Written By:
- Date published:
7:15 am, February 27th, 2019 - 51 comments
Categories: blogs, internet, law, Media, Politics, Social issues -
Tags: cameron slater, defamation, matthew blomfield, Professor Doug Sellman, whaleoil
Yesterday Cameron Slater announced on Whaleoil that he was filing for bankruptcy to avoid stress and the three ongoing defamation cases against him (and the Whaleoil blog). His stated reason was based on ill-health and medical advice after a stroke last October.
Yeah right. The problem is, ignoring the whining, that there is a bit of credibility gap when it comes to taking anything that Cameron Slater says at face value. The Court of Appeal appears to have been exploring the medical evidence pretty thoroughly (and coming up short of credible evidence) when examining a judgement from the High Court (suppression order lifted). Both are really worth reading if you are into dry clear description of facts.
Admittedly I am a trifle jaundiced about Cameron Slater and his behaviour after having to deal with him and his dickhead mates in the social media sphere and court for the last decade and a bit. He is in my opinion simply an self-entitled arsehole of the first order and not even competent at being an effective one. Personally I’ve had a number of issues with his actions against this site or me. A standout for me was reading a comment of his soon afterwards on Whaleoil bemoaning that I hadn’t actually died after having a heart attack in 2011 rather than very nearly. It does tend to constrain any tendency I have towards pity or mercy on his current medical condition.
But I’m just one person amongst the many where Cameron Slater was involved in dubious ‘campaigns’. Initially this was mainly within the political sphere that our respective sites largely operated in. What was curious in the political sphere from quite early on was the degree of coordinated attacks that he was involved in. But that is part of the nature of politics.
And sadly I wasn’t that interested in the destructive campaigns that were mounted in selections for National party candidates. It was a missed warning sign – and probably did severe damage to the National Party based on the poor quality of those candidates showing up in opposition now.
But gradually many campaigns, outside of the political sphere, simply appeared to be vendettas for commercial gain or for revenge attacks. They popped up in the most curious of places with the attacks on political ‘civilians’ and organisations.
What was interesting to me was the mounting speculation by the recipients of Cameron Slater’s bile about who was involved in feeding the selective information in these disputes. For instance with the contracts for medical laboratory services by the district health boards in Auckland from about 2009-2012 – the subject of some very weird Whaleoil campaigns.
To me, these sorts of deliberate actions was clearly an abuse of the blogging system. They were well beyond the bounds that could be tolerated both legally and on any ethical or moral grounds. As far as I was concerned using the net to make them made it my problem as well as that of those attacked unfairly.
A few years ago in 2012, amongst many other campaigns, I tracked one against an Matthew Blomfield where the ‘evidence’ of purported evil was at best sketchy using information from a misappropriated and probably stolen hard drive. The posts were massively embellished with obvious lying about what was written and imaginative suppositions. It was a classic revenge campaign being fed by someone other than Cameron Slater. What was astonishing was the level of vindictiveness and persistence of the campaign. It was a pretty obvious paid PR hit.
So after Matthew Blomfield launched the first viable defamation case and got to the point where it was about the role of blogs, a number of bloggers on this site did our personal bits to publicize the facts actually in the public court documents over the last 5-6 years. We did our best to make sure that the case added into the debate on the role of blogging and social media in NZ.
Because there was continued blatant spinning on the case from Cameron Slater on Whaleoil despite the orders from the judges, we also provided some space for Matthew Blomfield to counter the accusations on our site.
The rogue role of Whaleoil and Cameron Slater became more public the anonymous (and still wanted by the law) ‘rawshark’ hack on the Whaleoil server after Cameron Slater’s “public elation” about the virtues of a death of a “feral” west coaster. The pile of bullshit and sleazy deals, abusing the process of blogging, for his personal gain in attacking political opponents and others often as part of paid campaigns then became public as part of Nicky Hager’s book “Dirty Politics”.
So as to today’s news. I very doubt that bankruptcy will achieve whatever Cameron Slater would like it to. The David Fisher article on the announcement in the NZ Herald covered most of the relevant aspects. In particular:-
University of Auckland legal expert Dr Bill Hodge said bankruptcy effectively killed defamation actions.
“Lawyers usually say ‘I won’t get paid and you won’t get costs so why go ahead’. They can’t get anything so why carry on.”
The case would remain active against Social Media Consultants Ltd, which is currently entirely owned by Slater’s wife Juana Atkins
Yeah right. Not in all cases – otherwise few defamation cases would make it to trial. What Bill Hodge doesn’t point out is that typically most defamation cases are settled well before trial as each side lays out their case for the other side and confusion and ambiguity are eliminated, while the risk of liability becomes obvious.
In this set of cases I rather suspect that getting money off Cameron Slater isn’t that large a priority. Any more than the money expended on a case was for me when one of Cameron Slater’s idiot mates tried a spectacularly failed private prosecution and subsequent appeals against me.
Court costs and any awards are pretty effective punitive tools to prevent future repeated bad behaviour. It really doesn’t matter that much if they do it by emptying the losing treasury or by simply bankrupting losing individuals or liquidating their companies. In effect it disperses or makes unavailable the assets that allowed the problem in the first place.
As Matthew Blomfield points out…
The legal battle waged between Blomfield and Slater began in the Manukau District Court in 2012 and has since involved dozens of hearings.
Blomfield said he had refused to give up after the impact he and his family suffered as a result of the blog posts.
“He assassinated my character, drove my family into hiding, caused untold financial and emotional damage.”
The High Court’s Justice Paul Davison found Slater’s defence “fell well short” of providing facts which supported the accusations printed.
Early in the legal process, Cameron Slater fronted by lawyer Jordan Williams (now of the so-called ‘Taxpayers Union’) proposed a monetary settlement. Which Blomfield turned down for precisely the reason of the effect on his reputation and family. The money wasn’t the issue – it was Cameron Slater’s practices that were so vile that they needed to be purged from public life. I don’t expect that Matthew Blomfield will think any differently now.
In the defamation case of the medical professionals from Dunedin against Cameron Slater and others, there are bigger reasons at stake than just the money that Dr Bill Hodge thinks so highly of.
In that case they are claiming that a similar series of attack posts with some rather alarming professional character assassination were researched and paid for by the grocery council via a PR firm. I’d don’t expect that they’re that interested in Cameron Slater’s money either. It is their reputation and potentially that of future researchers that they are defending. The idea that a monied interest group can attack people for doing research rather than dealing with the results of the research is reprehensible and something that needs the fact driven public exposure that the court can bring.
As for Colin Craig. Ummm.. who can tell….
To me Cameron Slater’s personal bankruptcy (while leaving the Spanish Bride in control of the Whaleoil blog) just looks like another pretty badly thought through legal maneuver. Just like reading the details of Cameron’s transparent failures to provide the Court of Appeal of proof of his inability to instruct a lawyer was.
“He claimed to have cognitive and language impairment because of his stroke, but the evidence showed he had none.
“He claimed to be too incapacitated to communicate with his lawyers, but he was simultaneously engaging in political discussions in the comments section of the Whale Oil website.”
Blomfield said the Court of Appeal gave Slater until February 22 to provide evidence supporting his claims of ill-health.
“He filed no response at all. Instead, he applied for bankruptcy. He is now saying his proceedings need to be halted for that reason.
“He is doing everything he can to avoid the consequences of his own nefarious actions.”
Blomfield said “this will not work” and a full Court of Appeal hearing next month would rule based on the evidence.
Neither Cameron Slaters ill-health nor his bankruptcy makes any difference to the legal position that either he or the Whaleoil blog are in – which is shit-street as far as I can see.
This is an appeal against a decision already made in the High Court that Cameron Slater hadn’t offered viable defences against the defamation action. He therefore lost the defences he was relying upon. These are delaying actions aren’t going to convince the Court of Appeal to overturn parts of that decision – only facts and clear legal argument could. But it doesn’t look like Cameron Slater is good at either.
And for the Kiwi public that is a very good place for this case to be.
For in the end the Whaleoil blog needs to be put down. Sites that use the types of tactic that caused these defamation cases are an abuse of the legal system, of social processes, of blogging and above all for the networks that I have been involved in since 1979.
I trust that the plaintiffs will continue, and that they will be supported by whoever can help. They will be doing the public a service to deter vile imators. In the meantime Cameron Slater can help with testifying why the social aberration that was his marketing model was able to flourish . In the proper venue – the courts.
No surprises here as Slater has a plan obviously to evade paying for his changes against him, as ‘slimy slater’ will ‘slither’away again to israel; – when the scene gets to ‘ hot ‘as he did last time in 2014 remember?
Geez, CLEANGREEN ,… why did you have to post that ?
Three slimebags in a row sleazing their way across our newsmedia.
Hear no evil, See no evil , and Do no evil.
The three stooges.
Just when I was starting to enjoy life without scumbags like Whalebloat, FK Jonkey , and the Dipton Dipper , – here you go shoving it all back in front of us again. It brings the odious scum and the equally as odious lies they told all back in inglorious technicolor. Literally. One of the worst era’s of scandals, lies and corruption in NZ’s political history.
Bugger. I was having a nice day until , – like a first timer at the Colosseum , – I was tempted to peek to see what was going on and was then instantly revolted.
Thanks a heap , CLEANGREEN….
Thanks for the kind thoughts Wild Katipo.
I Love you too.
No sorry – your’e right. I shouldn’t have post the pic,
But we do know that ‘to be forewarned is to be forearmed.’ according to the free dictionary.
“forewarned is forearmed”
One can be appropriately prepared if one knows something in advance. Hey, just so you know, the boss is in a really foul mood today. Forewarned is forearmed, right?
So as to slippery Cameron Slater;
We don’t want that creep ever as our boss.
Posted in Open Mike but relevant here.
More claims of incapacitating health and victimhood from vexatious litigants on Whale Oil again yesterday, which not only misrepresents reality. And they think the media publicity was somehow a good thing.
Nige (blog manager): Just goes to show the influence this site has eh.
But Whale Oil is not telling it’s readers about the truth of three defamation cases that Cameron Slater is involved in. As a result there are comments like:
The courts have different views.
More on facts of the cases that have dragged Slater down: What Whale Oil isn’t telling their readers
I do like your post. Especially the quotations and very specific costs from the court that show where the legals delays have been coming from.
I was thinking about writing a similar one. In the end I had to drop that part through a lack of time.
Instead I concentrated on why the courts were the proper avenue for dealing with the type of vile crap that has been the Whaleoil stock in trade.
But really, it is pretty simple to understand. I think that fools like ‘Nige’ need to understand that
Thanks Pete George for this. Seems the WO “family” or “staff” are trying to continue the tradition of this fallen master. We will see.
“Karma will get them in the end”.
Seems to me some form of this is exactly what Cameron is experiencing now. What you put out will come back to you. So if he is experiencing ill health (as it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s just another “tactic”) it is because he wished that on so many others.
as slater has spent years thumbing his nose at various different court orders, I doubt he will get much sympathy from any judge. the police also havent any time for him. all we can hope is that he drags williams back into the slime with him as he re-enters his natural habitat.
I believe Slater has been court ordered to produce medical records, and he has yet to do so. Is that correct?
And will the court allow bankruptcy on medical ground with out medical proof?
Re image of snake – it is a shame animals are so often used to personify human shortcomings.
I’d like to see images of animals used for news stories, chocolate boxes etc all charged a small royalty which can go towards saving them. For example, look at how often Australian companies use Koalas to sell products while the koala is rapidly going extinct.
I think it was a reference to the expression ‘snake in the grass’ esoteric but I have some sympathy with you.
Yours is an excellent and interesting idea, esoteric pineapples. I wonder though, if you think the same courtesy should be shown to plants 🙂
Among all the commentary on this event, there is little information on blogs or in the MSM on how the bankruptcy will effect the Whaleoil blog and its subscribers,
My understanding is that if someone becomes bankrupt then the official assignee takes over all of their affairs. The idea is to ascertain what revenue is available for the creditors.
One assumes the blog is a business, with revenue from subscription and advertising, and it also has some connection with the Whaleoil Meat Company.
So will this “business” be henceforth run by an Administrator appointed by the Official Assignee, and/ or will it be closed down as a loss making enterprise & therefore of no value to creditors?
If it is deemed of value, could it be sold off?
Would guess Slater’s legal team will have done what they could to minimise the effects of his bankruptcy on the blog, but IIRC, the OA can look at what happened in the recent past and reverse any actions taken to hide assets away.
People who have subscriptions to the blog, or are considering renewing them need answers to these questions. Same goes for meat purchasers.
I’d put that in the ‘who gives a fuck’ pile.
So why did you reply?
I ‘don’t give a fuck’ but I am interested – there is a difference.
Cos I wanted to. If you care about his subscribers good for you.
No I don’t ‘care about his subscribers’ at all – but I am interested in what the the legal and financial ramifications will be for both Slater and family, his backers, the WO website and its subscribers etc. Again, a big difference.
As far as the WO website is concerned I fully agree with lprent that:
Good for you again. Still not sure why you bothered making your comment to me in the first place tbh
One thing NZ can thank Slater for – he exposed the true character of right wing political thinking and intent here. – WOBF !
Good questions, RB.
This is outside my area of expertise, but my understanding is as per yours – that the Official Assignee takes over/examines the bankrupt’s financial affairs. I suspect that a lot of people would love to see what opening the WO books reveals!
The first link in lprent’s post under the phrase “and coming up short of credible evidence” is to David Fisher’s article in the Herald which includes the following:
”… The case would remain active against Social Media Consultants Ltd, which is currently entirely owned by Slater’s wife Juana Atkins.
The ownership of Social Media Consultants Ltd has changed on a number of occasions in recent years. At the time the defamatory posts were published, it was listed on the Companies Office as owned by a mentor of Slater’s, millionaire and Seventh Day Adventist church leader Paul Honnor.
Ownership changed with Slater becoming the only shareholder by 2013. In 2015, the majority of shares were transferred to Atkins.
Then, in early February this year, the remainder of Slater’s shares were transferred to Atkins. This happened just weeks after Slater was registered as the contact person for Social Media Consultants Ltd when it bought, on finance, a late model four-wheel-drive.
Insolvency specialist Damien Grant said the Official Assignee, which oversees personal insolvency, would check to ensure a fair price was received for any assets – such as shares – which were transferred before bankruptcy.
He said a bankrupt was not allowed to be a company director or be involved in the management of a company without the permission of the Official Assignee. They were also barred from travelling abroad without permission, and could be obliged to surrender income if they were judged to earn too much.
Grant said bankruptcy often arrived as a relief for those forced into insolvency.
“Most of the people I have spoken to who have gone through bankruptcy don’t find the experience that difficult – mainly because they were living crap lives leading up to it.”
Slater did not respond to a request for comment. On the Whale Oil blog post about his bankruptcy, it stated: “Cam will not be available for media comment and nor will his family.”
This doesn’t really cover the situation re donations to WO itself or the Whale Meat Company.
The website for the latter gives no information re the company itself as to whether it is a limited company, who owns it, directors etc
However, a quick search of the Companies Register reveals that just a few days ago on 25 Feb 2019, the company was registered as Whale Meat Company Limited
Company Number 7292558
NZBN: 9429047295483
Incorporation Date: 25 Feb 2019
Company Status: Registered
Entity type: NZ Limited Company
Constitution filed: No
AR filing month: August
Ultimate holding company No
Company addresses: Registered Office
HOWARD TAYLOR – ACCOUNTANT, Apartment 1503 The Metropolis Apartments, 1 Courthouse Lane, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010 , New Zealand
Address for service
HOWARD TAYLOR – ACCOUNTANT, Apartment 1503 The Metropolis Apartments, 1 Courthouse Lane, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010 , New Zealand
Directors Showing 1 of 1 directors
Howard Karl TAYLOR
Apartment 1503 The Metropolis Apartments, 1 Courthouse Lane, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010 , New Zealand
Additional Information
Industry Classification: M696210
Business management service nec
For the heck of it, I also searched for Social Media Consultants Ltd and this is the latest information on that company which confirms Juana Atkins as the only director and has the same business addresses etc as the details for the Whale Meat Company Ltd above:
[Note – the following was last updated on 22 Feb 2019]
Company number: 2303831
NZBN: 9429032012989
Incorporation Date: 19 Aug 2009
Company Status: Registered
Entity type: NZ Limited Company
Constitution filed: No
AR filing month: June , last filed on 06 Jun 2018
Ultimate holding company No
Company addresses:
Registered Office
Howard K TAYLOR – ACCOUNTANT, Apartment 1503 The Metropolis Apartments, 1 Courthouse Lane, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010 , New Zealand
Address for service
Howard K TAYLOR – ACCOUNTANT, Apartment 1503 The Metropolis Apartments, 1 Courthouse Lane, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010 , New Zealand
Directors Showing 1 of 1 directors
Juana Mary ATKINS
Company record link:http://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/co/2303831
Note – There are personal addresses, emails and mobile numbers which I have left out.
Thanks for the response Veutoviper.
I’m guessing people would need to be wary about sending any money in the direction of the blog or the meat company until there is some kind of public declaration as to what will happen to these entities under the bankruptcy.
Definitely unless they want to see their money disappear into a big black hole. From what I have read on the few occasions I have gone to WO, they seem to have quite a few [select your own word] who donate automatically monthly or so …
Just did a flying visit and see they are still pushing people to subscribe and also to buy the meat with prize draws etc.
In connection with the above, Howard Karl Taylor is a bit of an interesting accountant.
First up in a Google search, a PDF of a decision in March 2006 by the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of NZ whereby a certain member pleaded guilty of misconduct in a professional capacity, conduct unbecoming an accountant and breaching the Institute’s Rules and Code of Ethics.
A long time ago but I am not sure I would pick him for myself, but each to their own.
The blog owning company currently has sole shareholder of Slaters wife, after Cameron transferred the shares over. The company is a second defendant.
So awards and apportioned costs against them will require payment, and liquidation in the event that they cannot pay – which seems likely. The liquidatorwould probably sell off the company assets including the site.
Note below that they may have separated the site as an asset: https://thestandard.org.nz/cameron-slater-slithers-into-bankruptcy/#comment-1588395
It is interesting that they have set up another separate limited company to the Social Media Consultants Ltd that Slater and Atkins first set up in 2009. in addition to the Whale Meat Company Ltd also set up just a few days ago.
I presume you saw my comment at 6.2 above with the current details on the NZ Companies Register whereby Juana Atkins is now the sole shareholder/director of Social Media Consultants Ltd as from 22 Feb 2019 and for the Whale Meat Company Limited incorporated/registered on 26 February 2019.
Re the link to the Register for the WOBH Limited included in your comment below at 9, this shows as a change of name a day earlier on 25 February 2019 with this company originally set up as MADAS 114 Limited on 13 February 2019 if you click on the Previous Names link. All other details ( Company number, etc) on the Company Summary page other than the name itself are the the same for both listings with one exception..
An interesting anomaly is that the Company Summary listing for WOBH shows the incorporation date as 13 February 2019 but the actual Certificate of Incorporation as 25 February 2019 – ie
” This is to certify that MADAS 116 LIMITED was incorporated under the Companies Act 1993 on the 25th day of February 2019
and changed its name to WHALE MEAT COMPANY LIMITED on the 26th day of February 2019.”
Re Howard Taylor listed as the only Director of WOBH Ltd, he is also the only Director of the new Whale Meat Company Ltd.
However, the previous addresses page for Social Media Consultants Ltd shows that Taylor has been associated with Social Media Consultants Ltd with the company’s registered address and address for service being that of Taylor’s Accountancy business since June 2015, ie
Taylor has not been, nor is he now, a Director of Social Media Consultants Ltd. Cam Slater and Paul Honnor are the only other previous Directors from the Directors page in the Companies Register.
So all of this looks a bit like them trying to do some last minute ‘rearrangements’ to try to protect assets etc. If Slater has or is about to declare bankruptcy, probably a little too late as the Official Assignee can look at such rearrangements and reverse any actions taken to hide assets away.
But has anyone got any proof that he has done so or really is intending to do so? I haven’t seen any to date, and have seen speculation that this is just another attempt to buy time etc.
(Also see my 6.2.2 above re Taylor).
Helpful accountants always have a shell company or two sitting around when a client needs an urgent solution. All able to be unwound though, as you say ..
And PG has commented below about Slater now being officially bankrupt: https://thestandard.org.nz/cameron-slater-slithers-into-bankruptcy/#comment-1588676
He does wood lice no favours.
Indeed. Wood lice actually have a purpose.
I suspect this whole dirty scenario had its origins in the 1990s when we became a fully paid up member of the neoliberal brigade. It unleashed a culture of behaviour that we had not encountered before in NZ.
In the 1990s there were three publicly revealed break-ins. One involved Judith Tizard’s home and the other two were Auckland-based political headquarters – one Labour and the other the Alliance Party. There was evidence that membership and supporters lists were interfered with. In the case of the Labour break-in, the culprit had the cheek to use the office copying machine to make copies of these lists.
There could only be one motive for those break-ins and that was to gather information about individuals – information that could be used against them at a later date. That imo was when the Dirty Political machine became operative and eventually evolved into the vicious attacking of individuals that became prevalent from the mid-2000s.
I know the identity of a couple of people likely involved in those early escapades, and one at least was associated with Cameron Slater in later years.
I have no doubt Anne that this illegal activity carried on during Keys tenure.
It has the smell of water gate all over it but the difference is that no trail led directly back to Key other than Eade being implicated and the PMs dept being involved.
That was as close as it got to Key and as damning as that was the others took the fall for their boss.
I noticed this change in our political environment starting in 2004 with Brash being elected leader of the National party.
That 2005 campaign was a full attack on the Helen and her government.
I don’t remember the dancing cossacks but from what i have read and watched Muldoon’s tactics in 1975 was probably the start of what we have seen as of late.
Imo, Key was an enabler but he wasn’t directly involved. After Hager’s book “Dirty Politics” was published he relinquished all ties with the D.P. mob. That marked the beginning of the end for Slater.
My comment @ 8 was by way of back-ground material which led to D.P.
And of course there was the attempt by Slater and co. to get into Labour’s computers using the back door. That’s the humorous side of the story. He’s keen to get his hands on other people’s personal material, but when someone does it to him by way of reprisal, he throws tantrums and declares himself the victim.
Yes thanks for the background Anne i always find your input into these things interesting.
My error was Brash becoming leader in 2004.
It was in fact October 2003.
Whatever key was, and he was a lot of things, he gained financially and politically from the activities of the dirty politics crims and he should go to gaol and so should they.
There was also the break-in at Don Brash’s home and his “romantic interest” Diane Foreman. She said about who could have done her break-ins – “There are a range of possibilities. I think the culprit is closer to home.”
More shuffling of the deckchairs, noted yesterday by parliamentary observer Phil Lyth:
Yep, WOBH Ltd:
John Key and Judith Collins will bail her out
I’m always amused that people think that a domain registry confers ownership.
1. Domains are effectively owned by the state, and parcelled out via the national registries. Having a domain is a rental – not a ownership right.
2. In NZ this is pretty obvious. Having a domain only requires 3 things, an admin contact, a technical contact, and a payment. There is nothing in there that confers ownership. In return the register gives you exclusive access provided they decide not to (and the conditions that govern when they may choose to do so are pretty flexible and they aren’t limited).
3. Not to mention that both the courts and the government have immense powers whenever they choose to exercise them.+
A company or individual running website is liable for publishing defamatory material. Who is responsible are the organisation or individual running actually the site at the time of publication, as well as the author of the offending material.
In this case that was either or both of Cameron Slater or the company enjoined currently as second defendant.
A sale of the assets of the site – which are really the material on the site, its ‘goodwill’, its access to the domain, and its revenue streams have to be properly accounted for to the courts and the official assignee /liquidator on behalf of creditors. What this means is that the any money for the transfer of control/ownership or control of the shelf company come into the resolution on the behalf of creditors.
Basically, if accurate, this probably means that Cameron & co are just playing shell games for legal positioning. It is just another delaying tactic. Rather pointless.
Looking down, I see that Pete George has done a post on ownership.
It appears that Mr Taylor is the accountant for a number of the Slater and Atkins ventures.
The url is just another asset. If it had no value, why transfer control to a different entity.
They have a rental on it and a presumption of being able to continue to lease it.
Re, your reference to PG’s post today on ownership, I see he mentions Redbaiter’s comment here at 6 above.
Perhaps you missed my reply to Redbaiter yesterday at 6.2 at 11.51am with full company details for both Social Media Consultants Ltd and the new company set up on 26 February 2019 for Whale Meat Company Ltd. I wasn’t aware of the other new company WOBH Ltd also set up recently (actually as MADAS 114 Ltd on 13 February but changed to WOBH also on 26 February 2019) which Sacha raised at 9 above.
While you were posting your comment above, I was putting together another comment now at in which I provided information and some links to the Companies Register showing that Howard Taylor has been involved in providing the registered office and office for service to Social Media Consultants Ltd since June 2015, and also now for WOBH Ltd and Whale Meat Company Ltd and is also the only Director for both those latter two new companies.
Without seeing your comment above, I also commented that I thought that Slater and co were just attempting rearrangements which were not likely to get past the Official Assignee if indeed Slater actually filed for bankruptcy. My view was that until proven that he had or was going to file, this was yet another delaying tactic – as I now see you also thought. LOL
However, according to PG’s post it now seems Slater has actually filed for bankruptcy so it will be interesting to see what happens vis a vis these last minute manipulations.
Yesterday at 6.2.2, I also provided a link to a 2009 decision by the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of NZ whereby a certain member (Taylor) pleaded guilty to misconduct in a professional capacity, conduct unbecoming an accountant and breaching the Institute’s Rules and Code of Ethics.
I recall, from some years ago, listening to “The Panel” under Jim Moragh, hearing David Farrar extolling Whaleoil as interesting and amusing.
Interesting what spin doctors say when they are not lying. They sound like politicians.
It’s a win for everyone
Slater was officially adjudicated bankrupt yesterday.
I have collated the various ownership changes here:
Failed to mount a legal defence… So what else is new?
Slater must be getting his advice from a complete moron if he thinks that putting assets in his wife’s name and then declaring bankruptcy to avoid costs will work. It won’t and its doubtful Slater’s backers will keep funding such a loser especially when the Assignee opens up his bank accounts. Lawyers always get paid even if it means Slater and his wife have to sell up. After all, they’re personally liable for the costs because it’s their company. Own it mofos!
Normally I would feel sympathy for someone in Slater’s position but look at all the bile and disinformation he’s spread across the Internet. Scumbags like Slater don’t deserve sympathy!
Turgid rightie Liam Hehir minimises years of appalling behaviour:
Nope. So much for ‘personal responsibility’.
He’s a revolting cunt, equally hated by all sides of the political spectrum.
As for the “he’s a family man” what the fuck has that got to do with anything?
An attempt to remind people better than slater that trauma to families as collatoral damage should be avoided where possible, rather than regarded as an extra incentive.
A fair point, but sadly one that fights for air at the rank hypocrisy of pleading that on slater’s behalf, when he was (at best) completely reckless as to the harm he caused others, directly or indirectly.
But also a point that happily goes by the wayside when his spouse is current owner of the mechanisms by which he use to inflict that harm, and therefore a complicit party in that damage. I don’t know if he has kids. I pity them if he does.
I have always felt sorry for his kids, poor buggers.
btw, I really like cunts. Seems a bit unfair to associate them with slater.
So Liam thinks that blogs have disappeared and we now tweet sarcastic one-liners from Twitter. Yeah so that has increased the depth and value of political debate how?