Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 pm, August 4th, 2016 - 27 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
He’s like a missing character from Dr Strangelove.
Trump is fine.
Someone ask why Obama has greenlit the design of a whole new generation of more usable tactical nuclear warheads with standoff capabilities, more flexible and usable “dial a yield” and lower environmental impact. I kid you not.
Having the capability is bad. Having contempt for the doctrine and strategy that restrain its use is worse.
how is asking the question showing contempt for the doctrine of MADD? Maybe he owns golf courses and hasn’t been to West Point so needed someone to fully explain it to him.
Is not putting an anti ballistic missile system in NATO countries right next to Russia to undermine Russia’s ICBM based nuclear strategic deterrent showing true contempt for MADD?
Another Obama decision, by the way.
“MAD”, not “MADD”.
It’s probably worth watching the interview clip. It demonstrates wilful ignorance and contempt and Joe Scarborough said he asked three times in an hour, so presumably someone told him the first time. A Presidential candidate is supposed to have someone of expertise to prepare and advise them and to whom they listen…
Just watch the interview.
BTW, Mika Brzezinski, one of the hosts, is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, advisor to Jimmy Carter on national security. I would assume that she would have learned from a young age to judge whether someone is a risk.
You mean the life extension program for existing warheads using original-spec components, but whacking on a JDAM-style fin assembly so it can be lobbed with greater accuracy than a radius of a couple of hundred yards (B61 mod12)? Hardly a game-changer, but less fallout.
A president who doesn’t know the fundamental reason why to not use ’em? And needs to be told three times? Yeah, that’s a problem. A big one.
It’s a bit like asking a Greenpeace hippy why we should bother saving whales: if you need to ask, you’re at the wrong party.
CV- “Ask Obama why . . . . ”
Errrr – perhaps for the same reason that China has built a massive oversupply of (at present unoccupied) apartments and other housing in the last few years – right across the country and from the mountains to the sea. Join the dots.
Fifty years ago, they used to build massive underground shelters below their larger cities for their people. For much the same reason. A lot of those have now been converted to underground markets and stalls.
I kid you not.
(Join the dots. China endures).
I am Anti Trump but wonder if the 3 Questions about nuclear use is true. Un-named expert. Could be interpreted as what would the geopolitical effect of doing so. Trump is certainly a bit mad but I also have in mind Dirty Tricks by various politicians.
Worth a read. Twitter rant from the former national security adviser for both Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney aka not a Democrat
Good video and scarey if that dimwit gets the election.
A day or so back there was a thread on rape and it’s portrayal in the MSM and how many implied that because the person accused was a sportsman that it really didn’t apply. A lot of that discussion revolved around the idea of consent which brings me to this article:
‘It Just Happened’
IMO, the real problem is this:
We hide sex from the young. The personal interactions that lead to a people having sex are considered taboo and so are, mostly, made out of sight and sound.
Then, after all this non-teaching of normal human relations we expect people to have a healthy view of it, to talk about it and to understand the concept of consent.
+ 1 society views of sex and associated areas is antiquated in the extreme.
yes, adults should finally accept that young people will have sex, such as they did.
they should finally accept that women will have sex before being married.
they should finally accept that sex can leave to pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases and that if ‘consent’ is not given then one can get into trouble with the law for sexual abuse/rape
so we should finally just simply start sexual education based on facts and stop the thing that we currently do where we base our sexual education programmes on things such as morals.
Stephen F. Cohen: The Ukrainian Crisis – It’s not All Putin’s Fault
Russian scholar Stephen Cohen says Donald Trump is being wrongly linked to Putin and criticized because he’s trying to end the new Cold War.
The man’s an idiot.
Says it all Joe. Pity NZ did not have the capability of playing what our leader says one time compared to another contradictory statement.
Exactly ianmac, man I wish someone did this for key.
That is a good one. I like these compilations. The guy is a utter fool and probably-maybe the next pres.
The trouble is people don’t care about what he’s saying, it’s the tone they’re responding to.
He can be as contradictory as he likes, as long as his supporters hear the sound of him supporting them and sound of anti-establishment.
Those of us who listen to what he’s saying are just nitpicking liberals who know nothing about the working class (as if that was one big group-think).
Seems there ain’t nothing particularly working class about the chumps following him.
Excellent. That’s my gut feeling confirmed.
“Robinson’s intervention comes as a group of international statesmen and women including her, Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu, known as the Elders, released a statement saying they had “major concerns” about action by leaders since the Paris agreement last December.”
For Bob Crumb fans. Marvelous.
Robert Crumb takes on Donald Trump in HUP #3 from 1989. Amazing. I’m shocked that I came across this strip randomly, in a time when Trump is filling up news feeds. Truth be told, I hadn’t realised he’d been a controversial figure for such a long time.
any fans of ‘WWF’ (or On the Mat if you’re of an age)?……you may wish to reconsider.
could he be right?
If 8 years of the Obama Empire is interpeted as ‘hope’ , there is no hope
Those who fall for the psychological operation and that are emotionally invested in the outcome one way or the other..
Nah, you’re the problem.