Cycleway to nowhere

Written By: - Date published: 9:30 am, October 31st, 2009 - 9 comments
Categories: cycleway, humour - Tags:


This just in:

A picture of stage one of PM John Key’s personal solution to NZ’s recession – the cycleway to nowhere!

OK, just kidding. It’s one of the images from The Guardian’s photo show on “Crap cycle lanes”. View them and weep, fellow cyclists…

(If you want a political angle to haggle – how long before privatised insurance puts up the premiums for risky activities like cycling, as per the provocative ACC hike for motorbikes?)

9 comments on “Cycleway to nowhere ”

  1. roger nome 1

    To be fair, the cycle lane, depending on how it’s implimented, could be a good idea. The only problem with it is that it’s being used as a PR puff piece/panacea to answer job losses which have resulted from the recession.

    Unfortunately our MSM fails to point out the very obvious problems with this …

  2. I think the cycleway is going to be amazing for the country.

    It also shows the sickening hypocritical nature of people on the left, who are against it.

    If Aunty Helen or the Green Party came up with the idea, you guys will be all for it.

    But its National idea so you better be against it, huh.

    • Roger Anderson 2.1

      No, the reason that we are against it is that it is a completely nonsensical solution to the problem of unemployment. The benefits will be marginal. The other thing about this is that after a large meeting of various groups, this is the best idea that they could come up with. This is completely below the standard we should accept from a party that said that they would guide us out of this recession. Another problem with your logic is that Labour and the Greens have intelligent people who can identify and promote serious policies that provide solutions.

  3. roger nome 3

    I don’t know of anyone on the left who’se against it per se Brett. I know plenty who are pissed off at the fact that it’s been touted as a panacea for the recession though …

  4. burt 4

    If you want a political angle to haggle how long before privatised insurance puts up the premiums for risky activities like cycling, as per the provocative ACC hike for motorbikes?

    I’m not sure it will be as per the ACC hike for motorbikes because not having a choice of insurance providers makes that just move just a gouging.

    We would call it price fixing if all insurance companies moved their premiums in unison causing the same impact as a monopoly flexing it’s ‘claw back from somewhere’ muscles. Bring on the competition… let the premiums reflect the risks of the people who actually pay them rather than some socialised mumbo-jumbo clap trap where it is just collected where convenient for the administrators.

    • RedLogix 4.1

      Burt, your sounding just like that Max Bradford guy who assured us all that competition would reduce electricity prices.

      • burt 4.1.1

        So it’s the fault of the model not the implementation.

        I guess if you liked state run everything then it’s too much to ask to blame the management rather than the model they used. But hang on, National are the profit takers now, the model is perfect for reducing the cost because the state can set the benchmark very low…

        Oh… confusing stuff this instance of the model vs the model itself….

  5. BLiP 5

    So it’s the fault of the model not the implementation.

    F F S ! Whose model was it?

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