Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 3rd, 2023 - 15 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
I wondered how freaked out the swamp creatures are by the Winston control factor & soon found a Machiavellian take from Redbaiter:
A sceptic claimed he was making this up, but NK replied:
Nats telling the truth?? Haven't heard that one before. CMM made this point:
Several worried about Winston changing his mind & putting Labour back in! I guess if Luxon & Seymour don't bow to his superior judgment it could be a goer…
If you are going to directly quote things can you please give a link to the source?
As far as I can see you might as well mean Nikita Khrushchev when you put "NK replied"
Last time I linked to KB some folks complained, so I thought I'd better be kind & use the coded style of reference. Don't want to traumatise anyone..
any time and every time you quote, you have to link. Please supply a quote now.
Sorry, perhaps I erred in being too considerate of those who thought it uncool.
There was a post on this very site about the National Party supporting donors who also gave to NZF.
Looks like the Te Pāti Māori were some of the smartest voters in the land. Nice splitting of their votes to get a two seat overhang.
A smart move, as I pointed out 3 weeks ago …
Election Night 2023 on The Standard « The Standard
excellent result for TPM and impressive.
That win of Rawiri Waititi over a Labour candidate is remarkable! 16K margin.
Yeah, respect to them. Sometimes I wish the Left as a whole showed as much nous as they did.
Green machine politics moves up a gear:
This makes David Seymour a liar. As if we didn't know.
Looks like Nact supporters spewing over having to deal with NZ first.
Who here would be comfortable with Prime Minister Winston Peters if it meant NACT were stopped in their tracks?