Daily Review 05/09/2016

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 5th, 2016 - 17 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Paddy Gower is a neo marxist

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17 comments on “Daily Review 05/09/2016 ”

  1. Gangnam Style 1

    Def something going wrong at Dunedin Hospital, first an under 2 discharged at 3:30am & dies a day or 2 later, so many things went wrong here! https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/health/sdhb-failed-girl-who-died & this is looking very interesting & thank goodness the ODT is independent & able to investigate this story because clearly something sneaky is going on here, https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/health/please-explain-letters-sdhb-ministry “In an unusual move, the country’s chief archivist Marilyn Little has ordered the Southern District Health Board and the Ministry of Health to report to her about their record-keeping involving a multimillion-dollar dispute.”

  2. DoublePlusGood 2

    (Re the picture:) You really have to wonder about how New Zealand even manages to function at a basic level when a noted opthalmologist and company director with an OBE is *that* stupid.

    • Macro 2.1

      Well we have to recruit people from overseas to do the jobs for us because we are all drugged according to our “leader”.

    • rhinocrates 2.2

      Well, it’s an old joke about an award often given to old jokes: “OBE” stands for “Other Bastard’s Efforts”.

      “M” for “Many” I suppose.

      As for knighthoods, now that Ed Hillary’s dead and Douglas and Talley have them, I’m in agreement with the Hound on the value of knights.

  3. Macro 3

    This. Says it all really.

    What a waste of space Key is.

    ps – He sounds more and more like he is the one spaced out! So I guess he would know. Why don’t we just sack him and get someone who can do the job?

    • Whateva next? 3.1

      And oh the irony, it is his government that has created the lack of aspiration in our youth if what he is saying is akshully true.
      His children may have been brought up with all the advantages, but the rest of us mere mortals are struggling to explain to ours that it wil be ok, just keep trying, and studying and paying….fees and rent and hope you get a job, and a home, or maybe just don’t bother, and turn to drugs and give up?
      Yes, I am bitter after hearing his ” throwaway ” lines, a reflection of his attitude towards the next generation.
      We care as much about our children as you do yours Mr.Key.

  4. I still have trouble believing “Hylton Le Grice” isn’t the pseudonym of a supervillain in some James Bond knock-off.

  5. Sabine 5

    Dear John,



    btw, we already have the people with the barista skills, they just need to get hired.