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- Date published:
10:38 pm, May 12th, 2014 - 117 comments
Categories: leadership -
Tags: David Cunliffe
A really nice piece from Campbell Live tonight. It’s useful to see the leaders of political parties at home. It gives a better sense of who they are than the stage-managed set pieces and soundbites we usually see them though.
And from the Campell Live piece it’s clear that David Cunliffe is the kind of decent bloke you’d want to be looking out for our interests. His wife Karen is extremely accomplished too. A perfect couple.
Looking forward to his chat here tomorrow evening.
Recommended viewing.
So far I had some doubts about David Cunliffe, but the Campbell Live visit to his and his wife Karen’s home, and the rather friendly conversation and general presentation have given me a more positive impression of the man leading Labour.
His wife’s environmental passions do add to a positive flair about the Cunliffes. They will have their challenges too, I am sure, but I have gained more trust in David after seeing the program. He is not the smart acting “fake” John Key often is, David is actually a somewhat natural, and soft guy, who I would rather have as leader than the present PM.
But then again, such shows performances may also be seen a bit like staged performances, are they not?
At least David is able to be a reasonable contender for the job. Things may look up.
Cheesy as anything. I can see why he was reluctant to do it in the first place. The last thing I want to watch when I’m cooking dinner is politicians cooking dinner.
Is that you John?
Did you watch the CL segment, then?
Did it show Cunliffe cooking?
I saw him beating the batter for pikelets for the sons afternoon tea. As for food it was Fish n Chips and a beer while waiting. How more down to earth can you get?
Yes. I meant he wasn’t cooking dinner as Tamati implied.
good catch karol. i didnt watch it, was out, and didnt watch key. hence iha e no comment on it. tamati however
Maybe you’re more into watching a prime minister wave cooking utensils abusively in front of their spouse’s face?
it was a very nice interview, just as those with Key, Hone and Norman were. Cunliffe and his wife,Karen, were very impressive. They responded very well to the questions when addressed.
A great idea from Campbell Live to show our leaders in a different setting.
I have watched all of the At home with the leaders.
Key well that looked forced sausages and eggs at his ‘beach house’ and the thing with the ponytail had me cringing.
Hone Hawaria at their home. I have been watching Hone grow as a politician over the years now when he speaks people of all races listen.
Russel Norman. At their home (and mung beans for Campbell) a good joke. I didn’t know he was married to Anna Paquins sister. The Greens have grown into a political force (no matter what Key shouts and blusters I think he’s scared)
David and Karen. Well what to say. Nothing like what he has been portrayed by his opponents on both sides of the house. You can see the upbringing of the parsons household, gentle and quiet, non of the I’m important persona, that you get with Key. And to think David nearly followed his fathers choice of vocation. Lucky for NZ he didn’t.
Now we have the rest to look forward to. Next Jamie Whyte.
is winnie the poo doing one
Which bar?
I like that very much!!!
Labour’s secret weapon. Karen – environmentalist, and look at the way she is able to turn her hand to virtually anything. Hens, bees, neighbours dropping off scraps in return for eggs, jam maker, pikelet maker. you name it she does it. None of this la-de-da farmers market $$$15-00 a pop an egg brigade for the Cunliffe’s.
And I’d like to see John Key around a bee hive. It’d take more than an itsy tiny smoker to take the sting out of them if they knew he was around.
She has stood by him through all the shit – much of it internal.
So she’s David Cunliffe’ secret weapon, rather than Labour’s.
Behind every Great Man is a Great Woman! (but not one to be in that Great Man’s shadow, so better still, beside every Great Man is a Great Woman) Karen Price is a very impressive woman.
Have really enjoyed seeing Rus Le Roq, Hone and David in their home settings, where their personal self can come to fore and they express their humanity differently from the political setting they operate in, which is normally the only way we can view them. It’s good to see where those individuals are coming from, as well where and how their foundation beliefs are formed.
Wouldn’t want to see too much more though. Beyond that it could become voyeuristic and their lives at risk of being trivialised.
Well said Rosie: “beside every Great Man is a Great Woman”
I want to see more of the man Campbell filmed….
That was a stunning piece, anyone who sees it will know why Cunliffe is a man to vote for! And wow his wife…. She was totally awesome!
More of this please camp labour
I like him. He’ll make a great PM. Some of his coalition partners are pretty good too. Just as well, because there’s a lot of work to do.
How does having an education, a job, bees and chickens make you aggressive?
He really is a little creep.
Post probably better titled “At home with Karen Price”
It was a lovely show and seems to have been well received by the media who seem at long last willing to speak positively about David. Karen is a real asset and came across as an impressive woman. I still need to hear Labour offer more help to low income people before I commit to Labour though. Beneficiaries are still not being offered much by Labour unlike low and middle income workers.
Surely Labour need these votes and cant afford to ignore them.
Harawira’s at home on CL, was also excellent, showing him to be genuine, down-to-earth, and committed to helping Maori and all those on low incomes.
How ever pleasant Cunliffe came across on tele last night won’t change the fact that Labour is not a party for the poor. As we’ve been constantly told for a long time now, Labour is a party for workers. Labour has of course always said that it’s a party for workers, it’s just that now when they say it beneficiaries are excluded. Once upon a time the distinction wasn’t made because unemployment was correctly viewed in structural not personal terms but Labour’s been sucked into believing right-wing generated propaganda that’s corroded our values as a nation so Labour too must now treat the poor with hatred and disdain because, after all, that’s what the general population believes so why not?
Good on David, he was somewhat subdued, taken away from the spotlight by his amazing wife – and it seems that he didn’t mind that at all. Much more natural than his performances in the House which sometimes sound too much like sermons.
Just be yourself, David.
I’m slightly embarrassed to confess that something as ‘soft’ as this has probably sealed my vote for Labour at my first election since resigning from 15 years of Green Party membership.
Russell Norman’s CL at home was retty good, too., Showing how committed he is to his poitical values. But Norman had already developed more of a strong public persona.
Hi Karol … these CL pieces seem to have ignored Metiria as Greens co-leader .. do you have any idea how the decisions are made in GP about this ? Recently it seems Metiria is only sometimes remembered as co-leader, and it irks me !
I am not a Green Party member. I have no idea how those decisions are made. But, as I show in my post today, Turei has had Campbell Live into her home fairly recently and generally got quite a bit of coverage for that. Tried to counter the tendency to treat Norman as de facto leader in my post today.
thx karol
Oh no! Why did you give up on the Greens?
I didn’t give up on them entirely Mary. The days after the split from the Alliance were fun. The greenviews mailing list was lively and open (a bit like the standard is today) but these folks are now professional politicians and I find it harder to relate to Norman, Turei, Clendon, Delahunty, Hughes etc compared to the sense of brotherhood I felt with Fitzsimons, Bradford, Locke, Tanczos, Kedgeley, Ward. Since I find it harder to relate to them leaving was inevitable – not keen to put billboards on my house, make phone calls, deliver pamphlets, and scrutineer for folks I’m ambivalent about.
I guess I see hope in the Greens and Mana because I see no hope with Labour, have given up on them 110%, feel nothing but disdain towards them because of their blatant hypocrisy when it comes to the poorest among us, abandonment of traditional values and so on. Can’t take one word seriously because they’ve backtracked on everything since the early 1990s, have made things worse to boot with no evidence they’ll change and every indication we’re in for more of the same. Just sick of them.
Yep, it came across well. But some 2c says that if looking for the edge over Key in the upcoming campaign then David should get some colour in his cheeks. Go fishing on a sunny afternoon once a week for an hour or so. Stand on a riverbank or seashore. Get the suns reflection off the water. The resulting freshness and outdoor glow will leave Key and his pasty lack of muscles in the dust.
Just a thought, you know – at the top it is the smallest things that tip the pendulum. And when seen alongside storys like this by Campbell Live it could really add up.
I like the fact that here is a couple who are obviously very well off, but are not engaging in the trappings as such. Time spent at home is growing veges, feeding chooks, tending to bees etc. All really wholesome, non-commercial stuff. Its the way many of us of a certain age were brought up, before things became a lot more (unfortunately), materialistic. I think that speaks volumes about who the Cunliffe’s really are. Two INCREDIBLY bright NZders who have done well, and sure have a flash house, but still live the old values (like scraps for eggs, old style NZ community).
I like that too.
Really enjoying the series with the leaders, makes me feel more optimistic about our future.
I’m looking forward to seeing Jamie Whyte.
I want John Campbell to ask Whyte why he talks the way he does.
@ mary..heh..!
..it’s called rand-speak..
..and the general contempt for all others he wears on his sleeve.
..that’s his own addition/affectation..
Yes, the way he conducts himself makes him his own worst enemy. How on earth anyone would vote for him is beyond comprehension. Am looking forward to hearing what he’ll have to say after the election.
and he is the best they have got..!
..where is their candidate..?..what’shisname..?
..do they have him locked in a room somewhere..?
..or is he still hiding behind hedges..’?
..waiting to jump out and scare people..
“..hi..!..i’m what’shisname..!’..
The Monty Python Party.
Yep. And Karen can pilot planes, too.
There’s no end to her talents! Never mind David Parker as Deputy Leader. When Mr C is away on PM’s business oversea’s Ms P can jump in the Cessna, head to (the other) Beehive, run the country, whilst simultaneously battling environmental crims!
I’ll think you’ll find Karen has been fighting for rather than against environmental crims.
Please confine any fair or unfair criticism that you may have directed at the politician, Mr Cunliffe, but leave his wife and family alone, as that is completely wrong and unfair. I hope you understand that.
“Please confine any fair or unfair criticism that you may have directed at the politician, Mr Cunliffe, but leave his wife and family alone, as that is completely wrong and unfair. I hope you understand that.”
I was responding to the comment above where Rosie suggested that the person in question battled environmental criminals which is completely untrue. I would also comment in the same manner if the partners of the Green party politicians were portrayed untruthfully for political purposes.
I was being playful tinfoilhat. 🙄
I’m guessing you did watch the show last night where Karen Prices work as an environmental lawyer was discussed. I’m not sure how you get the impression that she is somehow supporting those organisations or businesses that as a result of their business operations the environment is compromised and damaged.
“I’m guessing you did watch the show last night where Karen Prices work as an environmental lawyer was discussed. I’m not sure how you get the impression that she is somehow supporting those organisations or businesses that as a result of their business operations the environment is compromised and damaged.”
Oh I don’t know perhaps her published CV misled me ?
Alright alright Tinfoilhat. You posted at the same time (see post below), I thought that maybe I should do a google search and sure Karen Prices’ work history is easy enough to find.
No need to be sarcastic.
Er, a brief (and hopefully momentary) pause in my enthusiasm. Ms P has represented the reprehensibles’ and not so much the environmentalists.
Still, her work is her work at not that of her husband’s, our new PM after 20th September.
Further to the above: Our work doesn’t always define us, nor are our roles fixed.
I got thinking about a family friend, a lawyer who worked for the Crown in the early days of the Treaty negotiations – he represented the Crowns interests. Did that make him opposed to the right of Maori to have stolen lands returned to them? No. He was interested in the cultures of others and understood the power colonial governments had over indigenous peoples, around the world, and was supportive of moves for such people to reclaim their lost lands and traditional ways. He was a good person who had inclusive social values
None of this is relevant though as it’s David Cunliffe people are voting for, not his wife.
So what we’re really saying is David and Karen are the political power couple you’d most want to have on your team when the zombie apocalypse comes?
Now there’s an idea Stephanie. Of course, Ms P will be fully prepared for such an event should it arise. I bet there’s a well stocked zombie apocolypse “Go Bag” in the hall way cupboard, should it be required in such an emergency.
+1 anker. They are a family who can demonstrate that the acquisition of wealth does not need to equate to flashy shows of materialism and excess environmentally damaging consumerism.
Unlike another “leader” we know.
Yes anker and it must seem to lay to rest the idea that somehow the Cunliffes are lolling around in luxurious splendour as per the Key dig at David’s address.
definitely the worst house on the street. how could anyone not see they represent the kiwi battler.
Money bags ShonKey seems to attract support (too much) from the aspirational bennie basher section of “kiwi battlers”. Are personally well off people allowed to represent the less well off or not? Come on Tighty, what say you.
I have no problem with it at all. My problem lies in david cunliffes ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth. He pretends he’s some working class boy with deep ties to the movement, when all he really is a political opportunist. I can see the propaganda minds at work in the war room, john key has been successful, so lets let david be seen to be successful but we’ll balance it out by getting some workers in to plant a vege patch to add the down home touch. well played, well played.
David Cunliffe is no doubt a very capable politician. Being able to “talk out of both sides” of the mouth is part of a core corporate skillset; it’s one reason why Key and English would have preferred the far less experienced and less articulate David Shearer. The Left is very lucky to have a capable leader like Cunliffe in its midst.
Talking out of both sides of his mouth is one of Key’s major skills. He often does it with the same utterances – seeming to say one thing, but literally meaning another. And as for his state-house-to-PM line of success, claiming he understands ordinary Kiwis’ experiences?….
“I have no problem with it at all”
yes, such a non issue that you and the rest of the NZ birthers keep bringing it up
your entire complaint is that hes too wealthy to represent the kiwi battler. ie: hes faking it
Do you have any evidence that David Cunliffe or anyone else got workers in to plant a vege patch? I doubt it somehow, but your politics of envy is making you look even uglier, TR.
Yes I can see how that’s a really bad look TR. If you are going to represent most New Zealanders I’d agree – you have to get rid of the mansion.
And possibly the bach in Hawaii as well.
And the Beach House.
and the spare room at Windsor Castle
and the golfing buddies
Is this how banal NZ MSM coverage of the election and politics is going to become ?
Stage managed pieces with the respective ‘leaders’ ?
Honestly what conclusions anyone could come to about the things that really matter from this rubbish is anyone’s guess.
Let’s all remember that the Auckland mayor had a number of puff pieces about what a wonderful religious chap and family man he was prior to the last couple of elections, that’s about all these pieces by Campbell live are worth.
John Key whole persona is media made ( 36 million to media works insured that) not just his political one. The RWNJ really dont want people to see what a great guy Cunliffe ACTUALLY is. It was a really nice piece that only card caring Nats would dislike.
“It was a really nice piece that only card caring Nats would dislike.”
Well as I’m a card carrying Green and dislike these puff pieces i guess you’re wrong on that one.
But as a card carrying Green and someone actively engaged in politics, you do understand and accept the importance of media puff pieces during an election year, right?
Oh indeed CV, it doesn’t mean I have to approve of the practice however.
Well Ive re posted Russel Normans at home piece with John Campbell to because I think its important that people get to know a bit about him as well. While I can appreciate your anti stance lots of voters want to see this soft media stuff.Sadly the left have been to slow to recognise that it is this stuff that has meant John Key has stayed so popular for so long, even when he and the National government have been straight out corrupt in my view, people still think Key is ok.
At the end of the day what many on the left dont understand is we have to win and to win you have to campaign smart, imagery and narrative is important, you can have the opinion that its not right ( soft Media) but voters who like it dont give a shit what you think. In Cunliffes case people have been feed a narrative that he is not liked and that he is a rich smarmy bloke bla bla. So it was particularly important that people got to see David Cunliffe in a different setting being who I know he and many others know he is.We need a Labour/Greens Government in my view and if that means some soft media so be it.
Yep. Too many on the Left think that Policies and Issues are the be all and end all of peoples voting decisions.
For some of us, it’s not that we aren’t aware of how media puff pieces influence voters, it’s that we think there needs to be a shift to more focus on policies and values – the puff pieces, infotainment approach is out of the “neoliberal” playbook, and tends to work to reinforce their underlying values.
“Neoliberal play book” call it what you want their will always be a large chunk of voters that want this stuff and if the left dont get better at it we will have the nice MR Key until he decides he wants to move on.
Infotainment has always been around. However, the “neoliberal” corporate media shift has resulted in it becoming very dominant. Team Key and the Nats generally, would rather focus on this stuff, personality politics, smears etc, than on actual policies and issues. If Kiwis knew more about Nat policies, and their impact on NZ, they would find it far harder to get elected.
Of course, a certain amount of “kissing babies” has long been part of political campaigning. But, if the left allow it to remain dominant, the values of corporate-led, middle class supporting, individualism will continue to permeate politics.
Well if the Left want to play a different game it better get its own media channels up and running…I know you know this because you have put significant thought into the issue.
Labour should have been facilitating soft media MSM coverage on Labour’s front bench over the last 6 months. By this stage in the election cycle, voters should then be entirely comfortable with who DC etc are as ordinary Kiwis SO that the issues can then take prominence.
It’s less that it’s “out of the “neoliberal” playbook” and more that the neoliberals consciously make a virtue of not patronising ordinary people for wanting to see politicians in a human and accessible light. That’s probably why they tend to be quite successful at monopolising politics in the OECD. Russel and Hone can see the utility in it without suggesting the masses are morons even if you cannot.
“not patronising”, or “leveraging peoples behaviour for their own end”?
they arent doing it to be benevolent – they’re doing it to get power and influence, and i would suggest that what the punters in punterland think doesnt really matter beyond buying into whatever idea is being spread
that attitudes not owned exclusively by the right of course
all it is is advertising and marketing – and advertising and marketing is almost always about manipulating your audience
DC is getting that.
I don’t like any of them. With the Key one, I didn’t even like the subject matter. I see at as a banalisation of politics, but I also know when I’m in a minority and just have to live with stuff I don’t like.
David Cunliffe you make me proud. Karen Price, you rock.
You think that wasn’t stage managed?
Everything on TV (or any media for that matter) is stage managed to some degree.
But what you could ask is; do you think the whole show was a fake? Do you think that the things you saw this family doing were simply made up? That none of the things you saw were parts of their ‘real lives’?
And if you are going to make that argument, do you have any evidence to support it?
Stage Managed does not mean fake.
It was more stage managed than the daily press gallery scrum that Cunliffe faces when he gets random questions thrown at him. In that situation he has no preparation and has to act on instinct. That is when we see the real Cunliffe.
Last night was a pre-recorded documentary that he had weeks to prepare for.
just watched that interview ….and what a fabulous New Zealand couple!…they are both absolutely perfect to lead New Zealand!!!….love them both and their back garden and bees and pets….and John Campbell was very good also!!!! Awesome!!!!,,,,thankyou for posting it here
….i have to admit i have resisted watching any of these television at- home interviews because i have thought it an invasion of privacy and in the end it is the policy that matters…..but now i am going to have to search for the Campbell interviews with the Russel and Metiria and Winnie and Hone…
( but i don’t think i will watch Keys or Craig or Whyte…call me biased ….one has to be selective as to what trash one puts in ones noggin these days)
I think you should watch the Key one as well. I did. It was a good performance and showed why he is still personally popular.
Understanding his appeal is crucial to developing a strategy to counter it. Pointing out his failings and flaws has not been a winning strategy for the opposition over the last five years and longer. If we don’t understand what other people like about him, then we can’t communicate effectively with those people.
Imagine you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and you love them a lot. One of your close friends, someone with your best interests at heart, tries to reason with you, explaining why they’re no good for you and the relationship will end in tears. Do you a) say “thanks for opening my eyes, I can see I need to dump the beloved and start again” or b) get pissed off with your friend for slagging off the beloved?
At the moment, the PM has a such a relationship with the NZ public that he could eat a baby on TV, and 55% of viewers would agree with the fawning coverage that admired how stylishly that cheeky chap can eat a baby, not like those other politicians who wouldn’t be up to baby eating.
The joy of the Williamson and Collins problems (and hopefully more to come) is that they attack the Nats at their weak point, taking out people who are not popular and loved, while indirectly placing Key under more strain and letting the public draw their own conclusions about his judgement and choice of friends.
@ Stephen …you are right of course ( it is just that i should be doing other things and I am enough distracted…so have to be selective)
maybe the Standard could make all the Campbell interviews available? …so easy to find
Just passing through quickly – but your wish is my command.
Here is a link to all the Campbell Live ‘At Home with the Leaders’ videos.
http://www.3news.co.nz/Home/Tags.aspx?topic=At Home with the Leaders
Oops – that link did not work so here are the individual links
It is interesting that there was no provision for comments on the first John Key interview; but comments were enabled for all the subsequent ones.
If you watch the John Key at home listen for this memorable line:
“Making a few more million wasn’t going to make any difference to the lifestyle we wanted.”
+100 thankyou Veutoviper for those links … ( maybe they could be placed permanently in the sidebar for reference)
WOW both John Campbell interviews with Hone and Hilda and Russel and Katya are enormously impressive!!!
…What a fantastic New Zealand Left Team they will make with David Cunliffe and Karen in the next New Zealand Government!
My impression of Hone and Hilda is that they are the true heroes and the true New Zealanders
My impression of Russel and Katya is of enormous intellect and how privileged we are to have Russel Norman come across the Tasman …the clarity of his economic analysis and intellect is just what New Zealand political governance needs…
( the Key interview i have yet to watch…maybe will watch it with the Act one..have to be in the mood….at the moment I am a little euphoric at the talent being offered up on the New Zealand Left)
Look forward to the at home interview with Winnie
I will look at it later in the day. At present I’m yawning my head off and not in a good place to code because I am
Early to bed tonight.
thanks …but no rush…and thanks the Standard is a great site!…for political education…and having a “say”…great for interactive democracy!
hmmmm, Key seemed to come across as a very aggressive person imo. Grabbing the girls pony tail at the market, Bronagh being uncomfortably snapped at with the tongs, his general speed at everything keeping everyone off-balance.
Showed little / no understanding of NZ political and social history – was all about his boyhood dream, nothing more. Somewhat shallow.
shallow and aggressive
if he was talking about his boyhood dream to be pm, i dont believe it and never had. everything about him screams self interest and a desire for money… as a kid i would believe his dream was to never be poor, to never have to rely on anyone else financially, and not alot unusual or bad about that. tge pm dream sounded like part of a fabricated personna… and very american influenced…
i have met americans who wanted to be president when they grew up, key is the only kiwi i have ever heard say they had the boyhood dream to be pm.
One day Key will be looked back on as a figure of derision. Someone who wanted to be PM when they were twelve would remember where they stood in 1981. More than a little has been fabricated in his persona.
In his relationship with Bronagh, he come across as an extremely dominating alpha male, who barely lets her speak for herself. As for the pony tail thing, I really don’t know what to make of that. He generally seems quite creepy around children, to me at least, and what he’s doing there reminds me of a school bully pulling the girls’ hair. He does a lot of stuff unconsciously that really is weird.
Women’s magazines are next.
Keep up the soft stuff DC – we’re hoovering votes today.
Russel Norman
John Key
Hone Harawira
I believe Jamie Whyte is on next week… presumably Metiria and Winston are still to come.
Totally agree with you Stephen.
same, i’ve found them to be nauseating & banal. but jeez i’m glad ppl got to see that side of cunliffe, & wow! karen price, what an amazingly warm & talented person!
100 idlegus…”karen price, what an amazingly warm & talented person!”….and David Cunliffe was as i expected…he will be a great New Zealand Prime Minister!
& davids facebook page has had an upsurge in ‘likes’ since last night, & after the horrorshow week(s) national has had, great timing too!
Must be hard to cope with the tabloid standard set now. Good on them for protecting the privacy of their kids.
Both David and Karen came across as warm, pleasant, caring and interesting people. David seemed both genuine and wonderfully devoid of the slick, smarmy, media training Key demonstrates and hints of naivety were charmingly refreshing. Thanks to them both for letting us in on a little of their, understandably cherished ,private territory.
Without doubt the next Prime Minister of New Zealand !
The Cunliffes were brillant.
Their lifestyle was in stark contrast to Keys’ cold empty shell of a trophy ‘beach house’ existence.
The best part for me was when David said, “I’m here to help.”
Lovely couple.
Karen is cool.
“Was your childhood idyllic…?” I turned I off after that feckless question. Cunliffe should have clocked the fucker between the eyes as a reply. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, or maybe a complete arse, but the Campbell team fawning was as sickening as the inescapable syrupy depression I feel when yet another cultural cut-out reaches ascendency and tries to sell change. Reminded me of when everyone fell in love with the great kiwi bloke called John Key.
Is this it? The whole cult of personality turning round once more along exactly the same lines? I refuse to vote for anyone like David Cunliffe (the political construct, the man himself is none of my business), or his party’s policies, or anyone sold by Campbell Live. In fact I might place a moratorium on my voting until a candidate that isn’t totally ruined by aspirant culture turns up. Just my personal taste, you understand.
Can understand your aversion to media framing.
Few are immune to it. If you are, I hope you add to weighing up the policy contests on their merits alone.
So over in sewer(s), the rats have convinced themselves that David and Karen don’t really have a garden or chooks or bees, but they were all cunningly installed for the interview.
Just upthread our friend Tighty says the same thing.
I don’t think I could ever type enough rolleyes…
Got to work today to be told by one of my more National-enamoured colleagues that, while it wouldn’t change his vote (nothing would, let’s face it) he could see plenty of people warming to DC after the CL piece which apparently was awesome. I nearly had to sit down for a minute.
Now theres a thing we do not know,thirty years of intelect and knowing.What a revolation.Solid also..