And then there was….

You may recall a few months back when it seemed the world was all in a lather about an alleged  chemical attack on the suburb of Douma and the poisoning of the Skripals.

“Everyone” knew what had happened in the case of Douma and “everyone” knew who was behind the poisoning of the Skripals. So certain was the knowledge, that Syria was bombed because chemicals had been used in Douma, and Russian diplomats from across the western sphere of influence were expelled because the Russian government was responsible for the Skripal’s poisoning. All that was missing was the evidence in the first instance and a suspect or suspects in the latter. Mere, somewhat pesky details that would be provided at some later date.

Well the Skripals were hospitalised at the beginning of March and Douma furore blew up at the beginning of April.

Today, after reflecting that I’d heard nothing on either of these two issues for quite some while, and wondering what findings, evidence or progress might have been reported on both issues, I did me a google news search. There was not a lot there

Buried at the foot of a piece from two days ago on the OPCW being given powers to apportion blame for chemical weapons attacks, there’s this…

The OPCW has yet to report into whether it found samples of chemical weapons in an alleged chemical attack in Douma in April that led to the reported deaths of more than 70 people.

Hang on! It has yet to report on whether it has found samples?! Should we take that as “We found nuffin, but we’re still looking?” I’ll just note in passing, the  change in language from the Guardian. Now they talk of “an alleged chemical attack” which is a huge shift away from the ‘dead cert’ language they’ve used previously. I’m not going to dig through all the screaming headlines of a few months ago that proclaimed how hastily buried bodies were going to be dug up, and how the exact location of the chemical attack was known, or the reporting that claimed to show unexploded chemical ordinance.

The fact is that after almost three months, the OPCW cannot say that it has any samples being subjected to analysis. A country was bombed off the back of reports that chemical weapons were used. That’s kinda big. And no samples.

On the Skripal front, there is nothing much being reported either. On the 6th of June, the Guardian announced progress in that investigators, in true ‘plod’ form, had finally figured poison must have been smeared on the doorhandle of Skripals house no more than 24 hours before they was taken ill. That bears repeating. After three months, investigators were able to conclude that a door handle had been spiked with a hugely toxic chemical agent, at some point in time between people coming into or out of a house and not falling ill, and subsequently entering or exiting a house and falling ill. Astonishing!

The thing is, there’s no need to provide evidence of any chemicals in the case of Douma, or to progress the case around the Skripals. Populations were to be played for political purposes. Populations were successfully played for political purposes. That’s the real story right there. And no mainstream media are going to be running that story; they are a part and parcel of the game, acting hand in glove with governments. And they are dutifully playing their final part in the role they’ve chosen or been assigned, and hauling aside that lidded cover to the memory hole where stories like Douma and the Skripals are shoved.

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