Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
1:45 pm, January 20th, 2011 - 15 comments
Categories: film, Parliament -
Tags: gerry brownlee, lockwood smith, peter jackson, the hobbit, trevor mallard, warner bros
Mallard has laid a Privileges complaint over Brownlee’s Hobbit lies. Good. Brownlee and Key deserved to be hammered for their part in the Warners/Jackson shake-down that cost just $34m and work rights. Lockwood won’t uphold the complaint though. He hates Brownlee. Not enough to severely embarrass his party in election year though.
Key,Brownlee and the Jackson Gang lied,then they gave away $34m of taxpayers’ money. They should pay that money out of their own pockets and the work-rights scrapping should be revoked.
Good to see Labour saving up some of the information-dumps leading up to Christmas for follow up.
definitely an issue worth picking at.
Pick a scab long enough and it always bleeds.
That’s how National turned the public against Labour.
Death by a thousand cuts – slow, but effective.
The important part is to open up as many fronts against National in the beginning of Election Year as possible. It keeps their attention divided and takes control of setting the media agenda away from them.
Which reminds me, what connections did Wong and Shipley have with Chinese train companies again? 🙂
Good points CV but these points also need to hammered home on Red Alert.
Red Alert has become less of a two-way communication model than a propaganda model these days and it will only get more so as the election draws near. Even innocuous ole me has to roil in the purgatory of auto-moderation, and I own shares in the bloody thing!! Still, politics are politics and if you think Red Alert is a vehicle for anything that doesn’t comply with the parliamentary wing’s party-line, you’re only fooling yourself.
agreed, Red Alert is a missed opportunity as far as engaging the public is concerned.
it’s really just an electronic pamphlet, i stopped bothering to read it some time ago.
Yeah I’m in automod plenty at RA as well it seems.
Hahaha and I too am a shareholder lol.
When’s the IPO. I know Labour is possibly against privatisation, so maybe they can take the site public? 😎
Yep, and I was ‘done over’ on RA for being too personal the other day, and the commenter I was targeting is ten times worse. Ya can’t win.
Not too sure about the “innocuous ole me” BLiP.
also a shareholder, also thoroughly alienated.
was this the effect RA was meant to achieve?
It’s about time we got an independent speaker with cross-party support, perhaps elected by exhaustive secret ballot (as in the UK).
Although it’s not a secret ballot, the election of speaker is exhaustive – if there are more than two candidates, they vote MP by MP orally, until someone gets majority (the lowest place dropping out each time).