Written By:
- Date published:
6:10 am, March 5th, 2011 - 54 comments
Categories: by-election -
Tags: botany by-election, jami-lee ross, michael wood
For obvious reasons the Botany by-election has received very little attention on this blog, or anywhere else in the media. Some are calling it “the byelection everyone forgot”.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
In accordance with our usual policy, please do not comment on the political aspects of the by-election anywhere on The Standard until after the polls close at 7pm. Comments on this post will be enabled at around that time.
Polls should be shut now
Ummm server has a different time to the pad
Congratulations Jami-Lee.
All National’s opponents will be delighted when Ross becomes an MP. The friendly face of National … represented by the Vinnie Jones of the South Pacific.
“Oi! You! Benefits! Cut ’em! Now!”
Get him on the telly as much as possible, please.
Another corrupt Nat minister resigns in disgrace and Ross gets to take her place. A real proud moment for the whole party, I would have thought. Will Pansy be that the victory party?
Fabulous to get more votes than all the other candidates combined. I wonder how the LWNJ will try to spin that as a Labour victory.
[More sycophantic gloating and blatant trolling like this will get deleted…RL]
AL-SAADY, Hussain PIR 7
BRIGHT, Penny IND 14
GOH, Robert IND 8
ROSS, Jami-Lee NAT 1,245
WOOD, Michael LAB 592
YOUNG, Paul NCP 256
YOUNG, Wayne IND 7
10% counted.
Who is pushing/backing Jami-Lee? He seems like a massive creep devoid of charisma.
To be fair that describes a lot of the National Party’s candidates…
Considering the corruption that has shown up in National over the last couple of years I’m surprised that anyone would vote for them.
ACT aren’t doing very well. I thought this was meant to be the electorate they thought that Wang (ken?) guy was going to win last election?
Yes, hundreds of voters (probably Chinese) have deserted National and ACT, without Wong and Wang.
One of Key’s biggest inroads in 2008 was in “Asian” communities (forgive the generalisation). And Sammy Wong was a big fund-rasier among Chinese-New Zealanders.
National will be worried about this.
hmm. I wonder how much of the Asian act/national vote went to that new Citizen Party though? I see they’ve already edited their wikipedia entry to say that they ‘came third’ (bit early isn’t it?) in this election :p
That’s what I meant – they’ve gone to New Citizens.
In 2008 that party didn’t exist. In 2011 they could be one of those parties like Kiwi or Destiny/Family, picking up only enough votes to be spoilers.
National and ACT are likely to lose out.
Oh, yeah, sorry should’ve figured. Yeah, that seems right; another comparison could be to the Pacific Party or whatever it was last time. Just a party which only gets its votes in one or two electorates but drains off one of the main parties when doing so.
On the upside, the party’s handlers in China will be most pleased.
That in itself is a very serious conclusion…i have a published projection somewhere about the growing influence, in the long term, of chinese interests within both the economic and government power spheres but then again they do have Mcdonalds in china now…
What party is Young NCP – half of Labour at 256 votes?
The NCP is the New Citizen Party, it was formed by the Chinese businessmen behind the Natural Dairy bid for Crafer Farms.
Thanks Millhouse. Well informed – again! 🙂
50% in so far.
ROSS, Jami-Lee NAT 3,659
WOOD, Michael LAB 1,736
YOUNG, Paul NCP 676
ROSS, Jami-Lee NAT 4,199
WOOD, Michael LAB 2,924
YOUNG, Paul NCP 796
Strong showing for Wood and Young. What was the General election margin? Anyone know?
Wong was more than 10,000 clear.
Looking better all the time for Labour.
Michael Wood = Hekia Parata.
Eh No.
Party vote last time was 61% nat, 25% lab, 4.8%act, 2.3% green
So far now 51% nat, 32% lab, ~4% act, 10% new citizen, no green
If you are going to compare apples with apples there jono you need to compare the CANDIDATE percentage votes with the results tonight.
Pretty pathetic turnout
Botany is a classic “McBurb” if you haven’t been there, spec houses with huge tiled lids all bordered off by roads, cars, fast food outlets and the odd pedestrian bridge to the nearest retail opportunity.
AL-SAADY, Hussain PIR 28
BRIGHT, Penny IND 124
GOH, Robert IND 31
ROSS, Jami-Lee NAT 8,150
WOOD, Michael LAB 4,154
YOUNG, Paul NCP 1,572
YOUNG, Wayne IND 55
Not much change then.
Nat 54%
Lab 28%
NCP 10%
Labour gained the Greens vote, NCP took some ACT & National votes.
Total vote 14,888.
Nat: 54.7%
Lab: 27.9%
NCP: 10.6%
Act: 4.5%
Penny Bright: 0.8%
1.5% others
From Jono’s post above, in 2008:
61% nat, 25% lab, 4.8% act, 2.3% green (6.9% others)
So looking at the numbers, Labour has soaked up the green vote, and NCP has got a chunk off National, and from Others.
Wrong, you are not comparing the CANDIDATE percentages.
When you do that, only 2% drop for nats, a 6% gain for Labs.
Comapre apples with apples.
Look forward to someone doing an analysis of the Botany and Mana results.
Botany By-Election:
CANDIDATE results from byelection (results of CANDIDATE vote from 2008 general election in brackets)
National Party: Jamie-Lee Ross – 54.65% (Pansy Wong – 56.22%) – down 1.57%
Labour Party: Michael Wood – 27.85% (Koro Tawa 21.06%) – Up 6.79% (gained the greens votes)
Act Party: Lyn Murphy – 4.5% (Kenneth Wang 15.26%) – Down 10.76% (gone to New Citizens Party.
Results from Mana Byelection:
CANDIDATE results from byelection (results of CANDIDATE vote from 2008 general election in brackets)
Labour Party: Kris Faafoi – 47.2% (Winnie Laban – 53.06%) – down 5.86%
National Party: Hekia Parata – 41.1% (Hekia Parata – 34.99%) – up 6.11%
These results compare the CANDIDATE vote percentages so that apples are being compared with apples.
So in the Botany byelection National has held its ground, labour has gained ground – however this is due to there being no Green party candidate.
The Mana byelection showed a slump for Labour and a gain for National.
Stuff reports:
“Prime Minister John Key, along with cabinet ministers Maurice Williamson, Judith Collins and over 100 party supporters celebrated the news, along with Ross and his wife Lucy, at a gastropub in Botany this evening.”
Yesterday: Prime Minister John Key defends his “leadership” on the earthquake, says he’s working hard out, doing all he can.
If only there were more “gastropubs” for him to visit, in Christchurch.
What the hell is a gastropub?
captcha: inventing
Nothing but high end fare for our new member of Parliament…
On the whole, I would have preferred Maggie Barry.
Len Brown at least, and a few more supercity residents besides are presumably ok with the bumptious JLR’s move to Wellington!
Hang on, Herald article was misleading at best:
“The 25-year-old won 8150 votes ahead of Labour candidate Michael Wood, who won 4154 votes.”
So I read this as Ross getting over 12,000 votes, but he didn’t? He only got 4,000 more than Wood?
Just more poor journalism.
Or just poor reading of the article from you.
Nah, there’s a comma missing.
Win-win as far as I am concerned. The Nats get stuck with an right wing ideologue and Aucklanders lose one. Get enough of these guys in their caucus and they before unelectable. Thats why they cancelled the Rodney pre-selection.
It’s a pretty embarrassing result. majority down 7k. Majority from 36% to 28%. The nats will be crapping themselves over 10% going to the new citizens – that looks like nearly all the right wing asian vote in the electorate
Marty, you cant seriously beleive the drivel you just wrote?
If you want a clear picture of the standing you should compare the CANDIDATE percenatges with the CANDIDATE percenatages from the 2008 election.
Not much change at all.
This is like the Mana By-election, less people voted, so to say that the majority is less is obvious due to the number who voted. But when you compare the percentages you see very similar results to the the election:
National Party: Jamie-Lee Ross – 54.65% (Pansy Wong – 56.22%)
Labour Party: Michael Wood – 27.85% (Koro Tawa 21.06%)
Act Party: Lyn Murphy – 4.5% (Kenneth Wang 15.26%)
Compare this with the Mana By-Election CANDIDATE vote which showed:
Labour Party: Kris Faafoi – 47.2% (Winnie Laban – 53.06%)
National Party: Hekia Parata – 41.1% (Hekia Parata – 34.99%)
Still to be fair Marty byelections can be very tricky to compare to full election results. As Mana proved.
Jami-Lee Ross reminds me of Michael Lhaws.
Too young, no work/life experience outside politics, and an ego that makes him never question himself or listen to anyone else.
And his Parliamentary career could well be similar to Lhaws’ – burn very brightly for a couple of years, splutter, and extinguish.
Let’s hope he never gets the consolation prize of Mayor of
WhanganuiAuckland though.True. Jammy Lee has never done an honest days work in his life, never been employed and had to work for a wage doing a genuine 40+ hour week which means that the selfishly arrogant are represented for Botany. However, he will increase the shallowness of the NACToid brain pool.
The parallel to Laws is apposite. Jammy’s mouth piece being the wood-louse, Slater.
If that is your benchmark for a quality politician, you must be disappointed by a massive number of MPs – and in particular, given the stats on backgrounds that are easily and readily available, those on the left of the house.
Did you look into any of that before you wrote the above? Or do you not know what you are talking about?
The current PM is my bench mark of an example of one who has never known real work and selfishly arrogant – can’t you recognise the type when you see them in Jammy Lee Ross?
A hollow vessel making noise.
Everybody knew that Botany would stay under National’s banner. But it seems that not that many bothered to vote, and having a peculiar new party (founded or financed from Beijing) take so many votes off National’s candidate is certainly going to be a big worry for JK and consorts.
Large scale migration has led to substantial diversification in the make up of NZ, and some migrants do not feel heard or cared for by the 2 largest parties.
Otherwise I see this result in a light of an increasingly brainwashed population that simply follows the motto “look after yourself rather than the whole country”.
Many do not even get proper information anymore, which is due to the largely very poor standards in most media. Modern media graduates are groomed to rather care about their looks, to polish their fingernails and present a corporate style of reporting. They have little idea about properly researching issues, no resources to analyse material and are to a fair degree told what to write or report about.
For people valuing substance and truth NZ is becoming an increasingly lonely country to live in.
Sad state of affairs, really!
The elections in November will be more crucial and hopefully more interesting.