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notices and features - Date published:
2:48 pm, June 7th, 2013 - 75 comments
Categories: kremlinology, Media, Spying -
Tags: GCSB, kitteridge report, leaks
Update: Peter Dunne – still denying it but cannot be ruled out.
Update: Breaking news – Peter Dunne has resigned as a minister.
Key is making an announcement at 3:30 on who leaked the Kitteridge GSCB report. 3 News will stream it live.
Chat on twitter is still focusing on Dunne, but apparently Key has said it’s an “operational matter” thus no ministers involved.
So that’s where key has been.Negotiating with somebody to take the rap.
Twitter says Dunne is gone burger …
Dunne and dusted …
Dunne and dumber …
Dunne like a dogs dinner …
Dunne his chips …
The hairdo is no longer a Minister …
yep Dunne has resgined
Jessica Mutch says there were 86 emails between Dunne and the reporter who got the leak between March 26 and April 9. No wonder Henry was asking for sworn statements from him.
A pretty Dunne thing to do …
I wonder if Carter still wants to continue with United No Future’s funding? Maybe this is the price of continued support on confidence.
This, on a Friday afternoon and also before things slide into the weekend, should provide a big enough impact to take the attention off yesterday’s disgraceful and reprehensible Speaker’s ruling!
Carter himself has discredited himself, as he has given unjustified credit and trust to Dunne. This will be raised in the House next week, at least by Peters, I am rather sure! It could just add to Carter’s abysmal performance as Speaker, and the opposition demanding him to stand down as Speaker!
And the Civilian claims that it was the cause of Dunne being dusted.
“I have met with Mr Dunne to discuss the matter. He has advised me that he remains unable to fully meet the inquiry’s requests and accordingly, he offered and I have accepted, his resignation as a Minister.”
Unable to meet the inquiries requests!!!!!!!
Yahooo!! Dunne done gone.
No Fuuuuuuutttttchaaaaah! Public image!!!!!
O all the things Dunne has done, leaking the news of the GCSB goings on really isn’t what he should be done & dusted for.
+1 Karol.
Key met with Dunne Wednesday evening, after he (Key) had received a copy of the report.
Do you get the feeling a deal was done? Key is going to let him off the hook re- supplying the full contents of the emails he exchanged with Vance, and Dunne would continue to support the govt. for confidence and supply motions?
Betcha boots! key will “be relaxed”.
With you on that Karol. But I’m hoping it will be the magnet that attracts all the other crap he’s dodged. The combined weight may just sink him.
It is only fitting that a disgrace of an MP should end his days in the ignomy he deserves
Pete George should be allowed back so that we can discuss this interesting development.
Pete George can comment here any time he likes, since the last mass amnesty. He chooses not to, because Kiwiblog is his natural home.
Lets phone him, he’s desperate to recruit new members, may be futile now though.
From the snore Dunedin blog: If you are interested give me a call on [r0b: Pete can put his phone number on his own blog, but I would rather not repost it here thanks] or email petedgeorge@gmail.com
Good call, r0b
He seems to like WhaleSpew now and then as well. He almost comes across as reasonable there.
But he’s squirming ever so nicely over on kiwiblob.
Pete George very much enjoys his exile on Kiwiblowjob!
Dunne dunk?
“That text shows that GCSB issues, including the Kitteridge report, were prominent in the email exchanges. Mr Dunne was to meet the reporter on the morning of Monday April 8 [the day the leak was believed to take place] but states he did not do so.”
and in exchange for this info, Andrea Vance will provide Dunne with whatever coverage he wants…gotta love how the MSM works.
And now comes the gloating from Winnie Peters…
Well he was on the money.
He’ll get a lot of political capital from this
Yeah…but anyone but him
Still I guess the question is who leaked to winnie?
Do you think there needs to be a report into who leaked the report on who leaked the report on the spies?
And votes!
“Gloating”? That’d be bad form.
New Zealanders, generally, don’t like that sort of thing.
And there goes the spinning from Winnie Smith…
Peters has laid a complaint with the police.. Maybe they can use the GCSB to obtain the emails?
@ Jeff – Oh, wouldn’t that be delicious irony…
So this is the same report that was leaked when Key was in China, and various people on The Standard said that obviously Key / National had leaked it, and if that wasn’t the case they would have announced an inquiry into it.
So we had an inquiry, and now Dunne has resigned.
Once bitten, twice shy, one should hope, when it comes to accusations of the government leaking documents. But it’s probably wishful thinking on my part.
Dunne could have done it at the request of the Nats – plausible deniability while Key’s out of the country, pressure for a report – deals every whicha way. Dunne gets time to resurrect his party.
Who knows these days?
So more baseless speculation, then. Figured it was wishful thinking on my part.
If National had asked Dunne to leak it, surely they wouldn’t have held an inquiry, or would have ensured the inquiry did not finger Dunne.
Given Dunne is such a Nat suck-up, why did he leak it in the first place, rather than just wait for the inquiry to come out?
We still don’t know for sure that it was him personally that did it. It does seem likely, but we still don’t know.
I have no idea why he did it.
What I’m posting about here is the fondness for many on this site to jump all over the government at the slightest whiff of anything going wrong.
Well, I still have an open mind. Dunne’s resignation doesn’t indicate either way whether the government was responsible for the leak. So, there’s still a vacuum of motive, and lack of evidence, which will lead to speculation.
Dunne says he didn’t leak it and has challenged Fairfax to confirm that.
In answer to Lanthanide 4.24pm comment
Sure when you have a government who is ready to jump all over those who are less unfortunate than themselves and knowingly screw them, then you are going to get those who like to see them get their own medicine.
It’s called cause and effect.
+1 Maggie – Dunne whines about ‘personal comms’ while Ministers breach the privacy of those they want to smash.
dunne has taken his hair…and gone home…
phillip ure..
He has now decided to be shorn, to have his hair shorn off, to buy simple cloth, to rid himself of all possessions, to put ashes on his head, to walk around Ohaiiirioooh and Wellington, to preach the gospel and more, to become a saint, and repent, and seek for redemption, also disciples for the good cause.
He will be back in the house, clothed like Jesus, full of passion and compassion, he will swear to god, and to all other gods, and he will be good and none else, until his last gasp of air will flow through his nostrils.
John Key will be to him like John the Baptist, full confession, and he will walk alongside him in total, blind faith, until death will part them. That is the likely outcome of all this, right?
Good work Winston Peters.
When is the NZ Prime Minister John Key going to get the DEFENDANT John Banks to resign as a Minister?
Penny Bright
2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate
dunne..dis-united..and no future..?..
..(won’t someone think of pete george..!..)
phillip ure..
Nek step: Dunne should resign from Parliament and hold a by-election in Ohariu.
What are the chances?!
Still got to keep the nose in the trough, until at least the next election. There’s over 100 Grand at stake here.
Labour unprepared, Greens possibly also unprepared. National, possibly better prepared. The same applies to the scenario of a general election. The laziness of Labour, to go on like there will be no efforts necessary before late 2014, that may well prove to be a total miscalculation and a disaster in the end.
Any smart party and organisation should always be alert and prepared to take steps necessary to act on unexpected developments. It seems Shearer is lazy, slow and poor in judgment, and that has fed through the whole organisation by now. A loser party, really.
Bad staff work to have pushed out Charles Chauvel, just when he could be putting nails into Dunne’s electoral chances in OB. Labour has no hope putting a carpetbagger into that race.
Agreed. ABC sure sucks!!
My hunch is that the leaker is…
You could be onto something there…
Yes a round of begrudged applause to Winston Peters, and the same question as asked above, who leaked the relevant details to the NZ First leader,
Third term Slippery National Government anyone???, with Banks facing charges over corrupt electoral practice, Dunne to all extents in the same boat and now surely, in a non-corrupt society, forced to also resign from the Parliament for such dishonoring of His Position as a Minister, and, the Maori Party who in my opinion should also be investigated as to ascertain the state of their Party membership a nearly forgotten relic of something that once Maori were proud of, the chances of a third term for this Shoddy Government of Slippery Shysters diminishes by the day,
i doubt this lot can now survive as the Government till November 2014 and best we all prepare for what might just be an early election…
you know bad12, I did wonder yesterday when watching the House, why exactly Simon Bridges looked like the cat who had gotten the cream then gone on and finished the whole cow.
Maybe factions within the Nats know they can’t win three in a row and have set up a scenario where they take over in only one year instead of five.
Oh they, (National), have known for quite some time from their own internal party polling that November 2014 was always going to be pushing s**t uphill once the small gains from the tax switch for 50+% of the electorate got eaten away by inflation, and once the gloss wore off of Slippery the PM’s carefully constructed media persona, (anyone seen smile’n’wave recently),
After the latest couple of foot’n’mouth moments for the Hairdo from Ohariu there is small chance of Him standing again for the Parliament, so even if National win that particular electorate, (and that’s not a certain bet by any means), they are still down 1 on the numbers,(win the electorate,lose a list member),
It then becomes a question of how many of the Maori electorate seats Labour can wrest back from the Maori Party to make it an impossibility for National to have the numbers for a third term,
This is looking like a third term Government already where everything they touch turns to s**t, it won’t take the electorate long to get sick of it…
Interesting point about the Maori Party. I expect they would have 500 members still, but probably only because people have forgotten to leave. It’d be really interesting if they don’t, though. Is there any easy way to find out?
Am not sure if the numbers are published anywhere, Hone was giving them a tickle up a while back about only having 60 paid up members,
Could always email the Electoral Commission and ask them to check…
Their website has an enrolment page, which doesn’t specify a time period for membership.
Lolz, they probably send out enrolments for free, the Maori Party have turned into the NZ political tragedy of this decade, should they have sat steadfastly as an independent voice for Maori chiseling off specific gains for supporting specific legislation instead of opting for the National Government cabinet positions they would have possibly taken the other Maori electorates in future elections,
Sad to say, and i feel deeply for their young (ex)supporters who having door-knocked extensively,(here in Wellington) were cruelly let down by such a coalition, it was a breath of fresh air to see the Maori Party flags and bumper stickers and then six months into the first term they were gone…
Absolutely right, but Labour are not prepared, are they???
I am not convinced that Peter Dunne leaked the Kitteridge report.
He might be telling the truth when he said he didn’t leak the report. He just told somebody what was in it.
Henry states that the reporter had access to a full copy of the report. Fairfax themselves said they had seen the report. Dunne might have revealed some of the details (and perhaps that does qualify as a ‘leak’). But I don’t believe he was responsible for Fairfax obtaining the report itself. That means someone else did it.
Karol, earlier on in the ‘Gone’ post says that Henry identified 3 people who had access to the report and also email contact with the Dom/Post reporter in the relevant time frame,
(1), Dunne, (a more fitting suspect would be harder to find),
(2), an officer of the GCSB, (if Dunne wasn’t the most fitting suspect one of the spies talking to the newspaper reporter would be more fun than reading Penthouse while munching out on a cold pie),
(3), an official from the office of the Prime Minister, (who would have thunk it, if Dunne and the GCSB had not have got there befor Him/Her and sold all the good bits for favor or cash this anonymous individual might have been our prime suspect getting in a bit of an earn flogging off stuff belonging to the State while Slippery the PM was over in China trying to sell a couple of used harbour bridges to the Chinese),
The laugh here is we have mostly hung the Hairdo for this despite His denials, what if He didn’t leak the report and instead the Dom/Post reporter was blowing warm air across His scrotum in an effort to flatter Him into confirming the details that they had already coughed a good pile of cash to suspects 2 or 3 for…
The leaker is not confirmed til it is confirmed. I have wondered if Dunne has censored and withheld emails because they identify the actual leaker, a third person who Vance discussed with Dunne. Does Dunne feel duty bound to protest the journalist’s other source?
Lolz Karol, roll the dice, was the leak from the GCSB, or from Slippery’s office, or were all 3 of them falling all over each other to sell out the Slippery little Shyster as soon as His back was turned,
(snigger), Dot.Com, Kim that is, that bloke just keeps on giving…
bad12: In all respect, do you think that Key or his staff would have leaked a report, to actually lead suspicion to their one vote majority minister and party member (UF)?
I do not think so, that possibility is too far fetched to be honest.
xtasy, in which comment do i make any inference that Slippery the PM or any of His staff have leaked the GCSB report in order to lead suspicion toward the Hairdo from Ohariu,
The fact is i haven’t and you have put up a classic strawman argument based around something i have neither said nor implied,
What i have suggested, as the Henry report notes that an official from the PM’s office who had access to the report also had contact with the DomPost reporter Vance in the relevant time-frame, is that if it were to have been that official from the PM’s office who leaked the report it would have been for more venal reasons than painting Dunne as barely above the most corrupt of creatures,
Of course in the maelstrom of downtown Wellington the signals of ‘puppy-love’ being exchanged between Dunne and Vance certainly did not go un-noticed, that sort of thing never does,
If the Hairdo did not in fact leak the GCSB report,(and i do not necessarily support that proposition), then it is obvious that who-ever did has set ‘Mr Puppy-love’ up to be painted as the culprit which would of course have had to have occurred with the full knowledge and compliance of the Dompost’s Vance,
In some ‘dating circles’ meeting for a coffee is in fact ‘code’ for meeting somewhere for a quick sexual encounter and i will be highly amused that as this sordid little saga of spies, leaks and ‘puppy-love’ unfolds it becomes apparent that the ‘meeting for coffee’ with the Dompost reporter was to take place in an apartment up on Wellington’s Terrace…
You just raised alternative hypothetical scenarios, without claiming anything directly, hence my question and earlier comment. So do not take it all that personally, please.
I appreciate your elaborations on what “a cup of coffee” may mean.
I do suspect a leak from Dunne’s office, albeit he goes on about the report on GCSB having been locked away in his office, security surveilled. He admitted though that at least one of his staff had seen the report. Question is, in what form, and if it was “electronic” (PDF or else by email?), maybe someone kept a copy without full consent, and he learned about it later?
So many questions, but all Henry did, was to narrow it down to one, one Done, Dunne, right?!
Dunne isn’t the most fitting suspect if the motive was political. The leak was timed to embarrass the Prime Minister in China. Maybe the timing had nothing to do with the motive, but I find that very hard to believe.
but the report didn’t embarrass him. It was ammo to do what he wanted, ‘the spies need clarification’ etc. And he was doing fine job of stuffing up the china visit all by himself, there weren’t too many good headlines coming out of it for him.
It seriously pissed him off by diverting attention from the trip itself. It was at least disruptive.