Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 7th, 2016 - 36 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
His ministers are quite happy to meet the standards that he sets because they’re always so low. in fact, I’d some are actually surprised that he gets away with setting them so low.
If a limbo competition had it’s bar set as high as his standards, not even the current limbo record holder could make it under the bar.
The high standards he has set is for them is to not have to much of a paper trail that can not be swept under the rug by tame MSM. His people can conduct illegal activities like using an accidentally left open back door on a website to take confidential information from an opposition party, but that is perfectly alright to him. Someone finds a back door in a computer belonging to a friend of the National party leaking their confidential info though and the full weight of the law is sent out to try and discover their name to prosecute them. Even if they have to violate a journalists rights to do it.
It’s aspirational..
That’s how we roll in kiwi land. Now.
Labour has lodged a formal complaint with TVNZ over its coverage of their youth work scheme, with Twyford engaged in a Twitter tit-for-tat with Vance and Trevett.
How retarded can they get? Why would Labour want to draw more attention to a policy that is half-baked and easily pulled apart after a quick once-over? Will they ever learn that given their track record for being mathematically challenged that their policies will be examined down to the dollar? Helen Clark, to her credit, knew party policy inside out, and would never launch new material without being thoroughly prepared.
Amateur hour, once again, but this time with sprinkles on top because they want to drag it out.
Not sure which side of the fence you sit Ben, but I totally disagree.
Phil is bang on in this action, sort the media NOW, don’t let them do this to another election. The figures were correct, she was briefed and still wrote a lie. Hack job for the Nats.
Well said Richard.
Here’s a little arithmetic for you
$15.25 an hour for 40 hours for 26 weeks is $15,860 per person.
Now multiply $15,860 by 10,000 and if you get $60,000,000 then i’ve got a bridge you can buy in Nigeria.
Save your bull Fisiani, Craig H has already done a proper cost analysis. Labour has it right.
less tax 13, 500 ish
less the benefit the already get..
no swearing Richard…
PS that comment is a targeted bait trap, your being a horrible person and just posting outrageous rubbish like that trying to get me to fire off so I can get banned from here, I can only assume I am that much of a threat to the lies you spread here and attacks of a similar nature on others.
It’s been 3 days of this , costing lie, which has been proven time and again to be a lie in itself. So much so it’s on Stuff.co.nz.
Yet even after that your baiting like this.
How your not being warned by now is getting beyond me, now i’m good for a chuckle and dig I send them back it’s all fun, but even you have to admit, 3-4 days of it, getting ridiculous when your trying to promote a lie.
Cease and desist fool.
Agree the NZ media need to be put in there place before the next election otherwise they will act as a lobbying and support group for the gnats again and this is not fair when the gnats have the mainstream media actively advocating for votes for them using our state broadcasters who see fringe benefits for themselves for example getting there own show paid for using our taxes.
Ben, it is about time msm were held to account on it’s deliberate misleading of the facts.
Phil Twyford is 100% correct in challenging Trevett and Vance. IMO it is about time, for way too long msm have gotten away with it.
The only ones that are retarded here are people like you, that think that biased hatchet jobs by msm is acceptable reporting, when it is not.
“Your access to this site has been limited
Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)
Reason: Manual permanent block by admin”
Either the Daily Blog is down or I’ve really, really upset Bomber.
I don’t go there as it’s worse than here for extreme left wingnuts getting disproportionate air time, but I’m getting the same message, so I doubt it’s personal… But do keep on upsetting that idiot Bradbury. He’s ten times as vile and repulsive as he is an effective commentator.
I know there’s a lot of right wing shit here but if you really feel like that why don’t you hang out at whaleoil?
That’s false logic to assume a dislike of one set of extremist nuggets means I have support the other sides version. I wouldn’t venture on to WO any more than I’d browse at TDB.
I prefer my politics left and wingnut free.
I don’t think you’re left. I think you’re a product of modernity.
the quality or condition of being modern.
a modern way of thinking, working, etc.; contemporariness
Believing in old fashioned social democracy is hardly modern, and sadly, not very contemporary at present, so what ever you think you were trying to say, I don’t think it worked out for you.
It’s a term of art. Do some more reading, if you can. My guess is you won’t know where to look.
We’re talking politics not art. My guess is you got it a bit wrong and are now in scramble to save face mode.
At least you didn’t mess up by calling me a surreal, post modern, cubist impressionist. There’s no way back from that. lol
Are you fucking illiterate?
Well that didn’t take long to get from ‘you’re not left’ to swearing f word insults.
It’s quite common these days. I think it’s a sure sign you’re a product of modernity lol
That’s me, all right.
I occasionally pop over because there are some really good, incisive writers, well worth reading. And Chris Trotter.
Tonight I was wondering whether they’d caught up with Paul Henry’s sacking. TDB has always had an issue with keeping up with breaking news, possibly because they don’t seem to have a roster of authors who can just put a post up when something interesting happens. I get the feeling every word has to be vetted by Bomber and therefore they are more of an analysis based blog that talks about stuff after the dust has settled. Which is fine, in it’s way.
TS, on the other hand, is more flexible and quick to react, which means our readers get to talk about stuff that is happening right now. And that’s fine, too.
I’ve just been reading Keith Locke’s post on last week’s; “terrorism threat”, in another tab. TDB site seems working fine now (nothing new on Paul Henry though):
Working for me now, too. The article by Trotter on why he is no longer relevant is kind of interesting, if you really like white flags.
he doesn’t know how to configure wordfence it seems.
[lprent: Perhaps you should comment on things you can actually understand. For obvious reasons for anyone who does understand, wordfence access is at superadmin level. Basically me and my backup.
And incidentally, that isn’t a wordfence statement. ]
“You’ve got a very divided American. You’ve had a lot of rhetoric which is quite ugly and in lot of ways a lot of self-doubt creeping into America about whether they are doing okay.
replace America with NZ john…
and here
“Obviously we’d like to advance some things that our Government passionately believes in,” he said.
That included trade, economic liberalisation and globalisation.
economic liberalization and globalization eh
Now, why do you not tell the voters this is your,, agenda John… it only takes a moment for the truth to slip out..
Night guys..
National appear to be in spin (bullshit ) mode again
An announced 300 million boost emergency housing…sounds good at first glance BUT
It is over 5 years and the monies that actually go to housing (and not support/admin) is 120 million of which a 100 million is a loan, so 24 million a year and this according to Bennet will provide an additional (over) 5000 places per year.
“These new places will be in addition to the more than 3000 places per year and special needs grants for accommodation we have already funded to the tune of $41.6 million in Budget 2016.
“In total, we’re aiming for more than 8600 places per year, as well as continuing to provide access to alternative accommodation when contracted emergency places are not available,” Mrs Bennett says.
so 3000 places cost 41.6 million ($13,800 p/p) and the additional 5000 cost 25 million (less servicing and $5,000 p/p)……curious
Another short term solution ( from the gnats ) for a long term problem where is our money from the fraudulent private education providers Mr Fix it Joyce and his lot funded ?
Key’s arrogance is astounding. The minister of fucking everything. The prick is a fucking disgrace.
On the upside, national’s such a one-man-band they’re fucking toast as soon as he’s gone. Bring on Bennett or Bridges or Collins or any one of their fucking goon squad, I say. Send in the fucking clowns.
Yeah but Key isn’t going is he ,so dream on. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….. If Labour thinks it can beat Key by being National Lite then it is delusional. I think most of the commentators on this site are exactly that…. delusional. DROP ROGERNOMICS.
Honest John is happy to win in 2017,2020 and 2023. I reckon he will pass the reins to Chris Bishop in 2025 to win in 2026,2029 and 2032.
I do not expect another Labour government in New Zealand.
Chris Bishop what a a joke Fisiani dream on he wont win hutt south we aren’t like the mainlanders us Hutt people are much smarter than that
Well I for one can not disagree with you there.