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- Date published:
9:11 am, October 30th, 2013 - 18 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, len brown, local body elections, local government, mana -
Tags: CCOs
lprent: BLip is well known on this site for his ever-growing linked lists of the lies of John Key (skycity for instance). But it appears he has been branching out into the role of reporter in this account of the swearing of the Auckland council last night that I picked out of Open Mike.
A great slice of life drama last night with the swearing in of the Auckland Council governing body. A few of the city’s knobs were there in all their finery, a smattering of corpulent CCO mandarins, family and distinguished guests, with the rest of the place packed out with us hoi polloi. Some fringe dwellers from the Mana party were there for additional entertainment, although someone should tell them the best heckling involves humour rather than bile. Their barracking gradually diminished before being completely extinguished when Len Brown fronted up to his city and was welcomed with a sustained ovation; an ovation directed to him personally but also in recognition of his family’s dignified attendance.
Its great to see Auckland getting back to the job of being Auckland. Not very happy with the Tory influence in council and its role in such important positions. Still, gotta say, George has done some good things out South so, well, I guess, I dunno okay then, give him a go. Webster is still a worry, though. Mike Lee seems the obvious and best choice for that new “Infastructure” committee. I like how it indicates a trend towards strengthening and consolidating of reporting lines from the generally unaccountable CCOs, especially that bunch of crims over in Transport. It’s gotta be tricky handing out the various chairs, portfolios, and so on, but every one looked happy enough. Everyone except poor widdle Cameron Brewer who’s brave face on-stage was only given away with an occasionally quivering bottom lip. He now has special responsibility for exactly nothing which, I guess, is what happens when your best friends are dirty disgusting despicable people doing dirty disgusting despicable things.
Speaking to a few of my elected representatives afterwards, I did detect an air of forgiveness. Len is on two strikes now so he’s got no choice, really, but to deliver his best effort. Brewer will, no doubt, slime his way back into some sort of favour, but he’s been tainted by the company he keeps as well as his support for the National Party’s attempt to corrupt the political process by exporting John Key’s mountain of sleaze and lies from the Beehive to the town hall. Hopefully, lessons have been learned on both sides and there’s now a realisation that time to focus on delivering positive results to all of Auckland has arrived. If the councillors and Mayor live up to the promise I heard them make last night, I’ll be happy.
What is your advice for Brown to achieve this term?
I think Brown, Hulse and the Councillors have little room to move with the way the Council and its CCOs have been set up. However, with Brown at the head, there has been something of a buffer between them and the combined forces of the corporate-loving CCOs and Key’s government.
I would like to see a Labour-led government review and restructure the whole Auckland Council set up to make it more democratic. Ditto for local governance generally around NZ.
Len Browns mayoralty is a disgraceful sham – and it’s a sad indictment on the left for covering up and condoning his lying, deceitful behaviour. It clearly sums up the moral ethics of those that sit on the left. Brown on TV1this morning – I’m only answerable to God – really, what about the rate payers of Auckland, whom you are supposed to be representing. Arrogant wanker – excuse the pun.
Would you like an extra serving of false moral outrage with your brunch?
*groan* What cover up? There’s an enquiry going on and it will be out in due course.
Interesting how some on the right just can’t accept the smutty little smear campaign splattered back all over the perps.
Meanwhile, some of us taxpayers are more concerned about wider issues of democracy, skewed in favour of the wealthy elites by Rodney Hide.
The curtains twitching at Natwest’s house makes the place look like it has a nervous tic. Prurient scum like this should be vilified in public.
Yeah, cause anyone who thinks that trustworthiness is an important quality for a mayor is prurient scum, right knuckledragger?
First task is to remove the rural gerrymander, where the northern and southern districts are over represented by population.
This would be best done by increasing the numbers of councillors
Care to apply the same standards to the likes of Slater and co? No, nothing to say on that front. Not to mention the plethora of lies and corruption emanating from the fetid political swamp that is our current central government…
BTW the last comment was directed at FatWest, having problems with my browser….
Bernard Orsman’s piece in the Herald today was pathetic http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11148357 – his concentration on the lack of a wedding ring on Shan Inglis’ finger whereas Len Brown’s wedding ring postively glistened in the lights was simply sick. His pieces throughout this saga have bordered on obsession at times. Get over it Bernard and move on. I think the rest of Auckland is doing just that.
Glad you mentioned this Jilly Bee. I too have noticed Orsman’s apparent almost hysterical”obsession”with this story.It’s as though he just can’t let it go until he has wrung every last drop of ‘juice’ from it.Sad,sad journalism (if one can call it that),and so irritating in it’s awfulness that I just had to vent.
Was his belt working? It appears not to in some council rooms.
He also seemed rather relaxed. Must use the ‘imagine everyone in the audience naked’ technique.
I see school’s out early today.
“Some fringe dwellers from the Mana party were there for additional entertainment, although someone should tell them the best heckling involves humour rather than bile.”
This is not correct.
I attended the ‘swearing in’ ceremony.
None of those heckling were from the Mana Party – in fact one of the main hecklers is a paid-up member of the Tamaki Branch of the National Party.
There were some very angry residents from Northern Glen Innes, (members of the Tamaki Housing Group), who have been witnessing the removal of their homes in the dead of night on huge trucks, enforced by Police.
Len Brown’s role was to sign the Heads of Agreement effectively transforming the Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure communities into a company (the Tamaki Redevelopment Company – a future ‘template’ for the rest of New Zealand?)
I ‘let my banner do the talking’ – outside the Auckland Town Hall.
My banner read :
“Mayor Len Brown
Sky City’s
politically compromised
(The ‘herd of mammoth elephants in the room’ story – that NO ONE in mainstream media is yet covering, is the lack of ‘due diligence’ that has been carried out with the increased risk of money-laundering arising from the International Convention Centre (Sky City) Bill – starting from NZ Prime Minister John Key, OFCANZ, Auckland Council ……. )
For more information – check out:
Penny Bright
I stand corrected. Thank you.
No worries!
‘Her Warship’ 😉
Ooooh, look, I’m a star. Cheers lprent.
Perhaps I should have included a relatively amusing and indicative episode. One of the musical items at the swearing in featured an ensemble of children attempting to extract, I think, Brahms from a selection of stringed instruments. The two women sitting next to me on the end of the row seemed suddenly to spontaneously burst into a fit of the giggles. Believing, as I do, that we should support our youth in their artistic endeavours, I turned and gave the pair my patented Frown Of Disapproval. The women next to me pointed to the stage and whispered “see that violin, the one on the end . . . “. I nodded. “. . . well, its actually the smallest violin in Auckland and its playing just for John Palino”. On oldie but I goodie which promptly dissolved me into a fit of the giggles. This then brought to bear upon me the much more practised and far more stern Frown of Disapproval from Mrs BLiP sitting on my other side. I passed on the comment and her frown also melted into giggles . . . and so it went, right down the whole row of seats. Silliness, I know, but the indication? Palino is toast, this is Brown Town.