Another catchy tune

Written By: - Date published: 10:44 am, August 21st, 2014 - 12 comments
Categories: brand key, internet, john key - Tags:

Like Planet Key (below) I guess the Electoral Commission won’t be keen to see this one get any airplay… 🙂


12 comments on “Another catchy tune ”

  1. shorts 1

    sentiment aside, thats a pretty rough (horrible) song

    seems there is a musical theme to this election, which is great to see, as this new release from a local label attests:

    I’ve yet to find anything musical to support national or those on the right

    • disturbed 1.1

      “Hollow men” with no singing apparatus available to them.

      Even Rob Muldoon tried but his lot are just empty of any fabric to be spiritually barren and incapable, they are alien on Planet key immersed in filthy money.

      I love this generation as we have some real hope here they want some humanity back.

      At 70 I remember when I began singing Bob Dylans songs about Protesting war, the elders said the same, “thats a pretty rough (horrible)song”

      I think this Generation has spirit thank god we owe them for this, ” John Key don’t bull -shit us!”

    • emergency mike 1.2

      Indeed no DJ Quik level production here. However there is a pleasing kiwi rawness and sincerity to it. At first I thought the throat-slitting was a bit much, but then I remembered that our prime minister is happy to use the same gesture. No doubt Key with still screech on about how it’s another damning jigsaw piece of ‘the left’ conspiracy that’s out to get him.

      An offering from ‘the right’? “David Cunliffe, why did you forget you signed that standard letter 11 years ago?” Boy, it sure is hard to make that line flo.

  2. CnrJoe 2

    Really good – we dont want the poor to be the majority

  3. Karen 3

    Sorry Bunji, but this is exactly the kind of clip that will be taken out of context (smashing, burning, urinating) and it will be used by right wing media to scare older people into supporting National, or NZ First if they can’t bear National.

    The reason the Roy Morgan poll didn’t show the expected move towards the left was, IMO, the effigy burning and anti-semitic graffiti tied in with the Labour Party candidate calling Key Shylock.
    This dominated media coverage for a week of the polling period.

    So please, be careful what you post.

  4. disturbed 4

    “Yeah right” be belong on the right who don’t want free speech.

    Do you know what Democracy is and the price to keep it.

    Don’t be to fixated by polls they are industry and Interest group sourced and manipulated, so watch as they change going forward.

    I was asked to participate in that poll and as soon as we told them something about us they declined the participation so you be careful about relying only on polls, as we know now they are manipulated, do you?

  5. hoom 5

    Frankly songs directly targeting a specific politician/party during campaign period like these really do need to be treated as ads.

    Imagine the uproar if the Recording Industry or similar corporates put some very anti Labour/Greens type song on all the commercial stations on high repetition.

    Pretty sure they would if they were allowed & its a good thing they aren’t.

  6. Steve Wrathall 6

    Catchy? Catches the essence of the “Vote Positive” message I guess

    • felix 6.1
      1. I’m glad you feel it’s ok to attribute the song to the Labour party, Steve. hile we’re at it, let’s also attribute every anti-labour message to the National party campaign, mkay? k.
      2. I do realise you were being ironic, but rejecting bullshit is, by definition, a positive act.
    • One Anonymous Bloke 6.2

      Blow harder, Wratfuck.

  7. Valleyman 7

    Only a dictatorship bans freedom of speech, be sure to share this link with all your friends to download “Planet Key” & keep the song in the public domain.
    This citizen of NZ will not be silenced & oppressed by Dictator Key.!VtcUXRza!TbxdwLqN8YB1fycNU5ofSEZq2RaGzRSvnBi3c-I1uOc

  8. Dave 8

    How constructive – well done – you certainly have a future in film writing if you don’t make it as a computer technician