Child Support (Almost) Amendment Bill: Cunliffe speech

I caught the end of another excellent Cunlife speech last night on my TV.  He was speaking to the Child Support Amendment Bill (Committee Stage Schedule 2). Cunliffe was on fire, with some very pertinent points, highlighting the government’s callous disregard of child poverty and single/separated (usually women) parents.

Cunliffe’s theme was that it was an “almost” Bill; a shambles that had taken 4 years for the government to develop.  The Bill will impact on 133,000 children dependent on child support following family break-ups.  These are “faultless,  vulnerable kids.”  Cunliffe pointed out that this situation especially impacts on women who usually have primary responsibility of child care.  Many will be less well off as a result of this Amendment Bill.

Cunliffe said:

We have worked hard in the select committee to bring the government to the point where it would include a legislative priority for their interests.

But National MPs voted against opposition party amendments.

Cunliffe encouraged people to look at the minority reports by Labour and Greens, in which they have set out their views on the Bill.

It is about poverty, but National MPs deny that. The payments will not be adequate for a large number of children.

The video of the speech is here.  For some reason, when I have the Cunliffe video showing on my computer, the link I add to the post brings up Moroney’s speech. Like this:

[would be grateful if an admin person can fix it – thanks: fixed it, h/t CV & ropata]

Along the way, Cunliffe makes some telling comments about Paula Bennett, Judith Collins and one or two other Nats.

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