Crafar vs Cameron

Spot the difference:

Mega-corporation with close ties to foreign dictatorship that has a policy of securing strategic resources buys swathes of New Zealand farmland after a bid by a company directly owned by the dictatorship was rejected. New Zealand public company to become the foreign company’s tenant.


New resident in New Zealand buys farm.

Now, I’m pretty unhappy that the big studios and directors like James Cameron (and his new Wairapapa neighbour, Peter Jackson) extort 15% plus of their production costs from the government in return for making their films here but that’s a separate issue. He is going to become a New Zealand resident; he’s going to be working here and contributing to our economy. That’s nothing like a corporate linked to a foreign government snapping up our land and making us tenants on it – one’s immigration, the others loss of economic sovereignty.

A pity the Right doesn’t understand the difference.

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