Daily Review 12/02/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 12th, 2018 - 57 comments
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57 comments on “Daily Review 12/02/2018 ”

  1. Ed 1

    Bomber Bradbury nails it again.

    “The real question behind our horror housing stats – where the hell were the media for 9 years?”

    • Ed 1.1

      He writes so well and with passion.

      “How come an avalanche of social damage can build over 9 years and collapse without the mainstream media of NZ noticing for almost a decade?

      ……The same panelists and pundits all vetted for their conformity to the neoliberal cultural myths alongside journalists who don’t rock the boat creates a complacency of opinion that misses and can not comprehend the reality until it explodes in reports like this one.

      We didn’t just need a new Government last September, we needed a new media.”


    • james 1.2

      Was this the same 9 years that you say Gerry Brownlee was the Climate Change minister?

      • weka 1.2.1

        I think it’s the 9 years you voted for a govt that basically fucked housing in NZ intergenerationally.

        • Barfly


        • Keepcalmcarryon


        • Ed

          John Key’s legacy

          • James

            I doubt Cindy will be pm long enough to have one.

            • weka

              She already has one, you just haven’t noticed.

            • adam

              Now your doing sexist name calling, sheesh james can you get any lower?

              • Monty

                So all the names for Paula Bennett, Judith Collins on here. Please explain how they are different I hope you call them out as well. Also your comment the other day in a thread to James which was abuse then abuse followed by try love shows you to be a hypocritical insignificant fool. I think if you want to see who is the lowest you should look down and you would see yourself in the mirror.

                • Muttonbird

                  James has his own fluffer!

                • adam

                  Oh look a hard right wing nut chimes in to defend his mate hating on women.

                  Surprised – sadly, no.

                • McFlock

                  Which specific names do you have an issue with?

                  paula benefit – pertains to her mistreatment of beneficiaries
                  crushless collins – pertains to her hype and lack of follow through
                  petulant bean – maybe if you stretched really hard you could call it body shaming? But makes me think more of her little bouncy thing she does when she’s happy, like when she’s releasing people’s private information.

                  cindy – compares her to a doll.

              • James

                What makes it sexist using a nickname?

                It’s extremely common on here for John Key.

                Is it only sexist because it’s a woman ?

                You seem to run around permanently outraged.

                • Molly

                  Jim – the diminutive of your handle on here does not have any associated societal contexts.

                  Also, people most often use your chosen – james – when they are trying to engage. Often, though they will use others when they have had enough and are dismissive. You follow that pattern.

                  Secondly, as you are no doubt about it aware – the Cindy doll is as well known, if not as popular, as Barbie. You have consciously chosen a moniker that evokes images of a plastic dress up doll.

                  Your choice of names and comment content speak for you, James.

  2. Rosemary McDonald 2

    anyone got a link to the TDB Live stream of the TPPA-11?

    • Carolyn_Nth 2.1

      Live now on front page


    • Carolyn_Nth 2.2

      Laila Harre: “TPPA is not a gold standard for labour rights”.

      • Carolyn_Nth 2.2.1

        Laila Harre on TPPA: “NZ can be sued for labour issues – there is no carve out from ISDS for labour measures.”

        Labour law measures current;y being promised by the government, could be sued.

        • Carolyn_Nth

          Laila Harre: how to engage with government? – there are signs the government respects “our position”.

          eg Drop gold std line on labour standards.

          Needs to be a full review of labour content in TTPA.

          Need to maintain NZ sovereignty over labour laws and regulation.

          • Carolyn_Nth

            Kelsey: few protections of NZ climate change measures in TPPA – weaker than other similar agreements.

            Kelsey: TPPA type agreements are in crisis – Labour desperate to keep the model alive – or at least some people in Labour caucus, plus others overseas.

    • Carolyn_Nth 2.3

      National Day of Action against TPPA-11 on Sunday March 4th – rally in Aotea Square in Auckland.

      Call for big action in Wellington on March 8th, the day the TPP is going to be signed.

      Call for volunteers to work for campaign against TPPA, and sign the “Don’t do it” petition.

  3. Carolyn_Nth 3

    Presumably the front page of TDB – vid not online yet. 6.30pm start.

  4. Johnr 4

    If Bob Jones gets stripped of his knighthood, does that mean that he gets back all the koha that he strewed around to achieve it

  5. Muttonbird 5

    Loathe as I am to link to cut and paste merchant, Bryce Edwards, there’s a huge amount of opinion saying Bingles is a dead man walking.


    Bye, Bill.

    I encourage him to hang on though so the bloodletting within the Nats is fresh in the memory of the public come 2020.

    • Fireblade 5.1

      I’ve asked two staunch National voters in my family who should be leading Party.

      Bill- No charisma, can’t trust him.
      Judith- Too harsh, unlikeable, scary.
      Simon – Sleezy, not trustworthy.
      Steven – Not credible.
      Nicky Kaye – Who?
      Amy Adams – Who?
      Paula – Can’t stand her.

      National are in trouble!

      • Chuck 5.1.1

        So they obviously did not vote National in last years election.

        Do you know who they voted for instead?

        • Fireblade

          Both voted National at the last election, but now think Bill looks bored and past his use by date.

  6. eco maori 6

    I think I have up set the new government as well as the old one Hillary & Jeremy
    Chris est la vie he tangata he tangata he tangata the mokos future means the most to ECO MAORI Ana to kai To much the young man the Bush whackers cousin Luke he still pumping they use to compear me to ultimately Warrior when I was young with long hair to much work cleaning long hair grew out of that in my 20ts lol Ka kite ano

  7. Tamati Tautuhi 7

    Hang in there Bill New Zealand needs you to stay at the helm of the National Party.

  8. Janice 8

    Bill keeps spouting the line “mean and vindictive” about the suggested changes to the charter schools. This from a party that one of the first things it did in 2008 was stop funding night schools, rapidly followed by removing subsidised tertiary education for single parents. Two faced B***ard.

  9. Son of Don 9

    The shit this Govt spins is outstanding. Previous statements by Liarbor on NZ deployment to Iraq:

    “Probably the most telling thing was the paper warning, given the failure of the United States and Nato to be effective in training the Iraqi army, New Zealand trainers quote unquote may not achieve the desired results while at the same time they would be increasing the risk of New Zealand being targeted for terrorism by Islamic State,” Mr Goff said”


    And today Cindy spins it this way;

    “This is a landscape where it’s incredibly important we make decisions based on the context. There’s a lot of political activity likely to happen before November, political elections etcetera that may change the environment”


    Just fuckin admit it, Nationals decision to train the Iraq Army was correct and Liarbor supports it.

    • Fireblade 9.1

      Son of Don (Brash?)

      You really come across like a desperate Nat supporter searching for somthing to make yourself feel better.

    • adam 9.2

      Any chance we can ban people for the sexist remarks, it’s tired, rude, nasty and bloody boring to read.

      • James 9.2.1

        Of course you mean ALL sexist comments right?

        Including against Nat mp’s ?

        • adam

          How about you deal with your sexist behaviour first. You have been politely asked to do so on more than one occasions. Rather than this deflection game you constantly play, to try, and score points. Your behaviour has been called into question, and it has been found very wanting.

  10. eco maori 11

    Whiro has giving me all these tasks and lifes challenges to test my skills as a leader that is life. The reason he has given me these challenges is to prove to the people that I can lead them to a bright prousperious positive future.
    I no some people have already set up a task and I past with flying colours Ka pai you did not think I could work that out lol. You boys don’t threat you will be fine just don’t do that again. The sandflys are scared of me but they don’t
    mind throwing some others under the bus to try and damage my Mana enough said.
    Ka kite ano

  11. mac1 12

    So, according to Cameron Slater above, Bill English done it.

    So who done Bill English?

    Because Bill is a-going just after the dirty politics done on Hutt South MP Chris Bishop and it looks a little too far a bow stretch to pin that on English who knew he was going then, surely.

    I doubt that was going to be his last gasp, the Catholic English going after a Bishop to secure his proper successor?

    But I expect, if that’s the case, a few more outings and excommunications before February 27 when the new leader is anointed. And will it be a caretaker pope to tide things over, or will it be for real?

    My feeling is that there is too short a time for the National caucus to properly assess its longer term strategy and direction, let alone who the longer term contenders are.

    They are still in denial and grief. On National radio David Farrer was congratulating English for a great campaign. He, and National, still don’t see that going all FPP in an MMP election and not getting the outright majority over all contenders was a big mistake.

    Whoever they choose will have to have, or earn, credibility with Peters and NZ First. Maybe that’s why they don’t want a waka jumpers bill! They want to poach Shane Jones!

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