Written By:
- Date published:
10:30 am, October 27th, 2010 - 10 comments
Categories: business, capitalism, employment, film, Unions, workers' rights -
Tags: back benches, the hobbit, TV7, wallace chapman, warner bros
Wallace Chapman has a thoughtful Open Letter to the visiting Warner Brothers executives on his blog, inviting them to front up to the New Zealand public:
We have a small segment called “Soapbox” and we’d just love you to come over and join us and speak your mind to camera for 60 seconds. We know you’ll be in the vicinity on the night, probably not less than a kilometre from where we film, so it’s just a walk away….
You could come over to Back Benches and explain what really is the rationale for locating a massive budget film in a certain area? And why you aren’t so keen on making films in your own country anymore. Is it because of the scenery? Or is it because the American film industry have organised themselves and started to demand livable wages?…
Now that’d be worth hearing! Not that I imagine it’d ever happen 🙁
But nice to know I suppose that after the poison dwarf Paul ‘Darkie’ Holmes’ last performance on Q+A, that not all TVNZ’s staff are one-eyed supplicants to Warner Brothers’ corporate interests.
Paul Holmes repeatedly saying the “Public Perception” is ironic given that Paul Holmes is creating Public Perception. I was impressed with Helen Kelly staying on message under fire. I think that Holmes talked over her every time she talked sense and factually. And it does raise the question about whether it is all about the NZ $, Tax breaks, and whether the Union bashing is opportunist or planned.
Good on Helen Kelly! (Holmes looks ill.)
Great post from Wallace, do follow the link and read the whole thing.
More great commentary
More chance of John Key turning up on Morning Report.
Good on Wallace. I’ll be watching tonight 🙂
Was there, I see Act has found a suitable replacement for Garrett ;~]