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Questions for leaders’ debate

Written By: - Date published: 8:37 am, October 22nd, 2011 - 46 comments

TV1 is calling for submissions of questions for their televised leaders’ debate.  Want to give them a hand?

Death cab for Banksie

Written By: - Date published: 9:43 pm, October 20th, 2011 - 170 comments

Another Epsom poll has ACT’ stuffed. Goldsmith: 37%; Banks: 24%; Parker: 17%. However, it also says the blue-rinsers will obediently tick Banks if Key explicitly tells them to. But will he? Will the chance of saving 2% ACT be worth the nationwide loss of votes from linking Key’s brand to that mess of a party? His equivocating suggests the Nats haven’t decided.

Another broken promise

Written By: - Date published: 2:01 pm, October 20th, 2011 - 43 comments

Remember how John Key was busy on the day of the double downgrade. Hosting his *wink* not election ad *wink* on RadioLive? Remember how he promised to “talk to someone important” to stop Coro St being moved to 5:30? Yeah. Another broken promise. Can’t even keep his lame promises now. Let alone the important ones.

DPF – deliberately missing the point

Written By: - Date published: 10:00 am, October 20th, 2011 - 101 comments

DPF is stirring the sewer again with ridiculous smears about a Labour candidate. Does he resort to mud-flinging due to a lack of National policy that stacks up?

JK: The last thing I need is a ship on a reef

Written By: - Date published: 3:09 pm, October 19th, 2011 - 22 comments

It’s all about John Key – the Rena spilling oil everywhere is so inconvenient for him. Never mind the environmental damage…

Nats “help” with more cuts

Written By: - Date published: 2:11 pm, October 18th, 2011 - 23 comments

Amidst growing evidence of yet another broken 2008 election promise, John Key has nothing to offer except tired excuses and attacks on the poor.

Wheelers: A typical working class tale…

Written By: - Date published: 12:10 pm, October 16th, 2011 - 6 comments

Over at Wheelers corner in the Manwatu there is this rather classic post about a conversation overheard in a cafe. It really does stand on its own as a tombstone to a departing MP.

micky savage: Is it Phil Goff’s time?

Written By: - Date published: 10:14 am, October 16th, 2011 - 88 comments

Two weeks ago I thought that Goff and Labour did not have a chance in this election.  National’s lead in the polls seemed too big, the country still seemed to be in love with John Key and Goff just was not getting the media cut through necessary to change hearts and minds. Then something happened.  The wheels started to fall off National’s well honed machine.

What the BSA said – Key on RadioLive

Written By: - Date published: 3:00 pm, October 14th, 2011 - 112 comments

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has decided that Key’s hour-long promotional programme on RadioLive was not an election programme.

It will now be very interesting to see what the Electoral Commission decides in relation to advertising complaints.

Caption Contest

Written By: - Date published: 3:02 pm, October 13th, 2011 - 15 comments

Champions of free speech MIA

Written By: - Date published: 2:17 pm, October 13th, 2011 - 78 comments

It’s the one week anniversary of Bomber Bradbury’s appearance on RNZ’s the Panel, and his subsequent shameful banning from same. The usual media commentators have been conspicuous for their silence.

Amnesty International: Arrest Bush for war crimes

Written By: - Date published: 10:30 am, October 13th, 2011 - 22 comments

Perhaps Mr Key’s staff might like to explain to him what the implications of this development, in conjunction with the recent UN Report on NZ SAS rendering prisoners in Afghanistan and the housing of CIA operations at NZDF bases, might mean for the PM. Amnesty International (London) has issued a call to Canadian authorities to arrest […]

Not PC on John Key’s lies

Written By: - Date published: 2:57 pm, October 12th, 2011 - 17 comments

Trenchant criticism of the beleaguered PM today from an unusual source. Well worth clicking through to read the whole post, here’s the main points…


Written By: - Date published: 10:32 am, October 12th, 2011 - 11 comments

There was some great fun on twitter yesterday with the hashtag #keylines. Here’s some samples.

Bad week for Key

Written By: - Date published: 6:37 am, October 12th, 2011 - 55 comments

3News has him caught out lying, The Standard has his office caught lying, and his government’s failed to act on the worst environmental disaster New Zealand has had.

Not to mention the crisis at first five-eighth.

What the Commission said – Key on RadioLive

Written By: - Date published: 3:30 pm, October 11th, 2011 - 64 comments

Key’s staff spun to media that his Radio Live show was ok if he didn’t discuss politics, saying the station had received advice from the Electoral Commission that “political content’ could breach rules. That didn’t sound right to me, so I asked the Commission what they actually said.

Famous liars

Written By: - Date published: 11:48 am, October 11th, 2011 - 10 comments

No wonder politicians get such a bad rep.

Let the courts decide

Written By: - Date published: 9:46 am, October 11th, 2011 - 59 comments

The threat of invoking defamation is a standard tactic to intimidate those who can’t afford the legals bills to shut their mouths. Such threats are sometimes known as strategic lawsuits against public participation or SLAPPS. My understanding of Lange v. Atkinson (2000) and the qualified privilege afforded to political commentary that it enshrines, suggests there is no way […]

Mr Muddle gets a credibility downgrade

Written By: - Date published: 9:30 pm, October 10th, 2011 - 102 comments

John Key’s economic credibility was shattered by the double downgrade. Now, his personal credibility has been lost after he claimed that Standard & Poor’s said a Labour government would lead to another downgrade. S&P could not have been more blunt: “At no stage have we said that a rating downgrade was more likely if there were a change of Government”.

Censoring criticism of Key

Written By: - Date published: 10:01 am, October 10th, 2011 - 145 comments

Martyn “Bomber” Bradbury has been banned from appearing on RNZ after strongly criticising Key’s behaviour in the throat slitting incident (video).   Rumour now has it that Key is intending to sue Bradbury for defamation.  Listen to the audio and judge for yourselves.

Banned for criticising Key

Written By: - Date published: 11:00 am, October 9th, 2011 - 151 comments

John “throat slitter” Key behaved disgracefully in Parliament this week.  But apparently criticising him for it will get you banned from RNZ.

National: Building a blighted future

Written By: - Date published: 10:15 am, October 8th, 2011 - 72 comments

Since the nutters on the right at the sewer (otherwise known as the kiwiblog comments) seem to have a thing about billboards (probably because they can’t handle actual politics or actual policy). So to keep them entertained and running around like headless chickens rather than doing any actual political action – here is another billboard to keep everyone amused watching them.

Returns on investments

Written By: - Date published: 9:01 am, October 8th, 2011 - 90 comments

When John Key was elected to power in 2008, he was estimated to have a personal wealth of about 40-50 million dollars.

So how much is John Key worth now?

The mask slips

Written By: - Date published: 10:34 am, October 7th, 2011 - 80 comments

Here is Key making the throat-cutting gesture to Labour after a man tried to jump into the Debating Chamber. He displays a total lack of concern for the man and anyone else. Key to Labour: “you should be ashamed of yourselves”. King: “What! What? we should be ashamed of ourselves?!”. Key makes gesture. King, Chadwick, “you scumbag”.

A PM but not a leader

Written By: - Date published: 7:27 am, October 6th, 2011 - 124 comments

In the last few days Key has refused to accept responsibility for NZ’s credit downgrades, stated that he is “not concerned in the slightest” about his possible breach of electoral law, and used an unfortunate incident in Parliament to launch an ugly attack on Labour.  John Key is no leader.


Written By: - Date published: 4:37 pm, October 5th, 2011 - 244 comments

A man tried to jump into the Parliamentary Chamber today at the end of question time. Yelling something about WINZ, Paula Bennett and John Key, he was caught at the last moment by guards. I have a feeling there’s a sad story behind that. Just as sad was Key screeching “you should be ashamed of yourself, that’s down to you guys” to Labour as the man dangled, before the DPS hustled him out.


Written By: - Date published: 2:54 pm, October 4th, 2011 - 37 comments

John Key’s relentless optimism is designed to make the country feel good, and to feel good about him – that nice man Mr Key. It doesn’t, however, solve our large economic problems.

Downgrade aftershocks continue

Written By: - Date published: 8:44 am, October 4th, 2011 - 54 comments

The credit rating downgrades have been quite a political earthquake, and the aftershocks are going to continue for some time.

Key broke law on radio show

Written By: - Date published: 8:13 pm, October 3rd, 2011 - 75 comments

Prime Minister Moonbeam clearly broke the law on Friday on the radio show he chose to run instead of dealing with the downgrade crisis. The law is clear: Key wasn’t allowed to make political statements. He did. He made a promise on broadcasting policy and gave the Nats’ first cut spin-line on the downgrade.

A week of polls

Written By: - Date published: 8:25 am, October 3rd, 2011 - 70 comments

What a bizarre week of polls. The Fairfax poll and the Roy Morgan polls both showed swings from National to Labour. The TVNZ poll and the TV3 poll did not. (Hey TV3 – that’s some pretty sloppy writing!)  In other news, Key finally equalled Helen Clark’s peak rating as preferred PM.

Game on

Written By: - Date published: 10:39 am, October 2nd, 2011 - 56 comments

The weeks of the RWC were supposed to be a politics-free zone. Bread and circuses.  It hasn’t turned out that way, as both Armstrong and O’Sullivan point out in weekend opinion pieces.  The credit downgrades have dropped a bomb in the middle of the political landscape. But I think that both are wrong in expecting any action from the Nats.


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