Daily Review 05/11/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 5th, 2018 - 23 comments
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23 comments on “Daily Review 05/11/2018 ”

  1. UncookedSelachimorpha 1

    Jacinda Ardern says she wants a banking system that works for all New Zealanders – following the inquiry into the details of how our banks work.

    It would be better to ignore that detail and instead focus on the billions extracted in profit from New Zealand society by the private banks each year.

    Billions that are only made possible by the privilege we extend to the private banks by legislation.

    • tc 1.1

      Yes hope she’s prepared to regulate them and back kiwibank to take up the slack.

      They’ll fight like devils all the way.

      Geez look at the grief the billionaire founder of sales force is getting from his fellow billionaires for suggesting they all pay more taxes to alleviate homelessness in San Fran. Not much kindness on offer over there.

    • Jack Ramaka 1.2

      Was not a good idea Roger Douglas/Labour selling the BNZ & National selling the Rural Bank, especially with the loss of future dividends to the NZ Taxpayer which now amount to billions per annum ?

    • patricia bremner 1.3

      So true, Jack, and then BNZ needing to be bailed out. The owners sold worthless shares to their workers, then went broke. PS Roger was never really Labour.. he became Act.. much more his ilk.

    • mauī 1.4

      Yes, Ed’s idea of nationalizing the banks is a very good one. ANZ takes 1 billion of profit out of the country each year. Imagine what Kiwibank could do with that, we could end homelessness overnight.

    • Draco T Bastard 1.5

      It would be better to ignore that detail

      How can you fix something that’s broken if you don’t look at why and how its broken?

    • Ed 1.6

      There is a simple solution.
      Nationalise the banks.
      Abolish private banking and usury in this country.
      Get the government to issue money.

  2. millsy 2

    So I take it that JLR’s paramour has been outed.

  3. Millsy, your comment went into the ether when Robert’s went into spam. Sorry ’bout that. There was a discussion about whether it was appropriate to name alleged victims a week or so back and the consensus was a firm No.

  4. patricia bremner 4

    The reinstatement of deposit insurance will be a good move.

    • SpaceMonkey 4.1

      Not so sure… once again (potentially) socialising a loss. It would be better if the deposit insurance only covered nationalised banks. It would give publicly owned banks a value proposition over privately owned banks and bring customers. And given the profits the Aussie owned banks make, they’re in a position to provide their own insurance schemes.

  5. Chris T 5

    I think you know when you are getting old when fireworks going off all over the neighbourhood are just annoying

    • Grey Area 5.1

      Yep. And the trouble is it’s not just one night. In our area people hoard them and we get fresh outbursts throughout summer.

      Fireworks cause so much disturbance and damage across the country. Banning public sales is long overdue but no political party wants to be accused of being the fun police.

      • Chris T 5.1.1

        We get that hoarding as well.

        Trouble is our fantastic wellington council want to stop the big one as well, so it’s turned into a bit of a stupid situation.

      • gsays 5.1.2

        How about not letting them off in built up areas where there are high densities of curmudgeons and pets.

        I really enjoy a sparkler or three, bonfire and a few home made crackers.

    • Jilly Bee 5.2

      Absolutely Chris T, our dog who has been gun/firework shy ever since she was a pup and our latest addition to our cat family is a tad overwrought this evening, even though in our small Waikato township it’s not a patch on what we had to put up with in West Auckland. We’re just so over it.

      • Chris T 5.2.1

        Know what you mean

        I’m not that anti it to be fair but having my mini fox terrier, terrified licking my face in bed all night trying to get me to stop the scarey noise is while annoying, bearable.

        It is the fricken 2-3 weeks after of random “Here it goes again” that gets on my tits

      • Chris T 5.2.2

        Should clarify

        My dog not annoying. The people

  6. Ankerrawshark 6

    Chris t a rare occasion on which we agree. Cat kept inside. Hopefully over soon

  7. Patricia Bremner 7

    Yes why do we/they celebrate a terrorist??

    • Ed 7.1

      They aren’t celebrating him.
      They’re celebrating his execution.
      Guy Fawkes night was used by the King and parliament of the day after 1605 for anti-Catholic hatred.

      Why are we celebrating a foreign event we have no understanding of or connection with?

      Much better to honour Parihaka at this time of year.
      And, if we have to have fireworks, let’s have them at Matariki.
      It’s darker and wetter in winter.

      Let’s dump these overseas commercialised celebrations and bring in our own.