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- Date published:
10:50 am, August 25th, 2011 - 23 comments
Categories: benefits, humour, video -
h/t http://www.politicaldumpground.com/
The Benefit Card is a joke – but so are National so I guess the two go hand in hand really.
The real joke is the idea of getting an apple for $1 under National.
I realised that when I was making it, thought that we should point that out in the video, but decided to keep it simple!
This was made by one of my young friends!! make it go viral – it needs to be out there showing what a nonsense the Nats are!
Great work, it’s very well done and has been getting a lot of attention on social media! Are they planning more? I hope so … these sort of viral videos can have a big impact across social media!
I know the creator is in Dunedin at present, but I think he calls in here from time to time, I will pass the message on.
We have already made a few, I will post links to some others below. Do you think we should follow the theme of MasterCard to point out National’s epic fails? Or make a variety?
I think a variety would be awesome considering what you’ve done so far.
Have you seen RSA Animate videos? …have any friends who can draw :)? They convey information in the most effective way I’ve seen. David Cunliffe’s CGT video reminded me of them actually…same sort of style.
“This was made by one of my young friends!! make it go viral – it needs to be out there showing what a nonsense the Nats are!”
Newbs. If you can’t see the bigger picture here, you are blind. The young people are just a pilot programme. This will be rolled out to all. You wait and see.
Good too.
I’m pretty sure that most of us are aware of Nationals desire to control everybody.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJTLcExd5vQ < bit more of a broad theme.
All of them are great work, hopefully parties can pick up on the style of presentation (social media) for their campaigns. I say keep them coming!
Excellent reedfleming!
These are examples of Keep it Simple Stupid. A few people who I know are not very interested in politics but simple messages simply said by those who are suitless and just like us, will have a resonance.
Should say that National Supporters should be forbidden to view so that they will view. (I’m a little bit Irish.)
The control card is coming to your area soon.
Next there will be Work and Income only hours at the supermarket or purpose built Work and Income supermarkets which stock allowable food items. Class segregration is going to be the only growth industry in NZ in the four year budget forecast.
Well done reedy! Really good work, the sort of thing I’ve hoped to see from Labour for years. Have to say I prefer the direct mimic style a la the bankcard job – the closer to the original the better, the more naff and cringeworthy the original the better too. Keep up the good work, remember how Tina Fey’s lampooning of Palin did more for the Dem effort than anything else – rip into it!
Let us go ALL the way, and instead of stupid “food stamps” and “payment cards”, let us force every beneficiary (2nd class citizen or resident that should be forced to carry an armband coloured yellow and with a LARGE “BLUDGER” printed on it) to assemble every morning at certain assembly points, to gear up and get ready to weed the side strips of streets, highways and motorways. Then after half a day’s work you will be given a bowl of watery soup to keep you going. At the end of the day you get your “food stamp” card credited to buy an apple or two, a tomato, two potatoes, a cheap soup sachet and get sent home on foot.
Yeah right, get tough on these “bludgers”, they are “bleeding us dry”!
Hail thee, hail thee, our grandest of leaders, in joint responsibility, Don Key and Paula Bandit.
Will corporate style dairy farmers have to wear them too?
No! They will wear a bluish arm band that has blue print on white background as SM (leave interpretation open to ‘sado …” or “Self Masturbator”), indicating a certain superiority and self controlment. It must not be confused with the National Party do good armband that is brown throughout, has SS printed on it, which may well represent the meaning of “Shit Sucker” or some similar deep meaning that leads to value judgments at a much higher level. Good NIght CV
Sorry CV, I got a bit distracted, when it comes to the dairy sector, we must realise it is about “self milking”, which may fit in well with “sado m…”, but it is not the same. Self milking means getting the most out of your own physical extremities by milking it hard and thoroughly dry. Make out of this economic criteria whatever you wish, but, please, do NOT be rude!? Good luck CV
Sleep tight 😀
I have a Brazilian flatmate, not that enlightened, but at least some samba and good tunes from Rio are there. Otherwise Che and heritage is always worth following, like Nathalie Cardone:
Or the Chilean song:
We know the truth and what needs to be done. Felicidad y futuro.
Paula Bandit – Now that’s a new moniker that goes off with a bang.