Burqa Bob speaks out

Written By: - Date published: 1:01 pm, November 14th, 2007 - 19 comments
Categories: national - Tags:

bob65.jpgBob Clarkson’s never been one of the sharper tacks on the National party backbench, his only contributions to the debate being his infamous ‘left testicle’ remark and his call for Muslims who wear the burqa to ‘go back to Islam’. According to Frogblog he’s now given up trying altogether:

According to the wonderful TheyWorkForYou website these five quotes have been Bob Clarkson’s scintillating and sum contribution to parliamentary debate since 21 August:

* (17 Oct 2007) Interjection : “Ã…’Bureaucratic!”
* (10 Oct 2007) Interjection : “Tell us the end of the story.”
* (19 Sep 2007) Interjection : “Force?”
* (22 Aug 2007) Interjection : “A bit like the Labour Government.”
* (21 Aug 2007) Interjection : “Yes, I did, actually.”

Keep it up Bob. The people of Tauranga are counting on you.

It’s no wonder the Nats are giving Burqa Bob the boot.

19 comments on “Burqa Bob speaks out ”

  1. Daveo 1

    What exactly is the point of this man? He’s an absolute waste of space. If Winston wants Tauranga back I reckon it’s ripe for the taking.

  2. rjs131 2

    Why doesnt Margaret Wilson have another go – she has done so well in the past there.

    Can you refer me to other labour party MPs that have sacrificed a large amount of their own money to build a stadium? I am sure that he has a better chance of winning the seat again then the likes of Fairbrother, yates, pettis and co

  3. Matthew Pilott 3

    rjs131, a stadium doesn’t mean that he’s a good representative for the region in parliament does it? they could have both a stadium and a decent representative, don’t you think that might be the point?

    Terry Serepisos for Wellington Central eh old chap? That’s your criteria…

    Welcome to the future, $1=1 vote! Vote as many times as you want! All proceeds to American Idol!

  4. rjs131 4

    My comment did have a slight hint of sarcasm – of course it doesnt mean he is a good representative. However questions in paarliment is hardly reflective of his work as an electorate MP.

    Mr Serepisos didnt build/donate money to the building of wellington stadium. I would suggest that Mr Clarksons financial contribution to teh stadium is however greater to Mr Serepisos paying for the phoenix (bless him).

    Dunedin is in need of a stadium, maybe David B-P can fork out some cash!

  5. Matthew Pilott 5

    Fair enough, and of course, a popular candidate will generally win over an effective one (although in many cases, being popular is brought about by effectiveness – as much as I loathe Dunne, he’s at every event Newlands has to offer…)

    Nix fan eh? Me too 🙂 Well they have spent their $1.7M au salary cap, plus signing Elrich (another half mil mebbe) and forked out two mil for Beckham, I don’t know what the other costs were but he’s definitely splashed out – I don’t know how much that stadium cost though, it would most likely be more…

  6. Santa Claws 6

    Yep – pretty low quality.

    Still, at least he’s not a token Muslim reduced to asking patsy questions of Labour ministers:


  7. Benodic 7

    Yeah, I agree Santa. Get rid of him. There are plenty more talented, articulate Muslims in the Labour Party who could be representing this growing constituency.

  8. rjs131 8

    122 million (from memory) for the stadium

    Of course we dont know how much of the Sereposis has spent on top of buying the licence (which i understand was the first big ticket item). Remember he is not the club’s sole source of revenue (ie ticket sales, tv rights etc…), but is my understanding he did pay for most of the beckham fee. But good on him, better to spend then have it accumulate interest in teh bank!

  9. Max Call 9

    see the article here about bob the builder, baypark etc.
    Our council bought stadium for $12m but ratepayers aren’t allowed to see any of the documents around this purchase. (see halfway down the article)
    There has also been stories in the local paper about a local solicitor trying to obtain the documents relating to this but being blocked at every turn. I cant find these in the archives though cos they only go back a little way and I cant find the stories via google either.

  10. the sprout 10

    gosh, it’s almost like having a lot of money isn’t sufficient qualification after all, even for a National politician.

  11. Santa Claws 11

    Hey Sprout, you should know that having a lot of money is sufficient to get keynote addresses at Labour conferences though!

  12. the sprout 12

    ho ho ho santy. so are you going to start your own party or not?

  13. Santa Claws 13

    So, is there some reason why some comments don’t seem to showing up here, or is it just sloooooow?

    Resubmitting gets

    “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!”


  14. Red Bus 14

    If you think Bob Clarkson is a quiet National backbencher… I’d say Sandra Goudie is also…

    Does The Standard have any knowledge of the few things she’s said in the last five years?

  15. Red Bus 15

    Here are the most recent classic Goudie quotes:

    Interjection: “With Winston in the Government he gets to use taxpayers’ money.” (8 Nov 2007)

    Question: “Is he confident that his proposed amendments to the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Amendment Bill will result in a workable bill; if so, why?” (25 Oct 2007)

    Interjection: “Back to this bill, for instance.” (24 Oct 2007)

    Interjection: “How many?” (18 Oct 2007)

    Interjection: “What about the unions?” (10 Oct 2007)

  16. Santa Claws 16

    How about this racial epithet from Martin Gallagher (Labour MP for Hamilton West in case y’don’t know)?

    “What about the Irish?”


    At least he’s got the sucking up to the Party down pat:

    “I praise the chair of the select committee and praise the select committee for its good work, but I would particularly praise the very excellent, hard-working Minister, who continues to make a wonderful contribution to the Government, to the country, and to this Parliament. Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker.”

  17. gobsmacked 17

    Woo hoo! Bob has announced he’s standing again.

    Best news for Labour in weeks … Bob be praised!

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