Christchurch power chart

Written By: - Date published: 11:33 am, February 28th, 2011 - 4 comments
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They are doing pretty well on restoring the power. With the exception of some small outlying areas, along the strike line and the CBD most of the city has power again as you can see from this chart (click to expand).

hat-tip: Jamie Gough via facebook wallpaper (has previous images day by day).

From the sequence, they have been concentrating on the the areas that require the least effort to complete to return power to the maximum number of people. At a guess it will probably take some time on the major remaining areas simply because these are the areas that had the most vertical acceleration during the quake.

Does anyone know if there are equivalent maps of the water, sewerage, and telecoms ?

4 comments on “Christchurch power chart ”

  1. Lanthanide 1

    I’d really like to see one for water.

    My parents, who live 2 blocks away, have had water for a couple of days now, at low pressure. Just got back to CHCH last night and when turning the taps on, a very small amount of water came out. Then about 1/2 hour later it was dead. Then about 11pm it was a good 60-70% of normal pressure (not quite enough for the shower to work), and again this morning it’s dead.

    I have a river running down the back of the house which we can use for flushing the toilet, brought lots of water back with us from Oamaru and can go to parents for showers, but it’d still be nice to know what is to be expected re: water for our house.

    • Lanthanide 1.1

      I should clarify, there used to be a water tanker at the local primary school (same one I went to actually), but there is no longer a permanent tanker there, so I suspect that implies that they have restored water to this area and so believe they don’t need permanent tankers distribution points.

  2. r0b 2

    This map was very useful (though a pain waiting for it to download over dialup on laptop battery power!). I can tell you for a fact though that not every one in the supposed blue zone actually has power.

    This site is interesting:

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