Advice for future aides

Those interested in the political situation in the States will be wanting to read the new book written by Scott McClellan (former White House press secretary), with potentially some lessons for operators in NZ.

This piece in the Washington Post suggests that the people who should read it the most are the people least likely to take the time to do so right now. They are the aides to Barack Obama, John McCain and Hillary Clinton — and perhaps the candidates themselves.

“Why should this book be required reading in the headquarters of the campaigns? The simple reason is that many of the people now staffing the candidates’ campaigns share the qualities and traits of a younger Scott McClellan — caught up in the excitement of a great cause (to elect their candidate president) and now fully knowing what will await if they end up in the next White House as aides to the 44th president of the United States.

McClellan’s subtext is how the permanent campaign continues to define and sometimes destroy the governing process. His warning is that, having gone through the experience of a hard-fought campaign (and he admits that he has no reservations about the way campaigns are waged), it is virtually impossible for a new administration to set aside those tactics in the White House.

This will be a particular challenge if either Obama or McCain becomes president. They have preached a new style of politics (albeit from different perspectives), but can either of them and their advisers break out of campaign mode if they end up in the White House?”

We have our own questions about action versus rhetoric in Godzone.

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