Caption Contest

Written By: - Date published: 12:30 pm, April 26th, 2011 - 36 comments
Categories: act, leadership, rodney hide - Tags:

36 comments on “Caption Contest ”

  1. grumpy 1

    All that body building hasn’t really worked out down there, has it Rodney……?

    • D-D-D-Damn ! 1.1

      Don (to Rodney): “Good God !, You mean if I topple you as Party Leader I’ll have to put up with Peter Dunne doing THAT to me each and every week ?!!!.”

      Rodney (to Don): “Yep, Peter insisted on it as part of our Coalition Agreement.”

      Don (to Rodney): “Rodders, I don’t think I want to be leader anymore.”

    • D-D-D-Damn ! 1.2

      Don: “I mean, I knew Peter had a ‘blow wave’, but this is ridiculous !”

  2. Colonial Viper 2

    “Right, let me demonstrate, you stick the knife in here, and then with a bit of a twist and a sudden jerk…”

  3. freedom 3

    Vladimir and Estragon decide to tell Godot their plan

  4. Georgecom 4

    “Rodney, I told you back in 2005 (when I was having a cup of tea with Peter Dunne) to piss off. So, I’ll tell you once more, piss off.”

  5. ianmac 5

    “Well Rodney. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice – loser.”

  6. O M EFFING G Rodney. You’re right !!!
    Your penis really does look like John Key

  7. ianmac 7

    By the way Rodney was interviewed by Willie Jackson on Friday night.  Rodney looked dishevelled, black and white lace-up ankle length sneakers, untidy shirt, tongue pushing cheek out, unable to be convincing in the face of Willie’s onslaught. Ag’in Rodney but a sad figure.

  8. Ed 8

    I look up to him, and he looks down on me . . .

  9. Georgecom 9

    Rodney, this is for hanging round my meeting with Peter Dunne back in 2005 like a bad smell.

  10. Sean 10

    “Look Rodney, I’m taking your party and your electorate from you… and while we’re at it, I’ll have those shoes and your pants!”

  11. The Voice of Reason 11

    “And if you look here, Rod, you’ll see I am the preferred ACT leader for all those people who were polled and identified themselves as corn beef eating philanderers who don’t object to being bunged dosh under the table. Are you going to go quietly?”

    “No chance, Don! Look again. There’s no way I’m giving up while I’ve still got the important fake name stolen from a dead baby demographic totally sown up. And the mad woman with the crazy hair vote is still standing up, despite her Doctor strongly suggesting she lie down.”

  12. Ian Gee 12

    I bags you tell John – ( both at the same time)

  13. logie97 13

    Hey Don, see you’re still sporting a comb-over then.
    I’m giving that pretense away.  By 2011 I will look like
    the complete Bovver Boy – totally smooth shiny shave.  I
    reckon by then the punters will be hanging out for some
    real right-wing politics.

  14. grumpy 14

    I think he’s still breathing, give him another boot Rodders.

  15. KJT 15

    No, I am not going to be your next “Dancing with the Stars” partner.

  16. BLiP 16

    Okay, so the sale of Auckland is on hold thanks to that fucking democracy thing, but, hey, we’ve got Christchurch on the block . . . swings and round-abouts, Don, swings and round-abouts.

  17. M 17

    OMG – Look,  it’s Dumb and Dumber

  18. M 18

    Hardy said to Laurel, “I think we should put our hats on so we appear handsomer.”

  19. William Joyce 19

    “I’m sure you think it’s impressive but you’ve got to come up with something a bit bigger than that. ”
    [pant pant] “Can I be your deputy Don? Can I? Can I? Huh?” [pant, pant] “Throw the stick again!” [pant, pant]
    “Oh yes, Rodney. I can see it now Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.”

  20. Nothing is ever done beautifully which is done in rivalship: or nobly, which is done in pride. – John Ruskin

  21. todd 21

    How much does he have?

  22. joe90 22

    FFS Rodney, how many times do I have to tell you, NO!, I haven’t got the effing comb


  23. 23

    The winner (or should it be loser?) gets to have coffee with Peter Dunne on the 2011 election campaign trail.

  24. Ian Gee 24

    Do you think Peter Jackson will give me a job if you get mine Don?

  25. rickylake 25

    Brash- Meh, iv’e seen bigger.

  26. One of these men is a right-wing extremist, the other is simply a buffoon.

  27. mikesh 27

    Yes. If we made certain changes down there I could employ you as a eunuch in charge of my harem.

  28. Tombstone 28

    Don f-f-f-f-f-f-fetch a cloth.

  29. Armchair Critic 29

    I’m thinking of downsizing, Rodney, but….that’s just a little bit smaller than I want.