A Response to ‘No Exit’.

I’m going to pull out the “Your God won’t save us” snippet from the “No Exit” post, and say She was never going to. As Bill says in the next line of his post, “Nothing but ourselves will save us” and that’s what He would ask of us all. We have been given agency, all of us as God’s children. Agency.

I know many people struggle to use their own power, and can be manipulated to not use their power or give it away. Indeed many more fear this freedom God has inbuilt into us. Ouch lost some of you there didn’t I. Logos has kicked in and your reaching for rational, pragmatic or scientific way to talk about issues. Why is this guy talking about God, and silly mythology?

Because Myth matters, it always has. It’s how we originally made sense of the world before we came into the scientific age we currently live in. And when we destroy our world, Myth is the only thing the last people will have. And that Myth is that rationality, pragmatism and science will save us. It won’t, and it can’t, because what rationality, pragmatism and science truly lack is a moral core.

A moral core is the fibre that provides the grit and determination to stand up to evil. And let’s face it, killing people in the name of profit is evil. Killing future generations in the drive to for wealth is the ultimate evil. Creating a situation where poverty is the only option, except for a few, is evil.

This is the option for many Christians, and others of faith. Do we hold onto our convictions, our love of God, our faith and start to do the right thing. Or do we become otherworldly focused and sit this one out?

We are being judged, by God alone. At the end, you have to present yourself to Her and ask did I do the right thing? Did I do what He asked of me? Was I a stand up person?

Here is the apocalypse, the world is dying because of avarice. The faiths of the world all warned of it’s dangers and problems of greed. People of faith need to work together to stop the economic system which enables this one true evil. Or the world so loving given to us by God, will be gone.

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