Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, August 6th, 2024 - 5 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Coalition only 50% after all that "progress."
National support in New Zealand lowest since the election but Labour support also down as support for minor parties increases in July
Roy Morgan’s New Zealand Poll for July 2024 shows support for the National-led Government (National, ACT & NZ First) has increased marginally in July, up 0.5% points to 50%, increasing its lead over the Labour-Greens-Maori Party Parliamentary Opposition on 44% (down 1.5% points).However, for the National-led Government support for National dropped 2.5% points to 32.5% – their lowest level of support since last year’s New Zealand election, but support for ACT was up 2% points to 11% and support for New Zealand First increased 1% point to 6.5%.
For the Parliamentary Opposition, support for Labour was down 3.5% points to 24%, support for the Greens was down 0.5% points to 14% and support for the Maori Party jumped 2.5% points to 6%.
"However, for the National-led Government support for National dropped 2.5% points to 32.5% – their lowest…"
The reason is pretty obvious. National is disappointing its supporters. For example the nonsense of not supporting David Seymour on the Treaty Principles Bill.
Neither does NZF support the Bill beyond first reading in Parliament, so you fail yet again.
You suck so badly at trolling here that you give other trolls a bad reputation.
Maybe Chloe is right about the Greens overtaking Labour as the biggest Left-orientated party.
A few more scandals and they will be there……notice how their polling is stellar regardless.
For the greens here you might like this video of co-leader of Greens of England and Wales.