Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 pm, July 11th, 2016 - 24 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Spinoff quizz on who said what about the housing crisis. I got 9/12, once you get in the swing of it it’s not hard to pick, esp Key’s vacuous comments or ones that are obvious focusses on money compared to Little wanting something more fair.
Beat you by 1. 10/12. One question was so obviously Little that I decided it was a trick so voted JK. Damm… it wasn’t a trick. 🙁 😉
7/12 · Scored 58%
Result: You Will Never Be Prime Minister.
Good article, it’s a pity that the Herald couldn’t add this quiz on the front of the website.
Their masters and sponsors would never allow that. Te Spinoff is doing great work this year.
Would have helped if the comments had a year on it. The Key ones were all pre 2008 I think.
Malcolm Turnbull to form the next Australian Govt. Labor loses narrowly.
And now Labor seems willing to support at least some of Turnbull’s proposed superannuation cuts.
In other words, more of the same.
got a link to the Super thing? Seems an odd post-election loss move.
It was a headline in The Australian and unfortunately behind a paywall. Basically saying Shorten wanted to ensure that Turnbull’s cuts would not be made retrospective.
i.e. promise older voters that their Super will be safe while screwing younger Australians.
Eventually those young non-voters may burn down his world.
Australia’s in for some hurt.
Turnbull has already been cutting back mental health costs.
Australia’s in for some hurt.
Too many of them voted for LNP so they – at least – deserve to be hurt. I have relatives in NZ who stand to gain from a Labour government yet they vote for Key and National. One of them (female) voted on the basis that “JK is sexy”. (Yuk. Not my idea of sexy. 👿) They are paying an exorbitant rent in Auckland and under present circumstances are never going to own their own home. They never complain in my hearing because they know what the answer would be: Serves you right. You are your own worst enemies.
And here we come to the crux of the matter — people are morons. Who cares about all that tedious policy stuff, when you can vote for the guy who’s a bit “sexy”, or who “seems like a nice bloke to have a pint with down at your local”. Sure, he’ll condemn future generations to lives of miserable penury, but he’s just such “a lovely man”.
I despair of my own species.
Most people don’t vote on policy, they simply vote in a government to generate and work out policy, if the don’t like the way things are at the time of elections they vote the government out, On this basis most people are happy contrary to your little anecdotes
Here’s a poem for you, called “Post Truth Politics”
when the political process is for sale
and democracy turns into a sham
militarise the cops, arrest troublemakers
spin and bullshit like an oily whale
“most people are happy contrary to your little anecdotes”
Ignorance is bliss, remember 50% of people are below average intelligence :sigh:
see, i was right, in got called mean names for pointing that out, mah wah,
i must have read the line policy on the hoof somewhere before,
pointing it out here on the standard as National party true form,
n wham two days later policy on the hoof is front page news,
i cant claim originality as it has historical use,
but it got Grant Robertson front page,
we need tax relief that GST intro was promised for, anybody remember that,
im still waiting for proof that primary producers increase their employment costs on the back of higher export volumes,
why are our media so f()cking lazy on getting facts,
and just report propaganda.
Its a strange world when voters cant afford housing like their parents could that they still keep returning right of center govts, sure so is lab, but really, cant they get it, that voting can change their future.
So why lacklustre Labor parties? Well maybe its about hanging out voters to drive them to think about how they actually have been failed by center right parties.
The BWI Condemns Five-year prison sentence of KCTU President, Han Sang Gyun
It appears that South Korea is heading on the same path as North Korea, the US, UK, and China just to name a few other countries that came down hard on unions, protesting and democracy.
South Korea is out of the TPPA,
Funniest thing I’ve seen all week,
A longish read, but worth the time – Tax dodging is hurting poor people and destroying capitalism http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11672504
Joan Baez was 75 this year… she sang a few songs with her mates.
The picture at the heading pretty good. Clever to use the mirror.
I posted this in response to some nasty idiot in corrupt judiths gang member thread …
Like many others I get fed up with the trash troll posts dissing Nicky Hager
The reply function here at the standard put the original post it so far away from the original nasty anti Nicky Hager comment that it lost its meaning a little …..
So I’m re-posting it here …………..
feel free to use parts of this argument ( especially the quoted bit from wikipedia 🙂 ) …. or your own variants of it when dealing with the Nicky Hager Trolls,
The beginning firmly puts the focus on key and is intriguing enough to make some people want to read the book ………….
The second half could be done or 101 different topics ….. ‘Nicky Hager would nerer ……’ anyway
Dirty Politics: …….. the why
“In January 2014, WhaleOil was hacked some time after he posted a blog post with the headline “Feral dies in Greymouth, did world a favour.” Three other children in this family had already been killed in accidents and the post provoked a ‘furious public reaction’.” ……….
While normal people thought Jk’s txt and cellphone buddy slug boy slater was a insensitive creep……. Key was actually communicating and commiserating with slater …… the dead boys mother was a “bitch” who had heckled him at the hollowness and insincerity of Keys promises to the dead pike river miners familys …. One of her other dead sons who she never has even gotten the body back to bury was a young worker at the pike river mine.
Not covered in Nickys book, but we should remember none the less is the Govts part in the criminal negligence that lead to these working mens deaths …….
Dirty politics deals with and reveals Nationals sick standards of leadership, abuse of state powers and the pack of horrible people behind their media manipulations.
Its all in Nickys book ……………and I recommend people read it then they will understand why we have a government following right wing failed policy that results in record numbers of New Zealand children suffer housing poverty and all the harms that go with that,
I would add that Nicky Hager would never accept New Zealand children living in cars or garages … thats National and the people who hate him.
Nicky Hager would never build tax havens so the rich could hide their money while our children get austerity and $50,000 student debts ……………… that would be national and the other people who hate him.
Nicky Hager would never want or accept our children being priced out of ever owning their own homes ………… that would be national and their friends who hate on him.
Nicky Hager would never accept our rivers and waterholes being polluted, drained and being stolen from our children & grandchildren …………….. that would be national and their haters who post shit about him on the internet .
I could go on and on and on ……….. But to sum up Nicky Hager is one of the good guys in New Zealand
Dirty Politics reveals who the dirt bag ones are ……… https://dirtypoliticsnz.com/
i bet Young Nats, get paid to trash online opinion sites ,
its a win if all they can do it call us bad names,
without looking at the reasoning,
nicky didnt step away from upsetting helen,