Caption contest
Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
1:00 pm, September 17th, 2010 - 18 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour, john key -
Thanks to all the other writers for excellent pieces on the serious issues. Time for a lighter subject. Fortunately, when you’ve got a clown for PM, there’s always a laugh to be had.
Couldn’t help wondering why Key’s sitting in the middle row here. Made way for Brownlee Maximus perhaps?
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Sitting in the Second row ? .
The camera ! since they dont use a wide angle he has to join the background.
Was a similar tactic to Stalin who would sit in a lessor position. But of course the applause was still the greatest
Mr speaker I would like to … look chief will ya just stop it with the monkey faces I can handle this alright…..damm, lost my place….oh that’s right Mr Speaker I would like to complement the member for his question, his awesome tie and request leave to table some pictures of some joint in Dipton I appear in front of at times.
Key forces Brownlee to pay for his recently granted powers by getting him to hide under the podium* and help recreate his favourite scene from ‘Police Academy’
Capture ‘Theoretical’. I bloody hope so…
*Yeah really, it work’s like the tardis.
Hehehehe . . . made my Friday.
damn – I was just going to make a line about massage seats, but that blows it out of the water.
erm – as it were. Almost as freakishly appropriate word choices as the captcha-ghost often manages.
now if i concentrare, and squeeze just right, nobody will hear this one……..peeeeeeeep..
Jonkeys thought bubble:
“aww mannnn – I shouldn’t have laced spliff with acid. I am sooooo fucked. What is he even saying? Man, those people in the gallery look like ants, sparkly blue ants. Oh shit, if I let go of this chair I might fall into the roof! “
Is that Key’s orgasm face ?
If so why would anyone get off on a speech by The English rortbeast ?
Keys face has been photoshopped onto that, right?
conspiracy theorist.
i saw it. check out inthehouse yourself.
They do put the more photogenic MPs behind those who are going to speak to show the youthfulness of the Party. I suspect that some MPs are there just to fill that role.
Caption: “I must remember to look relaxed. Oops. Silly Billy. You nearly slipped right onto the floor. I must just keep on smiling and stay on camera.”
This is going to mean nothing much to anyone who hasn’t seen the brilliant Canadian comedy “Billable Hours” but Key in that pic… I swear for a split second I thought we’d elected Mortie Fagen to Parliament!
Same thin grasp on reality; same cheerful demeanour while all about him turns to poop (as Fagen would say)… can it be long before Key comes to work without his pants? (a favourite Fagen habit). Yet Fagen is meant to be suffering dementia and is about 30 years Key’s senior.
That’s just… spooky.
As for the caption:
“No I am soooo not pissed off! John said that when Mars invades it’ll be me in charge! And it wasn’t me on the Beehive roof with a tinfoil hat and a mirror, that was someone else, damnit!”
Note to hairdresser – it is a bit ginger in these lights, better dye job needed next time
If TVNZ see me they may offer me a job as Paul Holmes or Paul Henry’s prat fall partner. See I can pull funny faces.
Is that the ghost of Rob Muldoon possessing John Keys body.
“I wonder when Bill tells porkies if he has ever had a conviction like Stephen?”
Arrrrhhhhh. At least I got off a ‘silent’ one. But my god I wish I never had oysters last night.