Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 3:55 pm, June 2nd, 2017 - 56 comments
Categories: caption contest - Tags: ,

56 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. fender 1

    5ppm 😉

  2. McFlock 2

    El Presidente plays the world’s smallest violin in tribute to the billions of people he is condemning

  3. Ad 3

    Chances of my second term.

  4. gsays 4

    Mr president,
    How much influence did the Russians have in your election?

  5. UncookedSelachimorpha 5

    Look! My brain fell out

  6. james 6

    Labour is this close to making 30%

    • The decrypter 6.1

      That’s my son james. Once only a twinkle in my left eye.

    • adam 6.2

      desperate much —- no wait there is more.

      See more comments below from the supporter of child bashing

      • James 6.2.1

        I feel sorry for people like you who cannot tell the difference between a smack and beating – hate to be your kid.

        • adam

          That why we changed the law, so people like you don’t smack their kids to death.

          • james

            challenge you to find a single instance of a smack to the bum killing a kid.

            your pathetic accusations are, well pathetic.

            • adam

              The accusation was simply a question a long time ago which you never answered. So I went with the logical conclusion which was you accept violence against children. Hence why I call you the supporter of child beaters.

              It can be cleared up, but you have steadfastly held to your violence against children line. I’m just calling you out for you continued support of people who use violence against children. That how politics works james, just in case you missed the memo.

              I wonder which one you will come back with, the I’m all offended play act, or the poor me line. Any chance you might actually grow up and accept that hitting children is wrong? I won’t hold my breath.

            • Molly

              A smack to the bum wouldn’t kill your elderly grandparent either, but would you agree that it is more than inappropriate – it is unnecessarily violent.

              Why is the violence then excusable against children?

        • Ed

          An ugly comment.

    • Louis 6.3

      National’s chances of getting re-elected are this much.

  7. james 7

    Andrew Little is only this far behind Jacinda in the Preferred PM Polls

  8. Sabine 8

    see that?

    that is the size of the fuck that i give.

    • North 8.1

      Excellent double entendre there Sabine ! I go with the unspoken. That’s the root of the problem and the cause of that ugly strut in every other area of the life. Weird, dangerous prick !

  9. red-blooded 9

    My commitment to policies, actions and agreements aimed at avoiding climate change…

  10. ianmac 10

    “See That’s how big my brain is.”

  11. McFlock 11

    “and, covfefelly, it’s almost how much sanity I have left. Sad!”

  12. Yeah? Well get fucked vlad my fish was THIS fucken big.

  13. Carolyn_nth 13

    In the bling of an eye, planet earth will become like a spec of dust in the universe.

    I’m taking you all with me, you frackers!

  14. mary_a 14

    I give this much about the planet.

  15. Smilin 15

    They want me to take this pill so I get a good nights sleep and when I wake the world will be perfect

  16. Smilin 16

    they said the pill came from Russia got to be good for you
    I believe them
    So do we

  17. Paul Campbell 17

    It was only a tiny stroke

  18. JanM 18

    I only want this much off

  19. Stuart Munro 19

    It was really a very small Russian hooker party…

  20. JC 20

    That’s how much Co2 affects the planet….

  21. timeforacupoftea 21

    As I slept on after my incredible world breaking tweet #covfefe I dreamt about Obuma and how so so useless he was over The Paris agreement so I give him a measure of his usefulness by 10 million gnats penis’s.

  22. Policy Parrot 22

    “What’s left of my integrity.”

  23. Incognito 23

    Making America this great again! One promise I’ll keep.

  24. David Mac 24

    I love you this much.

  25. mauÄŤ 25

    I’m only this nuts if youve listened to Hillary at Code Conference.

  26. Psych nurse 26

    Believe me, its great,its amazing how much pleasure I get from something this big.

  27. ” This is how much truck the globalists are going to get with me – and they know it ”,…

    Full Show – The Death of Globalism is Here, Trump Blows Paris …
    Video for Full Show – The Death of Globalism is Here, Trump Blows Paris Accord Out of the Water – 06/01/2017▶ 3:06:45

  28. mac1 28

    “Why, how big’s your world view, Angela?”

  29. dad4justice 29

    Hillary said Bill’s was only this big.

  30. Philj 30

    This is the chance I have of not remaining President at the end of the year.

  31. mosa 31

    This is how much Americans will be covered with Trump health care.

    Fuck all.

  32. mosa 32

    I told Tillerson that Nu Zeelannd is only this big but they love us down there.

  33. georgecom 33

    my level of understanding about climate change

  34. locus 34

    edgar the bug shows his yuuuge intellect

  35. Louis 35

    Bill English’s chances of remaining Prime Minister are this much.