Caption competition

Written By: - Date published: 3:07 pm, March 13th, 2014 - 73 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour - Tags:

John Key and baby

73 comments on “Caption competition ”

  1. Seti 1

    Cunliffe reacts to Key’s third term triumph.

  2. One Anonymous Bloke 2

    Nathan, eight months, shows a keen interest in herpetology.

  3. commie-baby..!

    phillip ure..

  4. RedLogix 4

    Muldoon’s most recent reincarnation communicates what ‘alter-ego’ means.

    • sub-joke:..


      ..’it’s muldoon reincarnated..and he’s pissed..!..

      ..something about something called ‘think big’..?..’

      phillip ure..

  5. baby:..’you messed up my milk..!..”

    phillip ure..

  6. baby:..’he’s mine..!’..

    phillip ure..

  7. Te Reo Putake 7

    Ooooh, yuck, feels like Dad’s crocodile skin boots …

  8. baby:..’now listen to me..!..punk..!’

    phillip ure..

  9. Puckish Rogue 9

    “Wow unlike Cunliffe hes the real thing”

    “It really is teflon”

  10. key:..’but..!..but..!..he’s wearing blue..!..’

    phillip ure..

  11. Tracey 11

    To Everyone’s horror the skin peeled away in the baby’s hands

  12. baby:..’this guy’s had botox..!’

    phillip ure..

  13. Clemgeopin 13

    “Take that, you pro rich hypocrite! This is what I think of your awful policies for children’s welfare”

  14. key:..’i’m down with the kids..!..this happens often..!’

    phillip ure..

  15. key:

    ..’no..!!..i’m..i’m..quite ‘relaxed’ about this..!..’

    phillip ure..

  16. baby:..

    ‘ made my mum go back to work..!’

    phillip ure..

  17. baby:..

    ..’whattaya gonna do about the price of nappies..!..’

    phillip ure..

  18. key:..

    ..’someone call security..!’

    phillip ure..

  19. Clemgeopin 19

    Key: “Hey baby, why are you pinching me?
    Baby : “Dude, you have pinched assets, freedom and things from all of us. Remember?”

  20. key:

    ‘judith collins does this to me too..!..

    ..when she gets angry…’

    phillip ure..

  21. Pasupial 21

    No matter how clean a baby may seem, it can always find something icky with which to foul its hands.

  22. Tracey 22

    Baby: your weenie is about so big

  23. Infantile nappy wearer and baby

  24. baby:..

    ..’i have seen the future..and it’s all your fault..!..’

    phillip ure..

  25. baby:..

    ..’yes..!..he really is oily..!..’

    phillip ure..

  26. Clemgeopin 26

    Nah, you can’t fool me!

  27. baby:..

    ..’see..!..i told you..!..a reptilian shape-shifter..!’

    phillip ure..

  28. karol 29

    “Hey derp face, you’re ruining my baby pic.”

  29. JustLikeTigerWoods 30

    When I did this to Norman, he squealed like a Mollyhawk

  30. mickysavage 31

    Young child attempts to establish if Prime Minister of New Zealand is really a shape shifting reptilian …

  31. baby:..

    ‘the stench of corruption is strong with this one..!..’

    phillip ure..

  32. Vulcan mind meld unsuccessful – baby declares “nothing was there, just nothing…”

  33. baby:..

    ..’yeah..!..he’s wearing a rug..!..’

    phillip ure..

  34. joe90 35

    Up…up…to the left..left…ah …that’s the spot right there, see .. my Muldoon dimple.

  35. Ben 36

    “Yuck! Your mouth smells like a bum!”

  36. Ben 37

    ‘Kid, what does the fox say?’
    ‘Cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek!’

  37. Ben 38

    ‘Kiddy, pinch me if Collins and I are liars’
    ‘Ok, there you go!’

  38. JK 39

    That’s right, baby – he looks just like Muldoon ! !

  39. baby:..

    ‘yep..!..he’s got a diamond-stash up in there..!..’

    ..phillip ure..

  40. captain hook 41

    dont tell lies johnokeyio.
    dont tell lies or your nose will grow.

  41. ropata 42

    Cam Slater’s snake oil extraction technique. Squeeze the pus from the PM and publish it in his blog.

  42. “Take that for not recognizing that 285,000 of us are living in poverty!”

  43. Chooky 44

    Lefty baby demonstrates taking a “A pound of flesh!”

    …this is a political baby to watch!

  44. blue leopard (Get Lost GCSB Bill) 45

    Look everyone the smile is fake.

    This is more what he is like

    Now get me off this creep I don’t want to be part of his photo-op

  45. If you can pinch more than an inch… You’re a fat, tory fu*k

  46. fender 47

    Getting a grip on threats to the community.

    Stranger-danger beginners class.

    Baby attempts to unblock a trickle-down dam.

    Baby makes citizens arrest on asset thief.

    Spy caught in child’s room.

    Blind trust becomes a reality.

    Stuffed toy bigger than baby.

    Baby catches planet Key alien.

    Lever of power grabbed by young revolutionary.

  47. JanM 48

    Is that hard enough, Mummy?

  48. freedom 49

    extract from Memoirs of A Lost Reptilian

    Sensing the imminent loss of power I leapt into the eyes of the nearest soul. That it would be many years before I grew strong enough to rule over the quibbling livestock was a minor irritant. In due time the glory the victory the media would all again be mine mmmwwwwahahahahahaha mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha


  49. veutoviper 50

    I am hopeless at captions, but on seeing this photo immediately thought it should be one.

    The other thing I thought was that the baby’s lips and eyes looked very like those of Collins ….

  50. georgecom 51

    Baby reacts badly to invitation to have dinner with Judith Collins

  51. fender 52

    Baby mimics wealth grabbers behaviour.

    Young left holding crumbs in faceoff over super.

    Tot left with snot grabs shit for the skip.

    Unable to tell shit from clay, baby begins kneading shit.

    Re-arrange ya face begins with most appropriate candidate.

  52. Stuart Munro 53

    Prescient child fends off out-going prime minister.

    “Keep your lips to yourself, lizard breath”

    “Sexual harassment! Sexual harassment!”

  53. Draco T Bastard 54


  54. Clemgeopin 55

    Don’t try your tricks on me, bogeyman.

    You may fool some people all of the time, but don’t even think of trying that on me, buster!

    This is my good bye gift for you!

  55. logie97 56

    Now I know what mumma means when she talks about men with halitosis.

  56. fender 57

    The thing every parent dreads: finding your young one playing with the contents of a nappy.

    Breastfed baby grabs the wrong tit.

    Young left holding consequences of dirty-dairying.

    Baby bonus supporter proves Key has got a cheek.

    Tickle-me-Elmo Shit-on-me-Johnny receives cold reception.

  57. Jenny 58

    How Muldoon got his scar. And why baby kissing politicians is not as common as it used to be.

  58. mac1 59

    “What a cheek!”

    “I’m one babe you’re not kissing.”

    “You want me to turn the other cheek?”

    “Boy, I hope George is better behaved.”

    “I love you, too, David.”

  59. f dx 60

    You are up to your eyeballs in the bullshit Johnny!

  60. Crunchtime 61

    Citizens arrest.

  61. Philj 62

    “Keys love child gets own back”

  62. drmrs 63

    This is tongue in cheek when you lie, but baby has a good hold on it so the lie won’t continue. drmrs 4/3/2014