Written By:
- Date published:
12:57 pm, March 23rd, 2011 - 10 comments
Categories: budget 2011 -
Tags: 2025 taskforce, cuts, cycleway, don brash, whanau ora
Turia’s learning the price of loyalty. Her Whanau Ora is getting cuts. Key knows she’ll roll over and vote for any budget to keep her seat in the limo. Hide’s 2025 Taskforce is for the chop too. He and Key say it’s not worth the money. Never was. 300K down the drain. Brash off the gravy train; back to corned beef and peas. Bet Key’s silly cycleway won’t be cut.
Z, now that’s an acerbic nutshell 🙂
Brash finally taking a dose of his own meds – too funny!
And the Holiday Highway will stay – if anyone asks why, Joyce will simply stick his fingers in his ears and chant “productivity productivity productivity!!!” until they go away.
A BCR (benefit cost ratio) of 0.5 to 0.6 is an high quality targeted expernditure. Lots of low quality expenditure to trim, but that doesn’t include a highway where for every $1 you put in you get the excellent return of 50 cents.
Imagine if your bank or retirement company lost 50 cents in every dollar you invested with them.
The holiday highway is inded a ‘blue chip’ investment. ‘Blue Chip Finance’ that is.
Whanau Ora may be cut but several very important family violence and child advocacy initiatives will go to fund it. This to a woman who stood up at a Whanau Ora meeting in Nelson and berated a non-profit for reporting child abuse. Yes -that’s right, in her opinion – because it’s “all about whanau” – reporting child abuse in those whanau is a bad thing. So we’ll lose funding to stop child abuse and give it to a programme that will collude with child abusers.
Shurely shome mishtake here? The Don was only on basic meals because he had no cook to hand at the time if I have it correctly after the first divorce. As I understand the big man’s present domestic arrangements he has someone to ensure he gets good meals. That may be just gossip. There ought to be an adequate salary associated with his academic position in banking at AUT? He may have lots of standing expenses of course.
Joyce is an embarrassment but is able to do whatever he wants with impunity
Brash well that’s another issue more easily dealt with
It’s not a done deal re your first assertion Zetetic.
Will the revolution start in Christchurch?
Overheard in an airport lounge late yesterday from someone once closely aligned to Brash… the final “update” report of the 2025 Taskforce will still be produced, whether it has the official seal on it or not. If the Govt pulls their (tiny) budget as part of the wider cost-cutting exercise (only around $160K is budgeted for the final update) the members are apparently planning to independently publish the progress report themselves.
Should be fascinating. It might end up proving a huge embarrassment for the Govt (and Rodney Hide too, if rumours are true that Don Brash is linked to a new political movement that will present voters with an alternative to ACT). There is no doubt the media will give good coverage to a reportcard from a freshly-dismissed “Former 2025 Taskforce” particularly if it shows that John Key’s government (in coalition with ACT) has failed to meet its own objective of developing policies to catch up with the roaring Australian economy.
Coincidentally, what a nice springboard that will be for the launch of a new political party. Like him or hate him, Brash still packs a punch when it comes to debating the economy and lets not forget who else is on the Taskforce – it even includes a member of Australia’s well respected Productivity Commission (which enjoys very broad cross-partisan support there).
Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just repeating what I heard.
The 2025 Report series were only a nod by National and English to its dwindling numbers of far right neo liberals. There was never any intention to adopt this sort of policy- because it would mean even Goff would win. Despite the coming tight budget, the Nats really intend to do nothing until the IMF and banks put on the screws, force action and take the heat of the peoples rage.
The next 2025 Report will clearly be off little value, as Act will be unable to finance soft absorbent paper.
Brashes adoption of the single old mans diet is not surprising. He’s presbyterian aristocracy and their sons and daughters used to be waited on hand and foot. At Knox in the l970s you got better than hotel meals three times a day, with the options of two servings of roast and three servings of apple pie and custard and it was deliciousy done. Brash of course is into vineyards and kiwifruit, fashionable and respectable pursuits for the faux maculine upper class male of a certain age. Its like the American husbands of a similar age in the l960s whose only household chore was riding around mounted on a big lawnmower