheers for the Lol!
If there is an award for audacious self indulgence, his holiday snaps and commentary are a dead-cert!
lol like Slatters snaps of his trip to Egypt
Heh! Just what I need – a chuckle first thing on a Monday morning. Thanks R0B.
My picks (all from the front page):
this one is, indeed, representative of his best work.
this one where he writes about what’s on his other blog.
this one, always a popular topic.
this one, where he says something sounds reasonable.
this one where his blood boils and he talks about the type of society he dreams of – all in one post!
this one where he points out that he’s read the paper.
and this one, because you can’t fill your whole blog up with other people’s writing.
A brilliant selection, Felix.
I don’t think I have ever before enjoyed DPF’s work quite so much.
The New Zealand Bloggers Union is a union set up to represent all New Zealand Bloggers. The writer of the Standard are all members along with all other New Zealand bloggers, because universal membership was felt to be the best way to ensure the rights of all New Zealand bloggers something something something.
i.e. It was set up to make a point about VSM.
Really? Oh well then, fills me with confidence in the makeup of the judging committee!
Silly analogy anyway, unless I’m freeloading off some infrastructure and services that they are providing me…
There are other discrepancies with General secretary Farrar, his business Curia DOESNT belong to the Market Research Society of NZ.
All the other main players are listed .
So his business is not bound by their code of ethics- not surprising when his business web page
spouts this
….ensure the questions asked will be of maximum benefit (the right answer to the wrong question can be worse than the wrong answer to the right question),…
ie this means we will spin the results to your benefit no watter what the public actually says
I wonder if his government contracts ( some of which are handily under the no bid limit) are aware of this and the public money is going on one of the industry cowboys
This one has just gotta be a winner in the
sickbadsatire category:Greens announce new emissions reduction policy abortion
Please enter it. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Oh that was such a classic, beautiful piece of pure fuckin’ evil from the sewer. Seconded!
Running out of time people – any more love for DPF?
any more love for DPF?
Farrar should be outted for what he is: a gun-for-hire paid to defend the Nats. Inescrupulous fat man.
Alas, not as many nominations as I hoped. Still, I think we have enough to work with. I’ll see if we can put in an unofficial entry of the following 4:
A wonky piece nominated by Pascal’s Bookie:
Another wonky piece, well commented on, my choice:
Mickysavage liked this one (with an “informed source” no less!):
And Toad’s was the only other valid nomination (pure Kiwiblog to be sure):
Felix’s links are not eligible (must be calendar year 2009).
This post can be entered next year for the 2010 awards. Quite brilliant.
Huh, glad you liked it. Hope the usual suspects got that in to you by email, if not, take the links from above. And good luck with the judging process. Difficult task! I think NZ is, for its size, spoiled for choice in the blogging world, there’s lots of great stuff out there.