Best debate zinger

Written By: - Date published: 6:36 am, September 1st, 2017 - 6 comments
Categories: bill english, humour - Tags: , ,

The best debate zinger didn’t come from anyone on the stage.

In response to claims made by Mr Billshit when defending his 2040 target to cleanup our rivers –

6 comments on “Best debate zinger ”

  1. philj 1

    Yes Laila, but the smell will remain for generations.

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2


  3. shorts 3

    another great interaction was post Bill English’s response to Luke Tipoke’s question on swimmible rivers/lakes, he responded thus

    Pani Arapata Tipoki‏ @PaniTipoki 15h15 hours ago

    “Bill, but just like our rivers, you’re full of tutai”

  4. mosa 4

    How very true.

  5. dukeofurl 5

    Is just me or why is there no transcript online ?

    When you do a search only 2005 debate transcript comes up