Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
4:09 pm, May 13th, 2015 - 54 comments
Categories: social media lolz, spin -
Tags: angry andy, creepy key
When the people are on to you:
John Key clearly not happy about Andrew Little's pre-Budget speech. Pulling out the old "Angry Andrew" line a few times.
— Frances Cook (@FrancesCook) May 13, 2015
I see National's having another bash at naming Little "Angry Andy". Heard it four times today already.
— Vernon Small (@VernonSmall) May 13, 2015
David Farrar didn’t get the memo, he went with “hysterical”:
Little gets hysterical http://t.co/zMeLOxF562
— Kiwiblog (@KiwiblogDPF) May 13, 2015
Trouble is, there’s a difference between obvious attempts to astroturf a nickname and ones that have gone viral naturally:
@Rtmiss @FoxyLustyGrover @FrancesCook Kind of think a guy who goes around pulling hair should lay off personal attacks. #CreepyKey
— Scott (veryfried)đ (@LostArcNZ) May 13, 2015
“Violent John”. đ
The keyreepiness is strong in that one.
Hair pulling, name calling, telling lies. National politics really is exactly like the old school yard days when I was at primary….. Next they’ll be throwing tantrums in public, just like a 3 year old.. Hold on, the PM (and others) already do that at question time…
So, this is the real secret to gaining a seat in parliament and the treasury benches? Nice one.
Great comment Detrie. Spot on observations. If only they weren’t so true.
Yep and these clowns are supposed to be running the country, And not into the ground.
3 election wins in a row, higher personal approval rating and more seats for his party now than when first elected, dude must be doing something right.
[lprent: Where did the plural in seats come from? They currently have 59 seats. Exactly one seat more than they had in the 2008. Back in those halycon days National’s ACT partner had 5 seats rather than the one they have now. Their Maori party partner had 5 rather than the two that they have now. It does rather seem like their majority is diminishing at the same speed that your senility is approaching.
In other words, if you want to troll, then be accurate. ]
The strongest force grows old, and then its violence will return, and kill it.
/Lao Tzu,
“dude must be doing something right”
The reason for his popularity is that he is able to make everything that is wrong sound right. People who love/need an excuse for getting away with doing wrong love this skill of his, and all too often, especially in his government, try to emulate him. Unfortunately there are many such people who make it hell for for those who try to think of others rather than just themselves.
59 is greater than 58. The first number represents MORE SEATS than the second number. Thus it is mathematically true that National now has MORE SEATS than it did in 2008.
One more seats?
Pity they can’t pass legislation now. They could with ease back then.
ha good one exactly
Pity they canât pass legislation now
Less than 58+5+5+1?
In the first term they could pass pretty much any right-wing legislation they wanted.
They now can’t, since they only have 60 seats of hard right voting power, thanks to fucking up Northland.
At the Grey Power National AGM, Maggie Barry blamed the inability to pass her government’s RMA reforms on the opposition, whereas my immediate reaction was to blame their abysmal showing in Northland.
The housing crisis has the same fount of blame as well.
They’re good at shifting responsibility and accountability, this government.
Interesting how the apolitical organisation of Grey Power has recently had its meetings being addressed by sitting or past National Party people. Apparently the guest speakers have all been singing from the same song sheet as well.
She is the Minister for Seniors, after all.
Next year will be different with a range of politicians, so I’m not too concerned with any fear or favour here.
You do understand that on many of National’s policies now it would be:
59+1 against 1+2+ 32+14+12
60 against 61
I want a leader of the Labour Party who gets angry when talking about the hopeless stewardship of the NZ economy that is contributing to growing poverty and inequality of opportunity.
I want politicians whose behaviour eschews dogma.
I won’t even care if its a dog who chews dogma.
That’s what I reckon Little could start a speech with angry damn right I’m angry it would take the wind out of the sad do scumbags.
Something like:
I’m angry at the increasing poverty in NZ under National’s stewardship while FJK is relaxed about it.
Yep Little should start every speech with “angry damn right Iâm angry ” Be Angry Andy BUT, only angry at the waste of Money, lack of affordable houses, and all the other squandered chances. That we have seen over the last 7 years.
The Parnell Pony Puller becomes the Brainless Budget Bumbler…..alliteration rules when it comes to Shonkey….
Fleeing Flying Fugitive
David H and Sable
A large lump of lucid levity!
Disraeli once described the manner of Bishop Wilberforce as “unctuous, oleaginous, saponaceous.” And the good prelate was ever afterward known as Soapy Sam. For every man there is something in the vocabulary that would stick to him like a second skin. His enemies have only to find it. – Ambrose Bierce
In this case the Gnats have yet to find it – negligible talents for coining metaphors – but they are looking hard.
“In this case the Gnats have yet to find it â negligible talents for coining metaphors â but they are looking hard”
or rather they’re paying megabucks to their crony consultants and spinmeisters to ‘look hard’
pathetic really eh?
John Philip Keyreepy guy who keeps pulling hair
just because
Andrew Little? Yes, I like seeing strength of feeling in a politician, and he seems to have the whole range going on.
John Key? I have never seen “smiley John” only “sinister John”, a lack of authenticity that is chilling, and he hasn’t seduced me.
What will it take for middle, “vast majority of nuzillanders” to wake up?????
WannabeRugbyBoyKey to GaucheKey to IlliterateKey to SnottyKey to RattledHeadPrefectKey to ChildishWeeBoyKey to CringingEmbarrassmentKey. No wonder Auckland Old Money thinks he’s a dick ! Even as they finance and vote Tory. NQOCD. “Not Quite Our Class Darling……!”
OK……missed Old Dinosaur Bob Jones of Lower Hutt Heights who loves ‘im. Sorry Bob…..you’re a crass ‘nouveau’ prick too !
I think they are making a huge mistake calling him ‘angry andy’. For anyone locked out of buying a house and forced to pay ever higher rents, having someone with that moniker in Parliament is more attractive not less.
John Key’s personal abuse of Andrew Little lines up with his ponytail pulling that is for sure
Playground politics, “you learn all you need to know in kindergarten” but Key seems to take it literally
Bill English is good at getting nasty too
nasty & nasal
Name calling often shows fear and lack of counter argument.
Angry Andy could actually become a very useful hook for Mr Little.
Angry Andy head to head with Shon Key could resonate well with the disenchanted.
It is time to cut the crap.
AL ,like his style…keep on doin it…Keys ‘angry’ jibes show he’s worried..long way to go to the next election..keep the powder dry .
Andrew Little in the Herald:
“He (Key) will throw around the labels as much as he likes. People are getting to know me but they want someone who is actually passionate about New Zealand, who is not in the Prime Minister’s job as a vanity project and that’s the difference between him and me.”
“who is not in the Prime Minister’s job as a VANITY PROJECT.” Wow! That cuts to the bone.
Stay angry, Andrew. You’re doing fine.
P.S. I just remembered many of the most memorable photos of famous political leaders are images of their passionate anger. Keep it up Andrew.
That vanity project line from Little is a very good one. Bravo!
John Key’s pic was when he was getting worked up in the house about a Jordainian pilot. Have to love the guy’s priorities…
He has been PM for years – I doubt many people would consider JK doing this as a vanity project.
He always has new vanity projects and something to win to sustain him when he gets bored…. world cups, security council, selfies with celebrities, royalty and now….a new flag even
James – Keyreepys vanity knows no bounds
Follow the money. Who benefited most from Nat policy of the last seven years? The one percenters, Aussie banks and big overseas investors. Key is still working for Wall St elites and bringing NZ into line with US corporate interests. Probably gets instructions directly from his golfing buddy Obama
You forgot the Rothschilds and the mole men
Nah, he’s already admitted to being a reptilian
It’s an absolute hoot – this “Angry Andy” crapola has NEVER taken off – but still they try. Guess that marks the hubris – “…….we say it, it’s gonna be gold !”
Crosby Textor must be working to rule. Hey GaucheKey…….’words’ were never your ace !
Have a not-born-in-NZ friend in Aux whose comment thus still makes me chuckle – “Hey, I t’ink dat Mitta Gey’s a pit ov a kirl !” Apologies to all who might be justifiably offended. Comment and reporting thereof is designed to illustrate the fraudulence, not to offend.
As mentioned above, even if “angry Andy” does take off the ways it can be positively spun are substantial.
e.g. ‘Yes, I am angry about lack of regulation that causes workers to be killed in their jobs every day, why aren’t you?’
‘Yes, I am angry about the favours deal done over dinner for SkyCity, it’s a shoddy deal for the taxpayer’
etc, etc.
I’d rather have an angry Andy than a creepy John
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more.