Apparently solar panels suck up all the sun’s energy and cause cancer

No the date is not April 1. A town in America has citizens and elected representatives who think that solar panels may suck up all of the sun’s energy, may prevent plants from photosynthesising and may cause cancer.

From the Independent:

A US town has rejected a proposal for a solar farm following public concerns.

Members of the public in Woodland, North Carolina, expressed their fear and mistrust at the proposal to allow Strata Solar Company to build a solar farm off Highway 258.

During the Woodland Town Council meeting, one local man, Bobby Mann, said solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not go to Woodland, the Roanoke-Chowan News Herald reported.

Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing.

Ms Mann said she had seen areas near solar panels where plants are brown and dead because they did not get enough sunlight.

She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn’t cause cancer.

I guess plants immediately behind solar panels would receive less sun.  But the claims are bizarre.  Yet after the debate the town’s elders voted three to one against the solar panel proposal and later voted for a moratorium on future solar farms.

There is a wind turbine equivalent.  Some people think they are a potential health risk.  Amongst them are former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.  His party launched a parliamentary inquiry into windmills and even proposed a wind farm commissioner to handle complaints from those who thought that wind turbines posed an unnecessary risk.  And a Wyoming Institute of Technology study, financed by those enlightened centres of progressive thought Saudi Arabia and BP Corporation, profess to think that the world’s rate of spin is actually slowing down because of the proliferation of wind turbines.

I think they are all wrong, the rate of spin of the globe is increasing and this is caused by ever increasing number of conservative and corporate spin doctors.  And until persuaded otherwise I intend to maintain this view.

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