Buttigeig 2020?

Yesterday I wrote a post around the serried opposition to Bernie Sanders. As noted in that post and in a few of the comments that followed, Biden is suffering from marked levels of mental degeneration. That’s not news to anyone who has been following the Democratic Party’s Primary process. It isn’t a smear. It’s a simple statement of fact.

I suggested that actors comprising the institutional opposition to Sanders would be happy to run Biden against Trump, all the while  knowing he would fail but secure in the knowledge that their interests would proceed for another four years.

That line of thought can be taken a step further.  Yes, they want Biden to win the Democratic Primary. And yes, they will indulge in all manner of fuckery to make that the case.

But why run a mentally unfit candidate who’s more or less guaranteed to lose in a general election, when you can have your hand picked man ready to step up to the task?

Let’s assume the Primary process spits up Biden as the Democratic Party nominee to run in the Presidential race. Biden will pick a VP. By the train of thought bing followed in this post, that VP will be Buttigieg.

At the appropriate moment after the convention when  “Uncle Joe” is retired because of that mental incapacity he’s lugging around, his chosen VP steps up to fill his shoes.

That’s the point where the people who brought us RussiaGate and who execute America’s never ending wars and crank America’s “coup treadmill” will have “their man” (The Spooks’ Choice) running for the White House.

And maybe that’s also the point when Elizabeth Warren gets the VP pick she thought she’d get in 2016 and thinks she’ll get in 2020?

A question then, for all the liberal enablers out there – what’s the “lesser of two evils” between a Buttigieg/Warren ticket and a Trump/Pence ticket? I can guess what the knee jerk reaction of most will be, but then I’m guessing that would come from having next to no knowledge on who and what Pete Buttigieg represents.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the delegate count between Sanders and Biden is probably going to be evenly split after California’s count is known. So there’s still plenty of time left for Americans to save their representative democracy and derail liberalism before it pulls into its final stop somewhere high up by a castle.



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