Written By:
lprent - Date published:
12:52 pm, March 1st, 2010 - 7 comments
Categories: act, auckland supercity, democracy under attack, rodney hide, scoundrels -
The select committee on Rodney Hides vision of the Auckland Super-City sits in Parnell tommorrow. The National MPs complicit in foisting this idiotic vision of Auckland on us will be there along with the architect of these foolish assaults on Auckland’s democracy – the head of the lunatic Act party.
Spend your lunchtime demonstrating what a crock of shit that this version of the super-city is. Do it in Rodney Hide’s Epsom electorate.
Time: March 2, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm
Location: Quality Hotel Barrycourt, 20 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland
Organized By: Phil TwyfordEvent Description:
A parliamentary committee is currently hearing public submissions on the National-ACT Government’s third super city bill. Come and join a public protest against this assault on our democracy, outside the hotel where the committee is meeting:If you care about:
* the corporatisation of our local democracy
* the loss of local voice
* moves to make it easier to sell the Ports of Auckland and other assets
* unfair boundaries and inadequate representation
* undermining protections for the Waitakere Ranges
* tokenistic representation for Maori
* the rushed and undemocratic process the Government is using to push the super city through
…then join this lunchtime rally and show the Government Aucklanders won’t take the super city lying down.All political parties, groups, individuals welcome to attend. The rally will be peaceful and orderly.
Someone should bring a coffin so that we can see off our local democracy in an appropriate way …
I don’t want to do this to you LP but I recall some poor righty getting the treatment for poor grammar last week undermining the credibility of their argument.
One word in the title likewise stands out like the dog’s proverbials (unless there were more than two dogs in which case it would be the dogs’ proverbials).
I’m reluctant to do this to you LP as you share my despair for the loss of the correct use of the apostrophe!
Ah yes – one of my standard spelling mistakes… Over-m’ed
mmm….you want to be appropriate and in keeping with the shape and fashion of this process you should dish out Muldoon face masks……Hide’s a scary resemblance in his approach/politics and ‘don’t give an F’ atitude to the late Sir Rob.
Let’s face it, he’s just shovelling the Nat’s shit for them in the hope he’ll be looked after by those boards he’s stacking with such ‘quality’ folk like Mark Ford…..be afarid people….be very afraid.
Did you ever notice the close physical similarity between Muldoon and Rodney Hide?
I wonder if there is some common genetic material shared between the two?
Certainly their approach to democracy is very similar.
Before someone points out the obvious … “unless there were two or more dogs”.
It’s the inevitable result of trying to be smart and an arse at the same time!
Hope you protestors can do something to stop the bulldozers, though more likely you will end up like the protester against Israeli demolishments – the bulldozer drove over her.
I have been studying the map to get an understanding of the size of the city and it is gi-normous. Right up to Orewa and further. It is like the boundaries have been drawn to include all the plotters favourite picnic spots and yacht harbours.
Why couldn’t the powers of the Auckland Regional Council have been expanded to allow the vital infrastructure to be implemented instead of this grandiose land grab? Say with an enlarged Auckland with Manukau and Papakura, then across the bridge and up the bays to Albany. Waitakere would then have area north up to Warkworth or Wellsford. Two large city areas big enough to be economically efficient but not overlarge with management distant from the people they serve. I can understand people wanting an alternative but TINA rules again perhaps? Create a crisis, a limited timeline and subvert democracy.