john key

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Flogging off Kiwibank

Written By: - Date published: 9:42 am, March 31st, 2016 - 67 comments

Flogging off Kiwibank is not an option.

The sock puppets, the media and the UBI

Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, March 31st, 2016 - 117 comments

Labour’s discussion of a possible UBI is still generating debate.

Angry politics

Written By: - Date published: 7:04 am, March 30th, 2016 - 181 comments

Is our political culture getting more angry and aggressive? If so, why?

Key wants to turn New Zealand into a haven for the 1%

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, March 29th, 2016 - 95 comments

Fran O’Sullivan has spilt the beans.  John Key thinks that overseas terrorism and by implication climate change are good for the New Zealand economy and that the country should not do anything about overseas corporates paying low tax rates because investment will occur.  And he wants New Zealand to become a haven for people overseas fleeing from terrorism and climate change.  But only if they are wealthy.

Tough couple of weeks for Key

Written By: - Date published: 7:33 am, March 28th, 2016 - 81 comments

Almost enough to make me feel sorry for the man.

Hickey on the UBI

Written By: - Date published: 11:19 am, March 27th, 2016 - 200 comments

Bernard Hickey makes some excellent points on the Unconditional Basic Income / Guaranteed Minimum Income.

Garner on Key vs Clark

Written By: - Date published: 11:44 am, March 26th, 2016 - 124 comments

Attracting a fair bit of comment this morning – Duncan Garner on Key, Clark, and the nature of their legacies.

What the flag vote means

Written By: - Date published: 8:21 am, March 25th, 2016 - 105 comments

Here are some reckons, for what they’re worth.

Meet the new flag…

Written By: - Date published: 6:50 pm, March 24th, 2016 - 238 comments

… same as the old flag.

Key didn’t take the country with him.

Now let’s get back to the real issues.

Flag distraction result today

Written By: - Date published: 8:30 am, March 24th, 2016 - 135 comments

Bragging rights I guess to whomever best predicts the outcome.

The media treatment of Labour’s UBI discussion paper

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, March 24th, 2016 - 144 comments

John Key and an array of National sock puppets have misrepresented Labour’s UBI proposal as party policy and as being very expensive when it is not party policy and when a variety of different potential forms have been raised for discussion.

Why are we paying Key’s legal expenses for him?

Written By: - Date published: 8:27 am, March 23rd, 2016 - 81 comments

Key backed down on using taxpayer money for his payout to Ambrose – but he is still using it to cover his legal expenses in the case. Why?

Teapot tapes – Key backs down over Parliamentary Services payment

Written By: - Date published: 2:08 pm, March 22nd, 2016 - 66 comments

John Key’s office has announced that he will now pay the agreed damages from private sources.

Which hat John?

Written By: - Date published: 7:02 am, March 22nd, 2016 - 42 comments

The teapot payout shows that, while Key is keen on distinguishing between his various hats when he’s trying to dodge responsibility, he is just as keen on ignoring the differences if it lets him dip into public money.

Exclusive: Tea Pot Tapes released

Written By: - Date published: 9:40 pm, March 21st, 2016 - 27 comments

Now that the Key tea pot tapes defamation case has been settled and John Key has accepted that Bradley Ambrose accidentally recorded the content of Key’s discussion with John Banks the original tape can now be released …

Key settles Ambrose defamation case – with public money

Written By: - Date published: 2:21 pm, March 21st, 2016 - 68 comments

Key has made a payout in the Bradley Ambrose defamation case over the “teapot tapes”.

Dom Post – Key, Kitteridge and Finlayson can’t be trusted

Written By: - Date published: 7:03 am, March 21st, 2016 - 88 comments

The weekend Dominion Post editorial doesn’t pull any punches.

Guest Post: Government’s multi billion dollar lies

Written By: - Date published: 7:44 am, March 20th, 2016 - 39 comments

Amakiwi analyses why foreign corporations are hurting New Zealand’s economy and questions why they should be allowed the estimate their profitability.

National tricky on climate change aid

Written By: - Date published: 8:27 am, March 19th, 2016 - 10 comments

TVOne has discovered that National’s preposed climate change aid spend announced at COP21 would result in a reduction in the amount spent compared to previous years.

A measure of justice for Nicky Hager

Written By: - Date published: 7:58 am, March 19th, 2016 - 22 comments

The Police’s return yesterday of Nicky Hager’s data, equipment and belongings is – too little and too late – a measure of justice for Hager. But the process doesn’t end there, and open questions remain.

National admits the ETS is broken

Written By: - Date published: 9:04 am, March 18th, 2016 - 12 comments

Paula Bennett has conceded that the Emissions Trading Scheme is not working and that the two for one scheme which halves the cost of carbon credits for major polluters will be phased out. But when?

Nats refuse to apologise for targeting Muslim community

Written By: - Date published: 7:01 am, March 18th, 2016 - 33 comments

The Nats are refusing to aplogise to the Muslim community for the distress and offense caused by the “jihadi brides” lie. Apologies are for Key’s pet attack blogger, not for innocent communities that have been exploited for political gain.

Key fiddles while dairy industry burns

Written By: - Date published: 9:27 am, March 16th, 2016 - 46 comments

The dairy crisis is escalating with a further drop in prices occurring overnight. And John Key has chosen to defend the Government’s handling of the crisis by attacking Andrew Little.  He would be better off explaining what his Government is doing to address what is becoming a crisis.

Key is on top of the dairy crisis

Written By: - Date published: 3:28 pm, March 15th, 2016 - 107 comments

Or not.

Caption competition

Written By: - Date published: 1:21 pm, March 13th, 2016 - 91 comments


Wee Todd Barclay may have a wee problem

Written By: - Date published: 8:47 am, March 12th, 2016 - 63 comments

Clutha Southland National MP’s employee dispute has escalated with a police inquiry into the possible secret recording of a staff member being conducted.

Fonterra faces liquidity issues as rivers of “white oil” dry up

Written By: - Date published: 5:47 pm, March 8th, 2016 - 141 comments

Pundits, most residing in the National Party, just three years ago predicted the economy would surf high on “rivers of white oil” flowing from the dairy industry, but they now have cow pats splattered on their faces as Fonterra today announced another payout downgrade and signalled liquidity pressures.

John Oliver on John Key

Written By: - Date published: 10:21 am, March 5th, 2016 - 18 comments

“John Key is nothing if not a gigantic clown.”

Crowdfunding for Bradley Ambrose’s defamation case against John Key

Written By: - Date published: 11:26 am, March 4th, 2016 - 38 comments

Teapot tape cameraman Bradley Ambrose plans to take a defamation case against John Key. A crowdfunding campaign has been set up to help him raise the $38,000 required.

John Key lies about staying out of the flag debate

Written By: - Date published: 9:00 am, March 4th, 2016 - 54 comments

<sigh> . . . yet another addition to the constantly growing list of John Key’s lies. Which is kind of a shame really; he’s actually been doing quite well on the lying front lately.

Key on cyberbullying

Written By: - Date published: 11:52 am, March 3rd, 2016 - 48 comments

Any campaign against cyberbullying is going to need a more plausible figurehead than Key.


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