Written By: - Date published: 11:01 am, June 19th, 2024 - 28 comments
Christopher Luxon has accused senior business leaders who travelled with a trade delegation with Chris Hipkins of being “C listers and tag alongs”.
Written By: - Date published: 12:59 pm, July 28th, 2020 - 56 comments
Judith Collins has backed away from telling a mistruth about escape statistics during her time as Minister of Corrections by claiming that her eyebrow was raised and this is evidence that what she was saying was a joke.
Written By: - Date published: 10:18 am, August 27th, 2016 - 7 comments
Written By: - Date published: 11:51 am, August 25th, 2016 - 65 comments
Written By: - Date published: 3:35 pm, July 30th, 2016 - 59 comments
Written By: - Date published: 3:17 pm, July 19th, 2016 - 50 comments
Yesterday this was the story: Speaking shortly after his arrival in Indonesia for a three-day trade trip, Key sought to pour cold water on the idea of any Chinese retaliation. While he could not confirm whether MBIE had received a complaint about steel dumping, due to the confidentiality of the complaints regime, the Government had […]
Written By: - Date published: 9:00 am, April 21st, 2016 - 199 comments
John Key, explaining why he had an account with tax avoidance specialists Antipodes Trust Group, said he used the firm because his long-term friend, Ken Whitney, is a principal at the firm and has been his private lawyer for many years. The flaw in that theory is that Whitney is not currently a lawyer.
Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, April 7th, 2016 - 18 comments
The Panama Papers highlight a significant problem for the countries of the world. The actions of the 1% is robbing countries throughout the world of funds needed to run their countries and underlines that the capitalist system is based on greed. Most leaders see this but not John Key.
Written By: - Date published: 10:21 am, March 5th, 2016 - 18 comments
“John Key is nothing if not a gigantic clown.”
Written By: - Date published: 4:10 pm, February 19th, 2016 - 149 comments
Rachel Glucina’s text to John Key sent just after interviewing Amanda Bailey has been revealed.
Written By: - Date published: 9:28 am, February 7th, 2016 - 11 comments
The Whitehead report into the circumstances surrounding the failed waiver of diplomatic immunity for the Malaysian attache charged with sexual assault charges has been released and blames the incident on an inadvertently worded email. But questions remain about why Murray McCully only took active steps after media broke the story and the effects his reorganisation of MFAT has had on its ability to do its job.
Written By: - Date published: 7:04 am, February 3rd, 2016 - 78 comments
Key’s badly dented “political antennae” took another solid beating yesterday, with his second high-profile bungle involving a waitress.
Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, January 27th, 2016 - 79 comments
How many more lies will John Key tell today in his so-called State of the Nation address? Virtual chocolate fish to whomever guesses the closest number.
Written By: - Date published: 8:47 am, January 2nd, 2016 - 56 comments
On December 17, 2015 the Government released a series reports suggesting that New Zealand is complying with Kyoto Protocol obligations. A dig into the reports confirms however that the compliance is in name only and is for spin purposes rather than a real attempt at addressing the world’s most pressing problem.
Written By: - Date published: 7:41 am, December 23rd, 2015 - 61 comments
There’s still a few MPs “on duty”. Their function is to maintain the semblance of active government and to roll out a bunch of announcements they hope will escape full scrutiny.
Written By: - Date published: 11:51 am, December 20th, 2015 - 211 comments
Rachel Stewart has penned an opinion piece highlighting John Key’s avoidance of serious media in preference to engaging in rude, crude and highly unattractive stunts on commercial radio.
Written By: - Date published: 10:47 am, December 17th, 2015 - 154 comments
While there is a certain amusement value in having a performing monkey for a PM, his participation in the great rape jape yesterday was too far even for his fans.
Written By: - Date published: 9:35 pm, December 14th, 2015 - 38 comments
2015’s just about up. Here’s my quick summary of the year here at the Standard. Thanks y’all!
Written By: - Date published: 8:08 am, December 3rd, 2015 - 17 comments
McClay said he could not answer the specific question because he had “been advised” no such data exists.
How convenient.
Written By: - Date published: 12:48 pm, December 2nd, 2015 - 103 comments
Standard Exclusive:
Te Reo Putake interviews one of the first batch of deportees from Australia under the Liberal Government’s hardline approach to Kiwis who serve jail time in the lucky country.
Written By: - Date published: 9:23 am, December 2nd, 2015 - 17 comments
Some time today, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, John Key, will be wandering around the hallways of his Paris hotel in his underpants. Or maybe his swimming togs.
Written By: - Date published: 7:34 am, November 12th, 2015 - 64 comments
Key and Carter have brought NZ international shame yet again. Males in a position of power using rape as a cheap political tactic and then punishing women for speaking up. Brighter Future.
Written By: - Date published: 7:28 am, October 6th, 2015 - 163 comments
The TPPA has been agreed to. Dairy access improvement is minimal, there will be a cost hit on Pharmac and every industry but Tobacco will be able to access the investor state dispute resolution procedure.
Written By: - Date published: 7:07 am, October 2nd, 2015 - 91 comments
Same ole, same ole. Except, this time, US neoconservative imperalism might have a problem. Russia.
Written By: - Date published: 10:30 am, September 29th, 2015 - 27 comments
There is hope that the cumulative effect of all the international pledges for the Paris climate change conference may buy the world some time to prevent runaway global warming. Some countries are pledging to becoming carbon neutral. New Zealand’s pledge is pathetically weak in comparison.
Written By: - Date published: 3:22 pm, September 28th, 2015 - 5 comments
Greenpeace, 350 Aotearoa and the Coal Action Network have jointly urged John Key not to send Tim Groser to Paris for the climate change talks because the Government’s policies and proposed response will embarrass New Zealand and damage its international reputation.
Written By: - Date published: 8:07 am, September 12th, 2015 - 98 comments
Climate change induced sea level increases poses a huge threat to most Pacific Islands. They are seeking support for a goal of limiting temperature increases to no more than 1.5 degrees. Australia and New Zealand are insisting on sticking to a goal of no more than 2 degrees even though this will likely mean that many Islands will disappear.
Written By: - Date published: 9:01 am, September 5th, 2015 - 82 comments
In both England and New Zealand conservative Prime Ministers are looking to urgently backtrack from recent refusals to do anything further for refugees.
Written By: - Date published: 9:31 am, September 2nd, 2015 - 172 comments
A climate change induced drought from 2006 to 2009 appears to have sparked the instability that has caused the Syrian Civil war. The mass exodus of citizens that we are witnessing may be the first of many climate change induced events.
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