Daily Review 02/03/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 2nd, 2017 - 41 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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41 comments on “Daily Review 02/03/2017 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    So Jeff Sessions told porkies when he denied any contact with the Russians. And I thought the Republicans were hot on the ten commandments including the one about lying …


  2. mosa 2

    Drugs are not the problem for employers wanting to hire young or old kiwi workers its just that no respectable New Zealander can afford to subsist on SHIT WAGES.

    We have never been able to pay people properly for the work that they do so they can support themselves and their families which has a negative impact on kiwis and the economy even when we have achieved a higher growth rate.

    If the Australians can why cant New Zealand employers ?

    It is the elephant in the room that is never addressed no matter which government is in office.

    Its always the same , if you want the job you accept the pay rate there is no negotiation.
    Then you are obliged to work long hours to take home a survivable pay packet.

    Its time for some real action and leadership and stop all the sideshows and diversions we are getting from the current Prime minister which is an insult to New Zealanders intelligence.

    • BM 2.1

      What a load of shit , H & S is what it’s all about.

      Employers have to do whatever steps are required to create a safe work environment otherwise they’re in the gun for big dollars or time in the pokey.

      Having staff whacked out on P or weed is the anthesis of that, you have a problem with the way H & S is handled , have a bitch at the unions.

      Employers have to protect their own arses first and foremost.

      • joe90 2.1.1

        Having staff whacked out on P or weed is the anthesis of that

        Saying this as someone who’s ordered people off the job because they were fucking stoned, sure, test for impairment but the common denominators in the the three fatals and very near every other accident I witnessed in forty years in electricity distribution – hangovers and trouble at home.

      • McFlock 2.1.2

        Then why don’t they test for impairment, including fatigue or skills atrophy, rather than just whether the employee has used a drug in the last few hours, days or weeks?

        It’s about ticking boxes so they get a rebate and has nothing to do with H&S. What was it, 10% off their ACC payments?

        • BM

          Then why don’t they test for impairment, including fatigue or skills atrophy, rather than just whether the employee has used a drug in the last few hours, days or weeks?

          You work for the government. you must know how inflexible and binary the public service is.

          The current system is the only acceptable system, there was be no more discussion, do what we say otherwise there will be penalties !!!

          • McFlock

            Oh, so according to you now it’s about an unimaginative and intransigent public service, rather than the unions demanding health and safety?

            Run, run to your nearest Cabinet Club fundraiser, little tory, and bring this callous disregard for safety to the attention of our caring leadership. After all, if you’re looking to change bureaucratic standards for something, they can rewrite “swimmable” at the drop of a hat.

            Just like you expand the standards of “straight” every night so that you can “lie straight in bed”.

            • Sacha

              “run to your nearest Cabinet Club fundraiser, little tory”

              If bm could afford the door charge, he wouldn’t be hanging out here.

      • mosa 2.1.3

        “Employers have to protect their own arses first and foremost”

        Yeah BM and so do the employee’s who face massive fines if they dont act responsibly and within the H&S guidelines and report unsafe behaviour so the issue with drugs has been sorted with the change in legislation and the compulsory drug test which has to be passed before you can start the job and then random ones after that and i completely support these measures in the industry i am in and other work environments.

        Bill English knows all that after all they bought the legislation in.

        I cant bitch at the unions because your mates got rid of them all so that employers can pay SHIT WAGES and dont or wont allow them on site and still ” encourage ” workers not to become members that was one of the outcome’s of the employment contracts act and keeping a “lid”on wages.

        Yeah protect the employer at all costs but to hell with the employee’s.

        Predictable response BM.

      • Morrissey 2.1.4

        Employers have to do whatever steps are required to create a safe work environment

        If employers cared about health and safety, they would insist on the reinstatement of union Safety delegates, which the Bolger regime legislated out of existence.

        • indiana

          Sorry to say this but labour had a chance to reinstate this but didn’t and the current leader was head of union that never pushed for its reinstatement.

          • Morrissey

            Fair comment, my friend. Another reason for significant misgivings about Mr Little.

          • mosa

            Yeah quite right Indiana.

            We need the “real Labour party back.

            I hope Little and now Adern make this a priority going ahead.

      • Gristle 2.1.5

        How many managers coming back from a long lunch get a drug and alcohol test slapped on them. Quoting Scribe “not many, if any.”

        Or come to think what about politicians. See Muldoon and the schnapps election.

        • mosa

          Superb points Gristle.

          Employers, politicians their needs are sacrosanct.

        • Cinny

          Strongly agree with you Gristle. And when there is a drinking culture within an industry it’s even worse. We had a fully stocked bar in the board room, everything.

          Management would make a bad decision as a result of ‘board room impairment’.

          Who would get blamed… the workers every single time, and wow they would be yelled at. Would they ever speak out, nope, they valued their jobs too much and they knew they were easily replaceable, after all they were ‘just labourers’. It would suck seeing it all go down

          How about management that turns a bit of a blind eye to P because it makes the labourers work so much harder when there is a dead line.

          Then there are the bogus cannabis tests, impairment from cannabis is only a few hours, however it lurks around in ones system for a month. So that joint from 3 weeks ago will still show up, even if it was your once a year birthday smoke.
          Knowing that would make many reluctant to take the test, even if they don’t drink or take any drugs apart from a couple of hooters in the weekend. It’s messed up.
          I’d rather employ a pot smoker than a boozer any day of the week, hangovers cost an enormous of productivity time and cause all sorts of behaviour issues in a work place. Where as last nights joint will not cause problems at work the next day.
          We would only ever drug test for pot, if it tested positive we would then send it away. So the P freak that didn’t smoke weed would pass a test sweet as and so would the alcoholic. But the once a week joint smoker would fail every time.

          Am looking forward to see a huge voter turn out this election, so many people appear to have had enough of the culture of the outgoing government, bullshit statements and dinosaur values.

        • Whispering Kate

          I agree Gristle, how many MPs turn up to the Beehive of a morning and 12 hours earlier were consuming alcohol. How many mums on the school run get caught out from having a drink the previous evening – lots. How many MPs have a lunch time drink with colleagues and then are in the house for question time and even worse how many have an evening session of the drinkies and then work on into the small hours passing contentious legislation. The hypocrisy of it all knows no ends. It is always workers and not bosses who have to suffer all this intrusion into their privacy. Considering cocaine is the drug of choice for the high flyers – who gets to do the testing all these Board Members, Directors and CEO’s etc. I have just seen a little pink pig flying by my window.

    • Joker 2.2

      Or in accord with New Zealand Intelligence.

    • Sacha 2.3

      “We have never been able to pay people properly for the work that they do so they can support themselves and their families”

      NZ did seem to do that pretty well in the 60s.

  3. The Fairy Godmother 4

    Over the last six months there has been a move to unionize ECE teachers many of whom work in private centres who do not belong to NZEI. Conditions for these people many of them who hold a bachelors degree are quite bad, and they have often felt isolated and unable to speak out. These talks, many over social media as well as face to face meetings may result in a new union. In some ways it would be good if we could all be members of NZEI but I wonder if amalgamation of unions actually leads to involvment and change and empowerment of members. Certainly early childhood teachers were much more active and took strike action when they had their own unions. Anyway here is a link.


    • Cinny 4.1

      Coolies, ty Fairy GM 😀 I’ve a friend who works in that sector, will pass on the info to her 😀

      • The Fairy Godmother 4.1.1

        Tell her to join the Working together Aotearoa – ECE facebook group to get info etc. It currently has 861 members