A Potty Peer making money off future misery.

Gareth over at Hot-Topic has written a delightful post “Popgun for hire: A$20,000 detailing one person who is making money off climate change. No it isn’t the scientists. It is our favorite Potty Peer – Christopher, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley.

Some of the CCDs have been saying that there is a “climate change industry” and that money is the reason for scienctists focusing on the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions. Well that is simply crap pushed by people who’d prefer to see conspiracies rather than reality.

Well, apparently the looney lord has been touring the world talking to credulous fools for cash.

Christopher, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, the man who put the pier in peer review, is on his way to Australia at the end of January to make ‘a barnstorming three-week lecture-tour‘ designed to reassure audiences in major cities that ‘‘Global Warming’ is Not a Global Crisis‘. His fee? A$20,000 (£11,000), plus all flights and hotel accommodation for himself and his wife. The speaking tour, organised with the assistance of Australia’s Climate Sceptics Party, is expected to cost around A$100,000.

It looks like some quiet donor(s) have coughed up the cash. What would really interest me is the same as Gareth

Monckton, of course, will only receive A$20,000 for his Aussie excursion — a mere pittance when a cursory check suggests that he usually charges at least £8,000 (A$14,400) for a single speaking engagement. Clearly Aussie sceptics drive a hard bargain. Two mysteries remain. Given the relatively recent plea for funds, who stepped up to the plate to support the tour? And why have New Zealand’s cranks not jumped at the chance of bringing the potty peer over here?

Those are the interesting political questions. Also bearing in mind the 50 to 200 million people who are likely to be require relocation or be strongly affected by even the IPCCs conservative projections in the next 40 years; you’d have to say that the looney lord is making a living off future misery. Delays caused by increasing political inertia by the denialist industry will inevitably make those future disasters worse than they need to be.

While he is probably the most extreme of the denialist money-making industry, and its resident comedian, there are a rather lot of other self-proclaimed ‘experts floating around the speaker circuit. What is noticeable is the few of the ‘scientists’ amongst them are managing to do peer-reviewed research in reputable scientific journals. Indeed, some of them are veterans from the long avoidance of responsibility by tobacco companies with their history of PR driven ‘research’ for the purposes of tobacco politics.

Anyway, for your entertainment. Here are some of the previous works from here and on Hot Topic about the potty peer.

Reader of these pages will remember him from such posts as Climate Change: Looney Tunes from Lord Monckton and Climate Change: The Looney Lord Responds. He is also mentioned in Book review of the insane and Flogging our future. In short he is one of the prophets of the flat earth society climate change deniers and skeptics as he tries to pass himself off as some kind of ‘expert’ on climate change. Which he is clearly not – read Climate Change: Looney Tunes from Lord Monckton to find out how much of a pssuedo-scientific charlatan tool he is.

[For really deep background refer to: Monckton & The Case Of The Missing Curry, Mycroft Mockton Makes Mischief, and Something Potty In The State Of Denmark]

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